News & Stuff
Here's where you'll get the latest updates and important stuff.

January 31st, 2001~ This is Tammy again. It is VERY important that you read this and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, alright? First, scroll down and read what's new on this page. Click on that link. It might be a bit surprising, but be strong. Afterwards, you can read whatever else you wanna read in whatever order you want, but you MUST read what's on this page first. I have other things put up under "Other Stuff", "Tha Sistas Who Got Everythang", and mostly "Opinions and Observations". Goodbye.

January 18th, 2001~ Tammy here. Long time, no update, huh? LOL I bet you guys thought we'd NEVER update again! Hahahaha. Well, I put up a lil' something under "Humor" and something under "Observations and Opinions". See ya!

Tammy's Goodbye
What's the 411 Hun?
Introducin' Tammy