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what is going on at basic?

basic will be attending the new gen rally at cornerstone this week so therefore there will be no regular meeting. it is encouraged to go. it will be an awesome experience and you'll no doubt feel god moving there. it's an awesome follow up for those who went to cohi. basic is looking into car-pooling across, ie: providing rides for you basicers that need it. check again for more information in the days to come.
ATTENTION!!! the last coffee house that was scheduled was postponed and has been replaced with the second one that will be held on june 8. therefore there will only be one more coffee house before the end of the year. there is still help needed so if you feel compelled to help in whatever way... we could use it. contact jeffrey at or chi at thanks
cohi has come and gone. if you didn't go, well you missed out. it was awesome. god was there and he was moving and working. just ask anyone who went... it was awesome.
congratulations to those basic seniors who applied and were accepted to the university of washington. basic is proud of you and is happy for your sucess. keep up the good work and may god bless you now and in college.

seniors, the count down is on. you have about a month and a half to go. stick it out and hang in there.

juniors, it's not that bad. soon you'll be seniors and have just a single year to run through. start thinking about college because it's gonna come up on you fast.

sophomores, don't really worry about it. you still got the toughest year ahead of you before you get to the promised land. stay tough.

freshman, you still got twenty-eight and a half, that's right 28.5 months of school left. you have a long ways to go and it will definitly drag along. good luck.