Hello everyone,
Hope all is well in the States…things are still great in Africa. I’m writing from the West Side this time. I’m in Accura, Ghana. This place is great. The West Side of Africa is nothing like the East Side. Everyone here wears v-neck tee-shits. The houses here are pretty crazy also. I guess there is only one construction company for the whole country that makes all the houses. The company is called “Monsoon”. My host family says the
whole neighborhood was just remodeled by “Monsoon”. I don’t think they did a great job because it looks like everyone is having trouble moving back in.
I’ve met some new friends in Ghana. Actually, I have a new sidekick. His name is Javier and he is a monkey. He’s really funny but he has bad body odor. I’m trying to get him to use deodorant, but he keeps on eating it. So now, we both have bad body odor…but at least he has Old Spice breath now. I think my host family’s daughter, Sallie Mae, has the hots for Javier because of his breath. I think Javier is a player monkey. I wish I was a player monkey some times.
On a sad note, I left Randel in Ethiopia but I hear he is already packing for his trip out to Oakland. I know he is going to be a big star like Tupac.
Once again, I hope everyone is doing well and staying out of jail. Big ups to Randel and Jim at Mr. Good Pizza in Oakland.
P.S.: Jim mail me some v-neck Mr. Good Pizza tee shirts. I think we can make some money out here, plus Javier wants to look like he’s from the States.
Keep the adventure alive,
Mr. B.