Boed fy mywyd oll yn ddiolch

1,2,3,(4,5);  1,6.
(Gofal rhagluniaeth)
Boed fy mywyd oll yn ddiolch,
  Dim ond diolch yw fy lle;
Ni wna gwaredigaeth ragor
  I greadur îs y ne':
    Gallu'r nefoedd
  Oedd a'm daliodd i i'r làn.

Ar y dibyn bûm yn chwareu,
  'Lawr fe aethai'm henaid gwàn,
Nid oedd bosibl imi g'odi
  Byth o'r dyfnder hwnw i'r làn:
    Iesu, Iesu,
  Ti sy'n trefnu'r oll Dy Hun.

Rhaid oedd bod rhagluniaeth ddistaw,
  Rhaid oedd bod
       rhyw arfaeth gref,
Yn fy rhwymo, heb im' wybod,
  Wrth golofnau pur y nef:
    O Ragluniaeth!
  Ti sy'n trefnu'r ddaear faith.

Rhyfedd, Arglwydd, yw'th ddoethineb,
  Rhyfedd, Arglwydd, yw Dy rym;
Nid oes îs y nef lïosog
  All Dy wrthwynebu ddim:
    Try'r greadigaeth,
  Ôl a gwrthol, wrth Dy air.

D'air sy'n gwneyd y byw yn farw,
  Eilwaith gwneyd y marw'n fyw;
D'air a greodd, ac sy'n cynnal,
  Y greadigaeth o bob rhyw;
    Ti Dy Hunan
  Ydyw bywyd maith y byd.

O! darfydded i mi garu
  Unrhyw bleser îs y ne',
A darfydded im' fyfyrio
  Ar un gwrthddrych yn dy le:
    Aed fy ysbryd, &c,
  Oll yn awr yn eiddo i Ti.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Abbeycombe (Edward John Hopkins 1818-1901)
Bridport (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-84)
Caio (Maurice Greene 1696-1755)
Ederynion/Edeyrnion (hen alaw Gymreig)
Lewes (John Randall 1717-99)
Llanilar (alaw Gymreig)
Tafwys (J Herbert Lewis / David Evans)
Verona (alaw Eidalaidd/Ellmynig)

  'Cheisiais Arglwydd ddim ond hyny
  Daethum trwy afonydd dyfnion
  Duw anfeidrol yw dy enw (Llanw'r nefoedd llanw'r llawr)
  Iesu Iesu 'rwyt yn ddigon

(The care of providence)
Let my life be all thanks,
  Nothing but thanks is my place;
Deliverance does not do any more
  For a creature under heaven:
    The might of heaven
  It was that held me up.

On the slope I was playing,
  Down would go my weak soul,
It was not possible for me to rise
  Ever up from that depth:
    Jesus, Jesus,
  It is thou who art arranging all Thyself.

It was necessary for providence to be silent,
  It was necessary that there was
        some strong plan,
Binding me, without my knowing,
  To the pure pillars of heaven:
    O Providence!
  It is Thou who art arranging the vast earth.

Wonderful, Lord, is thy wisdom,
  Wonderful, Lord, is Thy force;
There is nothing under the numerous heaven
  That can oppose Thee at all:
    The creation will turn,
  Back and forth, at Thy word.

It is Thy word which makes the living dead,
  Again makes the dead alive;
It is Thy word which made, and which upholds,
  The creation of every kind;
    Thou Thyself
  Art the vast life of the world.

O may I cease to love
  Any pleasure under heaven,
And may I cease to comtemplate
  Any object in thy place:
    May my spirit become
  Altogether thine own possession.
tr. 2015,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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