Current Status: 21 Chapters
Chapter One: Odyssa
Intro Squawkings: From the Yaoi RPG (keyword being 'Yaoi') ^^;, I adopted this character when the original creator had to drop out cause life got in the way^^. Odyssa is verrry bubbly and something of a ditz as well, quite the opposite of Aerianne. ^^; If you want to know more about Odyssa, check out her profile. Also, I didn't write all the chapters you'll find here. It depends on who I co-wrote with, so a ** beside a chapter will mean that I wrote that specific post. Those without, was written by someone else. I've added them in as well, so you can figure out the whole plot. Yaoi RPG : Four Stones of the Elements is at http://mercury.spaceports.com/~yaoirpg, and is created by Kat, mnaged by Kat and Arcina. Odyssa Silverburg is my adopted character, created initially by Raye-chan, and a work of fiction. Resemblance to people dead or alive are merely coincidences. Either that or they're extremely weird people. Back to Slivers of Saidar |