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Healing Remnants of Past Wounds Ceremony


and then they said, "When you get to this point in the ceremony Maureen, you will be halfway to the Place of Peace.  At this point you are to get thee down to the Place of Peace and lay your heart upon your Mother."


this journey began Friday October 22

On the following week (which I had previously scheduled for vacation) my instructions became that on Thursday, November 4th, I was to travel down there again.  This time I was instructed to go stand in the place where it happened and send my love back through time to that 13 year old girl who stood there, in her innocence, on that day watching the first flowers of Spring dancing before her as this man comes up from behind her and rapes her body..  She has no idea that you this act she is about to go spiraling out of control.. and all the light and beauty that she sees within her will fade and turn into utter horror and darkness, though she will fight against it, until one day she will open her eyes to see the leaders of the 3rd world church standing on her head, trying to use her to climb out of hell.  At that time, even though she knows she is in hell, she will look around and begin weeping for the others she sees, who she knows have been tossed into hell at the hands of another..

But she doesn't know this on the day she stands there staring with wonders eyes at the dance of the morning flower.  Alls she'll know is something terrible is happening in that moment and everything has disappeared..  and I, with the knowledge that my life has become more than I ever dreamed it could be, blessed beyond measure, am to stand beside this dear hearted little girl and whisper in her ear, "The focus is in the flower Maureen.  Find your focus in the flower."

And then they said, "When you get to this part of the Ceremony Maureen, you will be half way to the Place of Peace.  At this time you are to get thee down to the Place of Peace and lay your heart upon your Mother."


This instruction set me back.  I had been at the Place of Peace for 2 years and had followed Mothers example, "the river travels the path of least resistance."  No one knew that I was there.  I kept to my sacred self, hiding in the trees when I was there.  I did not go around telling anyone that I carried a different belief system and that I interpreted my life from the visions that had been shown to me.  I did not impose myself upon anyone, just walk the sacred walk.  It was enough to walk in silence beside them.

It was very hard to reconcile these instructions with where I was in the Ceremony.  I looked on the internet and could find no mention of Ceremony's taking place when I was to be there, but still they said that I was to go there on a certain date and lay my heart upon my Mother..

In the year 2000 I surrendered to follow the path and the instructions I received from within.  Walking with the Place of Peace I felt like a flower who walked with her face to the ground, and Spirit was telling me I would soon have to raise my face towards the heavens.. I was frightened of this, because of my history with showing my true face to others.. then to have their faces be seized with terror..  I was very comfortable with the way the river ran the path of least resistance, but to not follow these instructions was not a price I was willing to pay, so in my torment I hugged my crystal to my heart, closed my eyes and asked for a sign that would give me peace.

Suddenly I was transported to the Place of Peace where I found myself sitting crossed legged upon the Earth.

There is an old one who I had seen before.  (He was the one who came, in 2000, when I was being given the information that this was my Chachee-towah, the Rite of Passage, that I had come to the Earth to take.)  The Old One comes from the Land of the Purple Hue, and the first time I saw him in vision, he was cloaked in an animals skin.  I could see 2 large stones, separated my some distance, and as I watched, he appeared and danced between the 2 stones...  the skin that he wore was cut from one piece, a whole animal fur and its head covered his head..  I believe he was of the Wolf Clan.  He was an Old One and carried a staff the was decorated with fluffy hair skins and beads with streamers hanging down.. and I called him Grandfather.

So, as I am sitting crossed legged upon the Earth at the Place of Peace, he walks up to me.  I rise to greet him and he takes both of my hands.  then we begin to dance in a circular motion.  then the circle opens up and I am watching many dancers.  I can hear the beat of the drums, hear their song.  It is a song that is without words, a tone, and the tones are  aaa aaa o aa o a  (then fast o e o e o e o e) aaa aa o, aa o, a (o e o e o e o e)   They are moving in a direction that seems to be clock wise.  then Grandfather of the Wolf Clan does this thing where as he hits his staff solid to the ground he is also swinging his left arm out and backwards, so that it now appears he is going forwards and backwards through time.  Then the other dancers repeat the motion one by one, and as I watch their dance seems to be going both direction in  time.

