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Okay, we have to complete 7 Quest Tasks.

Let's get to it! Below are the tasks in brief, but before we get started you have to know and obey King One-Click's law! There's only one law, so it's easy to follow.

The Law is:

Explore field, forest, town and wood...

don't go too far- for getting lost you could!

One click to explore-

one click only and no more!

When you see Flick holding up this shield with the number 1, that means you can only click one time on a link to explore! After that you must come back by clicking the "Back" button for your browser. Remember- one click only! Here's what Flick will do to remind you-

The Ultimate Task!

Your Ultimate Task is to present a Journal to King One-Click and your teaching knight in which you will have the information you have gathered about the kingdom.

Day 1.

Create the Journal that you will use each day.

Day 2.

Daily Task: Journal on what you have learned about being a child in this Medieval time.

Day 3.

Daily Task: Journal about knights.

Extra activity: Draw yourself as a knight on the cover, and your shield inside.

Day 4.

Daily Task: Journal about the Villiens and Commoners

Extra activity: Make a trencher.

Day 5.

Daily Task: Journal about the Nobles and Church

Extra activity: Persuade (talk to and try to get) a knight errant who is passing through the kingdom to serve King One-Click.

Day 6.

Daily Task: Journal on the Castle.

Visit a neighboring kingdom and return with information.

Extra activity: Design plans to make King One'Click's castle stronger.

Day 7.

Daily Task : Journal on Feudalism.

Is it a good system or one that could be improved?

Extra activity: Write a letter to King One-Click stating your point of view and the strengths and weaknesses of Feudalism.

Now that you know what we need to do,

we need to get started! Begin with

Quest Task 1. Click on it to get

further directions.

When you finish with all 7 tasks, on the seventh day you will go back and report to King One-Click!

Click here to go to the Teacher Pages.