REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: I spoke with Mrs. Bergeson recently and
I have every reason to believe that my second annual tail gate party on
the last day of school will be permitted.
In addition to Mr. Deruntz who will be there again, we are expecting
several other "supervisors" to come to the grill down, including State
Representative Ralph Ayres, the Swearin' Girk, Mr. Sensibaugh, Mrs. TenPas,
Mrs. Scott, Mr. Owen, and several others.
All students are invited, but like last time, try to bring some food.
We will have one, maybe two grills if we're lucky this year. Soda
has been taken care of, so unless you don't like Mountain Dew, don't bring
any pop. Feel free to bring chips, hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, ribs,
or whatever else you want to eat. Avoid bringing vegiburger stuff,
we want to keep this Republican.
If you want to bring your grill to help us out, contact me and I'll
talk to you about what will be going on. We really only need one
grill but two would be very nice, especially if we have more people coming
this year which is almost a guarantee.
Also this year we have a new policy as far as our defense goes, this
plan will evolve as time goes by, but we promise that it is for the well
being of both those at our BBQ, but especially Matt Zona's Charger.
Rule 1: If you dine with us, you must not bring squirt
guns, shaving cream, paint thinner, silly string, or anything else that
might damage Zona's Charger.
Rule 2: If you don't dine with us, don't even think about screwing
with us, you will regret it.
Rule 3: If you dine with us, be respectful to others.
We won't deal with trash talking drug addicts.
Rule 4: Don't even consider bringing drugs, booze, or tobacco
products to the BBQ, we won't even hesitate to turn you over. Besides,
we will have supervisors there.
Rules are subject to change and More Rules will probably
be posted
Now, this BBQ actually has a sad note to it. I became your
Class Representative at the BBQ at the end of the last school year.
This year the BBQ unfortunately marks the end of my term. But this
isn't the time or the place for a good bye address, so I'll take off now.