The circle that they were dancing around was empty.  There was no one in the center, but as they now seemed to be dancing both directions in time, a portal opened up and I could see myself laying there, the girl who came here and saw life in the Earth,  who loved her so tenderly and held her sacred to her heart.  The girl whose innocence of life was stolen, who was forced to walk her sacredness in tortured silence, who was put down and made to feel small, even as she held her sacredness tenderly to her heart.  She is I, and I am her, and we are laying fetal upon the Earth clutching our crystal to our heart as we lay next to the fire.

Now I can see the dancers from inside the circle.  I am watching the dance of both directions, when I see the Eagle Dancer.  He has both arms out stretched.  His head dress gives the appearance of an Eagle, with the beak coming out over the top of his head.  Coming down his arms are Eagle feathers, not just one or 2, but the whole eagle's wing feathers..

I am mesmerized by this because I knew he would be here.  He is beautiful.  His arms are out and he is soaring majestically in his dance.  He takes my breath away.  I knew he would come.

Then as soon as I catch my breath, I see the Star Dancer. she is very tall, much taller than the others, by at least 3 heads.  She is dressed all in white, with magic sparkles everywhere.  Even her face has been painted white and her body is long and lean.  There are silver sparkles flying everywhere with her dance, and it looks like the heavens leaving a trail of stars in her dance.  He head dress is unusual, so many braids coming out from her head, and at each point where it come out from her head, there were stars above her swaying to her sacred dance.  Her dance matched the movements of the drum, yet somehow her movements reminded me of a ballerina dancing in the stars.

Then I find myself back in my body.  I am laying fetal position clutching my crystal to my heart and there is no question, I will go to the Place of Peace as instructed.


On Thursday, November 4th I traveled down again to stand beside my Grandfather and to stop and do the Ceremony on my way to the Place of Peace.  By now he had regained consciousness.. and told me that I had brought the bridge for him to pass over..


The journey to the Place of Peace was nothing like I thought it was going to be.  I took 71 down to the road that leads through Mt. Ida, and traveling down that road I came around a bend, when what to my wondering eyes did appear but a wild turkey flying straight across in front of my car accompanied by a black crow!  and as they flew in front of me, they said, "Watch" and "Listen."

Then about 30 miles out from the Place of Peace is a little town called Mt. Ida, and by the time I got there, there was some traffic behind me, so I decided to pull over and let them pass.  Then I realized that I had pulled into a Crystal shop, so I decide to stop.  I am walking through the shop when I realize that it has become very loud, as if many complaints are being aired, and it is making a great pain inside of my head.  So I pay for the crystals and get out of there as soon as possible.

The noise and pain inside of my head travel with me down the road, and the pain keeps getting worse.  Not only that, the landscape, which should be beautiful, now looks torn and worn.. and somehow broken..

When I get to the Gorge I set up my tent. There are many people there including a group of bikers.  As I set up my tent I can hear the beat of the drums.  So I know there are others from the Place of Peace who have come.  When I finish, I follow the sound of the drums.  They lead me to Bear, who asks me how I came to be here this weekend and who I brought with me?  I told him I was in Ceremony when they said, "At this point in the Ceremony you are to get thee down to the Place of Peace."  And I had brought the ones who walked with me on the inside.

There are about 15 of us there, so we form a circle and begin to talk and drum.  The next thing I know a park ranger drives by, and I feel a definite reaction in the people around me.  Then he drives by again and I feel something in him that doesn't feel right.  So I stand up and say, "No!"  "No, it will not happen this way!"  Then I infuse him with a pink, sparkling dancing ray of light, and send him love on his journey.

