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.pittsburgh teams ROCK my world.

don't mess with the teams in pittsburgh...or you just might have to deal with THIS:

i told you. don't mess with this. i'm harsh. and so is this beerman.

.pittsburgh rocks.


come on out and check her out..she's pretty eh?

sweeeeeeeeeeeet hall of fame we have goin on eh? don't even think about arguing. i SAID don't even think about it.

okay so first of all. pnc park rules. here's one lil sweet pic of my first time at pnc. **sigh** how cute. PUUUUKE. haha this is the first of manyyyyyyy to come...

chris, me, and johnny gettin our groove on in the outfield bleecher seats. which might i add, are the best seats in the house. sooo close to the field.

brooks and me soakin in the pnc excitement....and another pnc shot.......sooooo nice.

and of course: the pens rock. and damn you jagr, can i still stalk you?????? hehe oops i mean, cheer for you...errr. nevermind.

so, i'm on a chairlift the other day with french-canadian. "where you from?" "pittsbur...." "AHHHH! Le Mario...!!!" now that, is what i call representin'. cheers mario. get well soon eh?


dude, this guy just rocks in every aspect of the game. sweeeeeeeeeet style right there i tell ya...

SORRY THAT'S IT FOR NOW, check back soon for more hockey ho pics. ow owwww

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