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how are the waves crashing today mitchell?

(line from a great cheeseball better know it)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sweet summer sand between ur toes and nothin to soak in but rays......BUT NEVER FORGET YOUR SUNBLOCK. okay enuff of the cheese talk. so i just got back from a cooooooooooooooooool trip to the beach in cape may, new jersey. we had a lil fun experimenting with my new action camera, u can check it out for urself dudes. okay enough chat. here's the pics and the stories behind them.

let's just say that stefanie offered taebo lessons while i offered dance lessons. all in the water, too! what an offer. as you can see, it was hard not to the way, how do u like my action cam? look closely, our arms and legs are in different positions. i saaaaaid, look closely.

awwwwww i think this is the cutest picture ever. it's stefanie. awwwwwww. but...wait...LOOK! her strap is UNDONE! what a slut! geez what kind of photo is this. but aww it's still cute.

there's alway the occasional i-was-sitting-on-the-lifeguard-chair-when-it-just-fell-over-and-i-almost-died moment. take a look for yourself...!

phew, she's laughing. she's breathing. it's okay. damn lifeguards set her up to die inland. jerks.

OKAY WAIT BEFORE YOU LEAVE. you have to see this picture. okay so picture this in your head, it's a beautiful bright day at the beach, ur thoroughly enjoying yourself and the view around you when EEEEEK! a man in a (gasp!) SPEEDO contaminates your view....(shreak!) so what do i do to solve the situation? take pictures of him. but see this wasn't just any speedo-bearing man. he was a speedo man who PLAYED IN THE SAND WITH A BUCKET AND SHOVEL. i'm talking like 60 year old speedo man, too. but anyhow, here. look cuz u know you want to.

ow oww! you get that sand and saltwater you brave speedo man...err...puuuuuuke

okay so here's one last thing we did at the beach that i thought was rather cool. we went to a REAL haunted mansion and went on some ghost watch tour. but anyhow. here's stefanie and i walking thru the old town. but LOOK CLOSELY. there is a GHOST in the PHOTO. that figure to the left of stefanie was NOT ON OUR TOUR!!!!! i think this is some serious proof our ghost tour was worth it. errr....riiiiight.

alright alright alright, wanna surf on outta here? (by the way. i reallllly wanted to try surfing but apparently the lifeguard who offered to teach me didn't want to sacrifice his nice $500 board. go figure. geez) anyhow here go surf will ya:
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