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Incompetent Cervix Information Page

Do you feel like you are the only person in the world with this problem??? I sure did! I now know that incompetent cervix occurs more often then I thought. After losing Ryan and being diagnoised with an "incompetent cervix" I began my quest to find Answers. The problem I ran into is that there is really not a whole lot of information about this particular condition. The first source of information I checked out was my Nursing book;Maternal Newborn Nursing by Olds, London, and Ladewig. They stated that an incompetent cervix is the premature dilatattion of the cervix, usually about the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. This problem occurs in 0.5-1.0% of all pregnancies and is responsible for 15-20% of second trimester pregnancy losses. Next I hit the University of Illinois Medical Library. I did find a book on OB surgeries and looked up how a cerclage was performed and what the success rate was. 80-90% success rate is what I read, but I was the unlucky 10-20% of people that the McDonald (purse string) suture & Shirodkor (more permenant-deeper in the tissues) suture did not work well enough on. This is what caused my sweet little Kaitlyn to be born so early. I do have the option to get pregnant again and have an abdominal suture put in 10-12 weeks after pregnancy. It is a major surgery where they cut your abdomen open and put a band around your cervix. This procedure is only used as a last resort...and I've met the requirements (definately not by choice!). I would like to let others with the same problem know that they can contact me anytime to talk about this horrible condition. I've searched the internet and have found just a few bits of information. I hope these links will help. I plan to keep searching for info. about having an incompetent cervix so check back soon for additional information!

Pregnancy Complications-Cervical incompetence

The Incompetent Cervix~note~A shirodkor suture is not a suture that stays in for life. I had mine removed when Kaitlyn was delivered by c-section. One other thing is that Indocin is a tocolytic drug that relaxes the uterine muscles like Mag. sulfate and turbuteline.

A Stitch in the Cervix

Cervical Incompetence and Preterm Labor ArticleThis article does have some medical terms that are not explained, but pretty good otherwise.

Mediconsult Support Group Message Listing This is a wonderful place for women who have experienced problems with an incompetent cervix (among other topics specific to pregnancy complications) to communicate with each other.~note~When you reach this page you need to scroll almost to the bottom to find the section on incompetent cervix.

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