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Here's where you can get to know me better! Have fun looking at my vitals!

  • Name: Cody Dee Budgie

  • Sex: Female

  • Age: Almost one year old

  • Favorite Type of  Food: Kaytee Fortified Diet

  • Least Favorite Type of Food: Vegetables

  • Favorite Spot in the Cage: The swing

  • Least Favorite Spot in the Cage: The floor

  • Favorite Toy: The ferris wheel! I love knocking it down!

  • Least Favorite Toy: The wooden dumb-bell

  • Favorite Bands: The Beatles, and The Byrds

  • Least Favorite Bands: Oingo Boingo and The Beach Boys

  • Favorite CDs: Sergent Pepper's Lonely Heartclub Band and "CATS"

  • Least Favorite CD: Elton John Love Songs

  • Best Friends: Sunny and Kringle

  • Favorite Website: This one!

  • Favorite Holiday: Earth Day

  • Worst Enemy: Lydia the Cat!

  • Favorite TV Show: PBS Nature

  • Favorite Video: Bambi and Toy Story

  • My Hero: Woodstock from the Peanuts Cartoon Strip.

  • Favorite Noise: The sparrows nesting outside the window

  • Least Favorite Noise: The vacuum cleaner.

  • Favorite Color: Blue

  • Least Favorite Color: Red!