By this time I have kind of made a scene, so Bear says, "We all know something's going on here, so I will tell you what's going on and we will discuss it in the open."  After the last Gathering (June) the law decided that we were no longer allowed to hold or Gatherings in this sacred place we call the Place of Peace.  They believe a Church is a physical building that that there is no way our journeys here are us going to Church.  They also listed several reasons why we could no longer hold our Gatherings here.  They said that in June we made 2 stone circles on the mountain which were against their city ordinance.  They also had pictures, but I walked the mountain 3 times looking for what they were talking about and I could not find it.  they said our Gatherings had become too large and that the people were walking on the grass.  We tried many times in the past for them to allow us to have guides park the people, but they refused our request, so we have not been allowed to tell the people where to park.  They said we brought a horse into the park, which we do for our wedding ceremonies.  the bride rides the horse to her wedding.  They said there want us to pay a fee of $1,200.00 for the right to hold our Ceremonies at the Place of Peace.  We are a non profit organization.  And they said that if we go into the fire circle this weekend that we will be arrested, so we have not announced to anyone that there is a Gathering this weekend.  Whosoever Spirit leadeth will come and so we will have an UnGathering, in which we will perform our Ceremonies as a family picnic.

When he asked every one how they believed the Place of Peace should proceed, much pain and anger came forth.  Made me sat to realize my one small voice was only one vote in their pain.. and I was so much in shock that this was the noise and pain I had felt in my head for the last 30 miles that I could hardly be a voice at all, though I did emit one pink ray of light into the circle..  When it was all said and done they continued talking in their pain.. and once Bear left the circle it got worse.. so that I finally had to leave the circle to go pray.

Staring up into the stars, I saw my sister and decided I needed to ask my sister's for any assistance they could give me. 

On the way back I stopped at the tree that I always dance around, ring around the rosey style.  I was holding onto her, twirling around her when suddenly, in the most delightful way, she propelled me off of her and threw me ever so gently onto the Earth.

Galaxies within the universe, star to star, line to line, dot to dot, One heart connected, I look up into the sky and saw 4 stars forming a square, the 4 direction, North, South, East, West, within the center I saw one faint, more distant star and realized I was looking face up into a pyramid.  then by connecting my heart to the North, East, South and West stars, I saw the 6 directions, Up Down, North, East, South and West.  On this night I laid my heart upon Mother and fulfilled the part of the Ceremony I was sent to do, during the time when I went alone to dance with the trees and spiraling ever so gently off the one who dance with me, I kissed the Earth, rolled over and saw this scene, given to me for the smudging before I enter the Circle.  Up to the Father who watches over me.  Down to my Mother who offers the guidance of her gentle spirit.  North, where I hold the light of my spiritual path in sacred pureness.  East, where the morning sun greets the new day, the dawning of new growth.  South, again touching Mother.  The laws of Nature are the Laws of Father and this is how we grow by walking One with Nature.  West to bear the fruit of this days growth, we close the Circle again up to the North lighted by the night sky.  Then Up to Father and Down to Mother, and into our heart we step into the Circle.

After that I went back to the circle and listened to their pain.. and Bear was doing this strange deal where he was asking me to speak, then play my spiritual flute, then later sing, but my mind just went blank with shock and I began to question Mother on "What is this sharing thing?"

When I went to bed I could not sleep. I had to pray and pray for guidance.  Even if they did not understand that love could conquer and stop this force, they are my family.  I could feel their great sorrow and I didn't know what I was supposed to do to help them except weep for them.

I had never opened up to them that I was a Lightworker because they thought that New Age people were just more of the misguided people of the Earth.  And that was okay.  I did not have to force anyone to understand who we are, so I always just sat silent with them and watched.  Now I didn't know what I was supposed to do because I knew I had been called to come to the Place of Peace for a reason, even as one small voice in a collective that still felt the wounds of their pain.

