Near Kidderminster Worcestershire UK |
Betty Caswell Betty Caswell has lived and worked in the village of Cookley for many years and has written many publications about the village. The following publications may be obtained by contacting her at the Address or Telephone Number below and all proceeds from the sale of these books goes to local charities. (note: include 50p P&P per book) Cookley - the First Thousand Years (1999) A Scrapbook of Cookley Memories (1988) (out of print) Cookley in Times Past (1994) £3.50 Cookley Church Guide (1990) £2 A Decade of Parish People (1997) £3 A Millennium Walk Around Cookley (1999) £5 Cookley at home and far away (2001) £6 Betty Caswell, 30 Bridge Road, Cookley, Near Kidderminster, Worcestershire. Telephone 01562 850401