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hi, my name is trevor and i am the webmaster of this site. i am a senior at lake washington high school in kirkland, which sadly makes this my last year as a basic member, although not necessarily my last year in basic *wink* anyhow, i put this page in here not to make it known that i am the person who has made this website, so that i can get all sorts of publicity, although that is a good thing... so while i'm speaking of it, visit my personal webpage at enter the but i did put this page up for a purpose. this page is to let you as the user know what's been going through my head as i have been creating this site. as you can see, if you didn't know already, i decided to remake the whole entire basic website. i thought that the old one was junk and decided to redesign it. this page will allow me to tell you as the user what you can do to help this site become better than ever before. below is a list of the things that's been going through my mind as i try to make this look nice and also what i need from you. if you could check this page periodically to see the changes that i have made to the site and what i plan on doing that would help greatly. how would it help? because, i will also be putting down what i need from you. so take a look below and help where you can please. thank you.