Hello! Welcome to the Budgie
Olympics homepage. You are our fan to come along! Hope
you enjoy the show!
All of our fan and Olympians will be staying at the Budgietal Inn
in Budgieland, which is in Illinois. If this hotel should be occupied, they
will be at the Comfort Cage Inn. All fans and Olympians will be blessed with
free room service, personal massages, and, a private gym.
Events and Current Budgies
If you, or your budgie would like to be included in the Budgie Olympics,
please send email . Be sure to include
the budgies name age, and which events you'd like to compete in. Please
Do Not Submit More Events at This Time. Please choose a Category Listed
The All Around: Speedo, Sunny
100 Inch Dash: Sunnie, Sunny, Extra Crispy, Moonshine
50 Inch Dash: Abu, Eddie the Peanut, Peetie , Extra Crispy, Rider, Moonshine
Pellet Toss: Gracie, Skeeter, Snowflake
Discus: Ganga, Peetie
Relay Races must have partner: Eddie and Stewert, Jaz, and Ms.Weeble Abu and Speedo,
Baby Blue and Rider
Cockatiel Herding: Ganga
Cockatiel Surfing Lemondrop, Mustard
Cockatiel Wrestling
Cockatiel Preening: Snowdrop
Talking Cockatiels: Simon, DoDo
Cockatiel's 50 inch dash: Simon
The above two events are for Cockatiel
Competeters ONLY!
Beak Wrestling: Ying-Kwei, Moonshine, Jackie, Bonnie, Georgia, Gracie, Rider, Peetie
Regular Wrestling:
Kicking: Abu, LeBleu
Weight Lifting: Jackie, Tweety, Wookie Hannon,
Boxing: Eddie the Peanut, Jaz
Flips: Speedo, Geno
Floor Event: Jill
Balance Beam (a.k.a perch) Angel, Alice, Twilight, A.J. Blue. Baby Blue
Parallel Bars Blue
Uneven Parallel Bars
Ball Dance: Angel, Mic
The All-Around: Gracie, Dakota, Cody, Jack, Jill, Bonnie
Toy Dismantling Tweety
Perch Dismantling Speedo, Cody
Food Cup Dismantling: Cody, Joan, Fugie
SOCCER: Dakota, Mic, Blue, Tweety, Rider, Cha-Cha
(all on Blue Team)
Regurgitating: Eddie the Peanut, Gracey, Georgia, Dakota, Peetie
Oddly Flying: Winston, Sunny, Pepsi
Human Calling: Squirt
Talking: Eddie the Peanut, Mousey, Geno, Cha-Cha
Catch-me-if-you-can Flying: Sweetie, Angel, Saba, Rainbow, Smoke, Robbie
Toy Toss: Angel, Saba , Peetie, Snowflake
Hanging from Toys and Veggies: Dakota, Peetie
Best Escapee: Fred, MoonGlow
Toe Fencing: Rainbow
Singing: Angel, Flim, Geb, Elton
Fastest Flyer: Sweetie, Bunga, Mic, He, Mystic, Sunny
Dive Bombing: Gracey, Bunga, Abu, Bomber
The Wheel Event: Cody
Staying on the Swing the Longest: Popeye, Pickles, Dirty
Do you have a good idea for a category? Only the
best are added! Submit your category by clicking
here. Be sure to include specific
details about what the budgie must do in this category!
Thanks to Val Cremin for submitting
this idea! The budgie must wreck and chew up as
many toys as it can in 30 minutes, then beak through 3 pieces of paper. After
one toy is destroyed it will be given another one. Whoever breaks the most
wins. The toys must be the cheap kind, and they have to be made for budgies.
The toys should not be made out of rope. If the budgie has been taking steroids
he will immediately be disqualified. The three pieces of paper must be tracing
paper so it is easier for the budgie to rip it apart. If two budgies get
in a fight they will be both removed. In the end the budgie who wins will
get his photo taken and receive 20 unbreakable toys, and a deluxe bird bathe
to cool off in.
For more info, please send an e-mail. In order for the Budgie Olympics
to actually start, we need at least 3 competitors in each event!