And as I am sitting there, praying this prayer, I see my 6 sisters coming to assist me.  Traveling through the night sky I watch as 2 sisters enter the doorway to my world, and 4 remain outside to guard the doorway.. and then I feel the wind coming and look up to see the 2 I recognize as my Mother and Father, riding on the face of the wind, coming to assist me also.  Still I cannot sleep, so fervent the need to pray.

Bear had asked us to go greet the morning sun with a specific prayer that he had taught us the evening before, but by the time the sun came up I couldn't remember the words.  Still I went out to greet the morning sun and sang, "Send me an angel, right now"

When they began beating the drums for the Ceremonies, I went up.  The first one to offer his words expressed the pain of what he was feeling over what had happened, and as he was offering up his prayer a gentle wind began to stir in the distance, and on the face of that wind I saw my Mother and my Father arrive with my 6 sisters.   (I called that guy Gentle Wind for a long time, then learned his name was Quiet Wind.) ... David Quiet Wind..

In the middle of Ceremonies I suddenly had to go take a nap, so I did and got back in time for dinner.  By now the circle had become smaller.  We were drumming and chatting when all of a sudden a girl says she keeps hearing the word 'forgiveness.'  And another person gets up and says they are hearing the word 'forgiveness' too.  And I am quiet, even though I am in the mist of a healing remnants of past wounds ceremony, because I don't know what it is that I am supposed to do.

Then it comes to the evening circle and it is very small.  I am listening to the drums.  They are playing a really pretty song when 2 girls come up and sit close to me.  When the song ends it becomes silent and the people begin chatting amongst themselves.  The girl sitting next to me asks me how it was that I came to the Place of Peace tonight?  Then I just opened wide and began sharing everything, how it came to be that I was in the middle of a Healing Remnants of Past Wounds Ceremony when Spirit said, "Get thee down to the Place of Peace"  And the more she listened to me and understood what I was saying, the more I talked, about being sent here to this planet, to first see the vision, and then to hold the energy of the vision for the others who would be coming too.  And how I had been given this dream that they had placed me in a plowed field and told me to practice these ballerina leaps over the mounds of dirt, but I had thought it was a silly exercise so I hadn't done it.  Then I had a dream that I was a runner in a race.  They said, "the time is now" and I took off running.  As soon as I took off running, I ran into a hurdle, which I knocked over, then another hurdle, and another. . and finally I was thinking, "I started this race, I will finish this race!"  so I just begin moving the hurdles out of the way.  Then I hear a voice.  It say's, "It's not how you run the race.  One minute you are running, the next minute you are there."

Then as soon as I finished speaking... and it felt as though every jewel I owned had fallen out of my mouth and was now laying at my feet, the drums began beating again.. and I knew that this girl, Gayle, Texas Wind was the representation of my sisters getting me comfortable to speak.  I knew that my 6 sisters were there with me.  And Mother was beginning to impress upon me the command, "By sharing we grow."

On Sunday there was a morning prayer Ceremony.  We gathered, smudged and began by holding hands and praying.  Then Bear asked anyone else who wanted to pray to go ahead and pray.  And we sang Amazing Grace.  Then the girl with the blond hair gets up and starts saying she is hearing the word "forgiveness' again.  Then Bear starts saying that in the beginning, all 4 tribes, red, black, yellow and white were given all the laws to live in peace with each other.. but the people could not comprehend this because it was so complex, so they simplified it so that each got a set of commandments that they were supposed to go by.. and when he asked if anyone had anything to say I found myself jumping up to say what, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" meant to me, and how much peace it brings me to live by this law.  Then the girl next to me starts saying that she is harboring hatred.. and the girls get up again and begin saying they are hearing the word, "forgiveness" again.. and then the girl who is sitting beside me hands me something and when I ask her what I am suppose to do with it, she says, with a hint of desperation, "Pray."

So I am holding this thing that looks like a wand with an antenna on it, and the longer I hold it the more power I feel vibrating through it so that I feel as though I cannot move.  Then a little dragon fly flies up to my heart, and I laugh merrily as I say hi to it. I am very happy that it came to visit.

