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who art thou?

kim(n.):read on to find out.

wuuuzzzzzup. me llamo kim. so you clicked on the link/pic cuz u just can't get enough. okay. well this picture i think sums up everything that you're looking for....right? check it out. look closely....i said...look closely there, see, everything in this picture, is about me, and what's important to me.....and it's a little ancient, don't mind the time gap?

seeeee. i'm acting like i'm skiing(ding!)!) cards on the floor...simpsons(ding!) slippers on my bat(ding!)!) ball picker upper old cat(ding!) in background...and ahh, christmas(ding!) time.

that enough for ya? geez. fine. one last summary, and that's IT.

a must: high school senior picture. just looking at it says enough... click if you dare

so what do i do these days, you ask? i...go to duquesne universtiy in good ol' pittsburgh pa. our city absolutely rocks right now, if u haven't heard. so if ur lookin for a good time, this is the place to be. anyways, i'm studying physical therapy, i'm in my junior year. and it rocks. it's tough as hell, but sure gonna be worth it someday when i find myself practicing out in the mountains. other than that, i enjoy running, basically any sport(ping pong counts!) and hmmm....croquet, fishing, knitting, and oh yeah, mud wrestling.

i know you want to learn more about dukwezney: DUQUESNE

family fued time. cuz my family is better than yours. beat this good lookin' time...

old school. that's all i have to say.

what? that's too old? okay. this is the most recent pic, taken on 10/13/01 in ocean city new jersey. we were at my cousin's kick ass wedding on the beach...

mom, nicole, me, and dad

what's that? can't get enough of my fam? about a 1999 xmas portrait. self taken....


hmm...damn camera timer went off too fast, and the zoom had a mind of it's own. geeeez.

and how could i resist....


my cat... he is TOP NOTCH in my life. SaM...he rocks. check him out.

and of course, my sister Nicole's new kitty cat out in the name of max cabbit, this kitty can't go wrong....

me, max, and nicole, chillin in my sister's room this past out, he's psycho kitty. other words, i love him:)

WAIT! DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE SCREEN YET!!! **sigh..phew!** You're still here. Okay, well then try this to satisfy your eyes for the moment: THE SCARIEST CAT YOU HAVE EVER SEEN!

This is my old cat Bitsy. She weighed in at about 29 lbs, or so...she was just a yo-yo diet cat. Well, she wasn't very nice either, so she is no longer with my family.... :( but we have SaM now!!! :)

keep exploring this wonderful site, you know u want to

aRe yOu tOo gOOd fOr yOUr hOMe? ChummieS MusiC WoRtHy MoViEs FuNintheSuN you SkI bum you KrAyZeE Fly.bY sports