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dave is the man. it's too bad that he only has about three more months left in basic. we'll sure miss you man. dave is the man who plays the guitar. of course he does tons more than this but dave was gifted through god to play the guitar. no one can play the guitar like dave. dave is also just a really cool guy, plain and simple. one thing that you may not know about dave unless you got to know him is the fact that he is very intelligent when it comes to, well, christian things. (he's intelligent all together but very much so in this sense) if you ever got the chance to talk to him about what he thinks on a subject or how he views a certain thing, he'll tell you straight up what he thinks and it is always very insightful. very opinionated is he. dave is a great guy all around. one note: he always has very nice cars which he knows a ton about. we'll miss you a lot dave.