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flyin high in the Air Force, baby...

check this out!!!! woohoo!

so anyhow want some background as to where the heck this came from??? alright fine. my dad's been in the air force, ohhhhh, since, a looooong time before i even existed. We moved around a bunch and just last year, he was promoted to General! pretty nutty huh? well, needless to say i'm pretty psyched, and here's some cool pics!!!! i am puttin em up cuz a few of you who i don't get to talk to as much anymore i know will appreciate em ;0) goes.

so we went to the pinning on ceremony, and it was incredible, it was like nothing i have ever experienced mom and i were put on stage with my cool is that. here look!

we were crackin up cuz my dad is huge and me nor the major could reach his shoulders to place the one stars he had to bend his knees so we could reach...haha why didn't i get the height genes???

so anyhow the ceremony continued, and it was awesome, here's some more pics of me and my mom with the dad on this awesome day.

just about the coolest day ever.

the new composite is in. lookin spiffy eh?

one star. awesome.


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