By a terrible twist of fate your ship has struck a reef off the shores of the Isle of Myst and has sunk. You are found laying upon the beach and taken inside the walls of the Castle of Myst. As you come awake you find yourself bound hand and foot surrounded by armored knights. Surprisingly all the knights are women. Standing at the forefront ia a striking vivacious woman that is clearly the leader.
"I am Vesstra, Queen of the Isle of Myst, where women reign surpreme and men have but one purpose . All women that are fortunate to find their way to me are trained to become Knights of the Myst. All men may purchase their freedom or stay as servers until they have passed the age of usefullness. When my army has grown to full strength, we will leave this accurssed island,then I will rule all of Shadowmere and women will take their rightful place in the realm as it should be."
Digging deep into a hidden pocket within your cloak, you pull forth a small pouch and empty the contents into the hand of Queen Vesstra. She muses for a moment and decides that it is enough gold to buy your freedom. You are taken to a hidden dock and placed on a longboat, then taken to the shore west of Mythia.
If you walk fast you can be in Mythia in three hours.
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