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~ Occupations of Shadowmere ~

Besides the common everyday occupations, such as Tavern Keeper, Farmer, Baker, Armorer, Carpenter, Merchant, Fisherman, etc. etc. etc. There are the more specific occupations that your character would be as an adventurer. Although you may be a Knight, You possibly may own a farm, Tavern, Store, Etc. You must earn a living somehow or perhaps hard work is not to your liking then there is always the life of a thief or pirate. You may be content to create a simple life for your character in any of the cities and there are numerous smaller shires, cantons, and villages in the Shadowmere that do not show on the map. But in order to be an adventurer you should choose one of the following Character occupations :
 1. Warrior: There are three different types of warrior, Fighter, Ranger, and Knight. All are well trained in the use of weapons and skilled in art of battle. (A) Fighter: A champion, swordsman, soldier and brawler that lives or dies by his / her knowledge of weapons and tactics. They can be found out front in any battle, going toe to toe with his enemies. A fighter must be strong and healthy if he / she hopes to survive. (B) Ranger: A warrior and a woodsman. He /She is skilled with weapons and is knowledgeable in tracking , trapping and woodcraft. A ranger must be strong and wise in the ways of nature to live a full life. (C) Knight: A warrior of true purity, the example of all things good and true. He/She is one of combat, however he/she lives for the ideals of righteousness, justice, honesty, piety and chilvary. He strives to be an example so that others may learn from his/her actions.
2. Sage: Sages are the learned folk of the realm. They devote themselves to learning all they can of Astronomy, Biology, Alchemy, and the sciences of what would be known as magic in medieval society There are some that have learned small, long forgotten magics such as light , flame and cold spells.
3. Priest: The priest is an advocate of a god of particular mythos. He intercedes and acts on behalf of others attempting to use his powers to advance his beliefs. While priest are trained in blunt weapons they do not have the fighting power of the warrior. They have limited spells given by their diety used in defense and to further the aims of their god.
4. Cleric: Clerics are similar to certain religous orders of Knighthood. They are limited in their weapon use by also using only blunt instruments and missle weapons such as slings. They may wear any type of armor available in the realm though and also have limited spell abilities such as healing, blessing, and protection
5. Druid: Druids are a combination of priest and cleric. They are generally peaceful and are very in tune with nature. They do not involve themselves unless it is for a cause that ultimately effects nature itself. The cause must be good and very just. Druids can fight with weapons but are limited to club, sickle, dart, spear, sling, dagger and staff. They may use only natural armor such as leather armor and wooden shields. They also posess some magicical abilities such as minor elemental spells,, light , fire, vine, etc.

6. Thief /Rouge: This proffession is not honorable, yet it is not entirely dishonorable either. At his best the thief is a romantic hero fired by a noble purpose but a little wanting in strength of character. Such a person may strive for good but continually run afoul of temptation. A thief may wear leather, studded leather, padded leather or elven chain mail which is very light yet strong. They may use a club, dagger, dart, hand crossbow, short bow, long or short sword and staff.

7. Pirate: Same as a thief or rouge only he does most of his dirty work robbing sea faring merchant ships or raiding small coastal villages.

8. Mercenary: A hired sword , allying himself or herself to the highest bidder or the noblest cause depending on the character of the mercenary. They are also known to maintain a living by bounty hunting and in some cases assasination. Mercenaries may use any and all weapons and armor.

9. Bards: Bards are poets, storytellers in song, recorders of history. They are a jack of all trades and masters of none. They have many of the same traits and characteristics of the thief. BUT can use any weapon and wear any armor up to and including chain mail although they may not use a shield. A bard makes his / her way in life by charm, talent, and wit. A good bard should be glib of tounge, light of heart, and fleet of foot.

{Referenced and quoted in part from the pages of Ad&D by TSR.}

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