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Our time is called Medieval. The Medieval time went from about the 5th century (the year 400) until about the end of the 15th century (1600).

Away from the webquest and the kingdom of King One-Click, you are probably living in the 21st century (the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and so on).

There are many ways that the 21st century is different from the century 2000, but there are many things that are the same too!

As a knight, you will need to know many things about the kingdom and be able to watch for important details in order to protect it.

Your Ultimate Task:

You will make a Journal in which you will record each day's events and important information that you will learn.

The Process:

Each day you will take your journal with you while you learn about the kingdom. One of the heraldry friends will help you by pointing out special and important things you should keep track of in your journal.

As you create your journal and take notes, remember that it will ultimately be given to King One-Click, and that all of the information needs to be accurate (all true) and neat.

There are special activities on some days that you may do in addition to the journal. Along the way you may also find the missing knights if you have accurate information. Your journal will help you in your quest as well as after!

Your daily journal will be discussed in more detail as we go along on our quest!

Let's begin! Click on Flash to go to Day 1!

Click here to go back to the 7 tasks!
Click here to go back to the ruberic (things your work will be checked for)!