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Baulderon is a dwarven city set back in the comfortable embrace of the Bluefang mountains. Baulderon is an exporter of steel , silver and precious stones. What little gold they do mine they keep for themselves, as gold is the favorite of all the precious metals to the dwarves. Here in Baulderon you will find the finest and most competent armories in the land. You are able to buy armor here slightly cheaper by cutting out the middle man's inflated prices in the realm. Approaching the smithy, you can hear the ringing of the falling hammers as they shape and mold the steel into wonderfully crafted pieces of armor. As you enter you are greeted by a soot covered, sweaty dwarf with a large semi-toothed mouth hidden beneath a unkempt, graying beard and mustache. " Ere now, Good day to ye! Onjen Redblock at yer service. What may I do fer ye today?"

Armor  :

The simplest type of armor, made up of quilted layers of cloth and batting. It is very hot and tends to become foul with sweat, grime, lice and fleas. Cost- 4gp Weight- 10lbs

Made of leather that has been hardened in boiling oil then shaped into breastplate and shoulder protectors. The remainder of the suit is made of softer, more flexible materials. Cost- 10gp Weight- 15lbs


Made from the thick hides of animals that are sewn together in multiple layers. It is very stiff and hard to move in. Cost- 15gp Weight- 30lbs

 Studded Leather:
This is regular leather armor that has had metal studs placed over the entire piece. Cost- 20gp Weight- 25lbs

Chain Mail:
Made up of interlocking steel rings. It is worn with quilted padding underneath to prevent chafing and cushion the impact of blows. Cost- 75gp Weight- 40lbs

 Made of small metal plates sewn to a layer of canvas or cloth. It is stiff and does not provide good protection to the joints. Cost- 120gp Weight- 35lbs

 Made of overlapping strips of metal sewn to a backing of leather and chain mail. The strips generally cover the vulnerable areas while the leather and chain protect the joints , ensuring freedom of movement. Cost- 200gp Weight- 35lbs

Plate Mail:
This armor is constructed of chain or brigantine with metal plates ( cuirass, epaulettes, elbow guards, gauntlets, tassets, and greaves ) covering the vital areas. The weight is evenly distributed over the entire body and held together with buckles and straps. This is the most common form of heavy armor. Cost- 600gp Weight- 50lbs

Field Plate:
 A common version of full plate, consisting of shaped and fitted metal plates riveted and interlocked to cover the entire body. It includes gauntlets, boots and visored helmet. A thick layer of padding is worn underneath. Each suit must be custom fitted to its owner by a master armorer. Cost- 2,000gp Weight- 60lbs

Full Plate:
 The impressive, high gothic-style perfectly formed and fitted. They are highly ornamented with etchings and inlaid metals. It is very slow to don and not very well ventilated. For these reasons it is usually only used for parades and triumphs rather than battle. Cost- 4,000-10,000gp Weight- 70lbs

Battle Ax: Cost- 5gp Wt- 7lbs
Bastard Sword: Cost- 25gp Wt- 10lbs
Broad Sword: Cost- 10gp Wt- 4lbs
Long Sword: Cost 15gp Wt-4lbs
Short Sword: Cost- 10gp Wt- 3lbs
Two-handed Sword: Cost- 50gp Wt-15lbs
War Hammer: Cost- 2gp Wt- 6lbs
Spear: Cost- 1gp Wt- 5lbs
Morningstar: Cost- 10gp Wt- 10lbs
Knife: Cost- 1gp Wt- 1/2lbs
Mace: Cost- 8gp Wt- 10lbs
Horseman's Mace: Cost- 5gp Wt- 6lbs
Flail: Cost- 15gp Wt- 15lbs
Horseman's Flail: Cost- 10gp Wt- 10lbs
Hand or Throwing Ax: Cost- 1gp Wt- 5lbs
Dagger or Dirk: Cost- 2gp Wt- 1 lbs

 PIRATES of Shadowmere 

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