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"Most of us don't like persevering, because it's oftentimes such a tough challenge. But God honors us when we endure difficult times, and even though we may not see it while we are in the midst of our trials, the eternal rewards are priceless." -chi

basic is made possible ultimately by god, of course. however, god has empowered five individuals to serve him by planning, speaking, and carrying out the things that we do every single week at basic. this page is all about them. they're really cool people, also a lil wacky as you can tell by the pics. god has given these men and women awesome gifts and it's a joy to watch them use those gifts. a couple other parts of this page are the wise words that they have to offer, which will be different from week to week by different counselors. also, this page will give you a glimpse into their lives outside of basic (this will be a little bit limited but it's coo). the vision of this page is to bless you through their love for god.
click on each individual's picture to see more photos of them and to see their profiles =).

"Wassup, my name is Chi, and I dig BASIC! I've been helping out with this group for about five years, and it's been a blast. It's always refreshing to see high schoolers get excited for Christ. There have been lots of laughter, tears, surprises, and fun shared by every class that I've been with. I definitely am encouraged by the enthusiasm for the Lord by the students, and am constantly uplifted myself being around them."
see more of chi here: chi 411
"Hi! My name is Cassie. I just returned to BASIC this past year (after being gone for two years to go back to school). I am excited to be a part of BASIC - it is amazing to see God work in BASIC and in your lives! I look forward each week to laughing and learning alongside you and sharing in Jesus' great love."
"My name is David and I've been a leader at Basic for over three years now. It's been a joy and a privilege to be a part of the lives of all the students who come to seek God. I only have about three months left before I move away to go to seminary, but I'll be forever changed by their passion, their devotion, and their desire to bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope more students and leaders will continue to come to Basic to serve, learn, and grow!"
see more of dave here: dave 411

Hey =) I'm Joanna and I've been a counselor with BASIC for about six years. God has blessed and challenged me through each of you and my prayer is that God will continue to build on what we've shared here at BASIC and fulfill His purpose in your life.
"Hey! I'm Taido. I'm suppose to tell you a bit about myself, so here goes... I'm first and foremost a child of God. I'm also a father of three and a husband of one. In addition to all that, I have the privilege to serve the youth of Chinese Baptist Church. I have loved being a part of BASIC, because in spending time with the students who come, I get to see the reality of God in their lives!"
see more of taido here: taido 411