Rules for joining
- you do NOT have to be a member to join our ring !
- No pornographic sites of any kind please ~All sites should have an overall PG-13 rating.
- If you fit these guidelines,
please follow the simple steps below to add yourself to the queue.
1. Download the Realm of Shadowmere Webring image map to your own server. This can be done with most browsers by right-clicking on the image below and then selecting 'save as'.
2. Add yourself to the queue. Please do this by filling out the below form completely. You are not quite part of the ring yet, even after submission. You will be added as soon as you add the HTML fragment to your page and are approved by us.
3. Add the HTML fragment to your page. You will soon recieve an e-mail welcoming to the ring, which includes a completely customized HTML fragment. Please cut and paste this to your page. If you have uploaded the graphics and filled out the form completely, there should be no problems. However, if you need help, just e-mail me. When you're finished, it should look something like this:
Realm of Shadowmere is owned by
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4. Let me know! After you've completed the above steps, EMAIL ME to inform me you're ready to be added to the ring. All you need, is to include site id# and title,and EXACT URL where ring is located. (I can't stress that enough.) We can admit you, much quicker if you follow these simple steps!
To edit your site information, enter your site ID and password below:
DELPHI Forum page ~ the GAME is HERE