If you ever wanna email us the address is getjopartyon@hotmail.com.

This address is open to comments, suggestions, info and what not. If you have any material that you want us to put up send it here. It doesn't necessarily have to be funny, but if you have a point you wanna make then by all means, knock yourself out.

If you're a really sad and shallow person that doesn't have a life and you wanna send hate mail to us, go ahead. But it's gonna tell us 3 things about you.

  1. You have no friends...
  2. ...you OBVIOUSLY want attention from someone...
  3. ...and finally, you seriously must want Tammy to verbally punish you.

I mean why even bother sending it? You know you're gonna get made fun of. It gets forwarded to Tammy and she'll cuss you out since I'm not allowed to. (Tammy talking now) But, what Cassie failed to tell you is that we operate as a team. If you send hate mail to her, it's like you're sending it to me and vice-versa. We will BOTH reply, except that my responses will be a bit more harsh. Get it? Got it? Good. (Tammy is done talking now.)

If you want us to link your site then send us the code or link. Make sure you type "link" in the subject.

Tammy's email is DevanteT@aol.com, and her IM is DevanteT. If you wanna specifically ask her sumthin, send it to her. Cassie has IM now (hurray!), and her sn is SpicyJalapina. Her e-mail addy is spicy_jalapina@hotmail.com. :)

By the way, PLEASE don't send us forwards like send this to 100 people, then you press Ctrl+ D and you'll get Justin's SN. I know you hate gettin' those so don't send them. And trust us, we KNOW Justin's SN,lol. (No, sorry we won't tell you).