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Memories of an angel...

~Four months have come and gone....

I can't believe it. It has been 4 months since I've seen Kaitlyn's loving eyes looking into mine, felt her little fingers grasping mine or held my beautiful little girl in my arms. I miss her more than words can ever begin to describe!

During the past few months I have done everything possible to try and educate others on the impact (emotional & physical) that losing a chlid has on parents, family members, and friends. I have found that the general public seems to think that the younger the child, the less pain and suffering you feel. WRONG!!!!!! I just went back to work two weeks ago (I started a new job) and was deeply hurt by some of my co-workers ignorance (Lack of Knowledge). Why can't people just say a simple, "I'm so sorry for your loss of Kaitlyn." Instead I have to listen to stupid remarks such as..."Your young you can have other children" or "It was meant to be." Why can't they understand that her life was significant. She was a "REAL" person...Not a figment of my imagination! I will never forget or stop loving Kaitlyn. She is an extremely important part of my life...
she's my heart

Since I created this page I now have a new place of employment. I have left the Nursing Home I was working for and now work for a Home Health Agency. I had to leave after the DON (Director of Nursing) made some awful comments. A fellow co-worker had just lost his grandfather and called into work stating he would not be able to work today. The DON told him he might get Berevement pay. She proceed to try and find someone else to work, but was having problems. Our lovely DON then tried to contact my co-worker and asked him to come into work because he was not going to get Berevement pay. Some of my other co-workers and I thought that was not the right thing do and our lovely DON replied, "What? His Grandfather is Gone. He can't do anything else for him now. He might as well work." I was appalled. That is when I decided enough was enough. I could not put up with working for someone soooo COLD hearted and I quit. I am now very happy at my present job. All my fellow co-workers are so kind and compassionate. I thank God for helping me to find a place of employment where I can openly display my love for my children.

"Losing a child is like losing your sight. You never get over it, but in a couple of years you learn to live with it. Never again can you see things as beautiful as they once were."
Unknown author

"The angels singing unto one another
Can find among their burning terms of love
None so devotional as that of a "MoM."

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The music playing is "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

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