CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: How we doin'? I called you all over
here to give you some more info on the barbecue. We are keeping it
open to teachers, faculty, administration and members of the Junior and
Senior Classes with certain special invitations from Josh Michaels, Ed
Bruce, Matt Zona, John Christopawhatever, really, any senior who has had
Mr. Owen three or more times this year or regularly goes to his room for
I've spoke to our principal and we have decided to not have the Barbecue
in the back of several pick-ups. Instead, we will have it in the grassy
area near the north/south sidewalk near the parking lot. It's safer
this way because Zona's Charger will not be subject to as much shaving
cream, soda, or what have you. Not only that, but Ed just put new
speakers in his truck and we would hate to see his truck blown up because
Josh screwed up the gas tank somehow.
We still would like for someone else to bring a grill, charcoal or gas,
we really don't care. I don't think one will be enough, and the more people
that say they are thinking about coming, the greater the number of us is
that thinks we will need more than one grill this year.
Also, to avoid getting stopped, some more rules will apply, these include
ALL the rules in the student hand book for extra circular activities and
sporting events other than any sort of dress code so long it is in line
with local laws.
We also want to make sure that NOTHING illegal is brought or done, so
if we catch you, your gone. Yes, we have a wide variety of teachers
here too so it won't just be fellow students kicking your face in.
Really that's it, we aren't too harsh with these rules, we just want
to have all the seniors and juniors together one last time before we graduate.
Thanks for your support and whatever you bring ahead of time.
Q: What about questions?
CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: W.T.F. Do you honestly have questions?
I thought I went into detail with everything.
Q: Oh, your right, never mind.