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Bridge Construction
Battery Experiment
Solar Energy


The Bridge Construction

Participants utilized problem-solving techniques and teamwork during the construction of a steel bridge designed by Civil Engineering Seniors. The High School students participated both in a seminar and in the construction of the model steel pedestrian bridge.

The Battery Performance Experiment

Participants observed a number of brands of AA batteries to determine which one held a charge for the longest. Students designed circuit boards and used voltmeters to measure the voltage of the batteries in the live circuit. They plotted graphs by hand and then by computer using the Microsoft EXCEL software program. Students were divided into groups, one group for each brand of battery. Each group then analyzed their recorded data and the findings were reported

Solar Energy Experiment

Participants were introduced to the potential for solar energy as a viable alternative to the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy. They were exposed to the apparatus involved in the capture and transmission of energy gathered from the sun. Students also learned about environmental issues related to solar energy. An addendum to this project was the solar car race. Participants raced miniature solar cars and gained a true appreciation for solar energy's potential.




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