Music is an intense passion of mine.
I doubt anything but art comes close to music, in my heart.
I own over 250 cds and over 300 cassette tapes. This page is about the bands and musical artists I like most. If you don't agree with my musical tastes, that's fine and acceptable, but I do have an opinion to vent about a recent conversation stemming from this page...

You might not like my musical tastes, but (in my opinion) all music is respectable. It is one person's form of self-expression and should be treated with respect, whether you like it or not. If you have no respect for differing tastes in music (or anything else for that matter), please leave now.

Tori Amos
Barenaked Ladies
Jimmy Buffett
Ben Folds Five
Shawn Colvin
Depeche Mode
Tom Petty
The Police
The Smiths
Violent Femmes


LaSolDeLeo's Tori Story

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