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what is basic? basic is a high school fellowship group which meets most saturdays at 7 o'clock at chinese baptist church in seattle. basic is an acronym, each letter of basic stands for something. b (brothers) a (and) s (sisters) i (in) c (christ). basic's focus is outreach and what that means is it's audience is not really people who are already christians but towards people who are seeking for something more to this life. basic is a very laid back and is a comfortable place to meet new people and gain life long relationships that are meaningful and purposeful.

basic has its normal meetings which consist of some ice breakers, a few praise songs, and then a brief message from one of our counselors. these nights are very fun and exciting along with insightful.

basic also has many activities. they vary from outings to parks to scanvenger hunts around the area. since basic is an outreach fellowship, we tend to do these types of things often and try to make them as attractive and entertaining as possible, of course to attract the greatest possible number of people. included in these activities are various retreats that basic sponsors. these retreats are a various different camps and prove to be very good for ones spiritual growth. many people find christ at these camps and in turn, their whole life is changed. the retreats are very enjoyable and allow the participant a chance to get away from the rigors of every day life in the city. look in the schedule section for up coming retreats and other activities.

basic is a very warm place where people can feel welcome. as is said in the acronym, we are all brothers and sisters in this road of life, why not spend some good quality time with one another. we look forward to seeing you.

first, the games...

singing w/ dave...

a lil lesson...

then, fellowship...

--check this page for past messages at basic--

[04.13.02] ... Peacemakers
[04.27.02] ... Persecuted