Solar Eclipses

Things written from a time when the sun just wasn't shining in my life. This area is for my poetry and stories, most of which have darker themes.
As always, I lose all responsibility in telling you, proceed at your own mental risk.

Inspiring Words:

You Never Know

You never know when someone
might catch a dream from you.
Or something you say may
open up the windows
of a mind that seeks light;
The way you live may not matter at all,
But you never know, it might.

And just in case it could be
that another's life, through you,
might possibly change for the better
with a better and brighter view,
it seems it might be worth a try
at pointing the way to the right;
Of course, it may not matter at all,
but then again, it might.

source unknown
(Thanks to Gallo for sending it to me.)

my writings

Hopeless Bore
I Wish
Love Feasts
Life Begins Anew
Next Time
Placed Above
The Love
The Candle's Flame
You Were Missed
`98 Season's Greetings
Untitled Poem I
Untitled Poem II
Untitled Story


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