Then a bee flies up, lands on my hand, crawls down between my hand, out through my fingers and flies off.  So I just waved and said, "Okay, goodbye now."  and by now this thing I am holding in my hand is as powerful as any strong crystal I have held.. and not only that, once the bee landed on my hand, two woman walked up behind me carrying a large clay pot.  They sat it down behind me and began talking about the Cherokee people, saying, "Aren't the Cherokees the Star People.  And she keeps talking about the Star People, on and on the whole time I am holding the wand in my hand, but I couldn't turn around because I had the bee thing going on.. and even when I tried to turn around, it just felt like I was frozen in my seat.  then they did this thing and the big giant clay pot became a stone in the same shape.  Then they opened it up.  Their movements were like opening up a city map.. the touches to the oval shaped stone.. and when they were done I saw a picture of an Indian man and woman, standing some place like the Grand Canyon and they were pointing up to the stars.. The oval shaped stone was projecting this picture of the man and woman pointing to the stars.. even the stars were being projected from this stone.. but I could not turn around and look because the bee was crawling between my fingers.. and I felt like my sisters were there with me, pointing this out to the people.  At the same time I couldn't figure out if I was supposed to share out loud what I was seeing and hearing.

By now I am just awed by what I am feeling and I really don't know why it was handed to me or what I am supposed to do with it except hold it and it is vibrating really hard!  Then Bear starts explaining how this was was given to them, like a hundred years ago, and that it had 7 magic qualities and that the only one they knew for certain is that when you are holding it, you cannot tell a lie... Then he tells me to hand it to the next person.

And the sharing goes on all around the circle, more people talking about hearing the word forgiveness and Love, with only one person expressing doom with the prophecies.  So when Bear got to the end and began to speak he began addressing the prophecies and the "terrible times that are coming"

Then just like that, within me I knew in my heart that I had been sent to the Place of Peace to share of myself.. not just what people wanted to hear from what they believed and had been taught, but from my heart, from my path.  So I jumped up and made a passionate plea for these people to quit believing that prophecies meant that something terrible was going to happen to them.. that if they stood in purity of their hearts as the world shook around them, and the ones who weren't staying were making their exit, then they would not have to be torn away with them.

They were doing the same thing the Christians did, use the prophecies to strike terror in the hearts of the people..  In purity they should say, this is our way, so this is how we do it, we hunt with the bow and arrow.. but instead they were teaching that this terrible thing was going to happen so we must teach you how to hunt with the bow and arrow.

This is how it was shown to me.  The laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father.  Whatsoever I see, if it does not have a corresponding place on the Earth, then it is wrong.  An animal does not live its life in fear.  Yes it has a basic instinct to run from danger, but then it goes back to grazing and raising its young.  The trees do not stand in the forest trembling in fear at the next fire that comes raging through.  They begin to rebuild, to shoot our new shoots.  Teaching people to create their lives on a fear based root system is wrong..... of course by the time I finished, I felt bad.  Bear stomped off.. and I really had no intention of going there and saying a word.. but Mother was just impressing upon my heart so strong now, "by sharing, we grow."




When it came time to leave I was instructed to drive straight home.  It was a 450 mile drive, but that was okay because being at the Place of Peace was always such a glorious feeling that the beauty of the place had the wings to make a journey like that seem like floating on clouds.  There was something else.. I had a tape of music that I couldn't find for the longest time.  for months I had wondered where that tape disappeared to, and then, mysteriously, as if a gift from up above, it had reappeared on my dashboard on the day I drove to the Place of Peace.. So I had my gift tape to listen to on the drive home.

I had told my aunt that I would be spending the night at her house, but since I had received the instructions to drive straight home, I had dropped by her house to tell her I wouldn't be spending the night.. I had left the Place of Peace at 2:30 PM and was scheduled to arrive around 11:30.

To get home from the Place of Peace I took 71 Hi.  It was a pretty straight drive, except there was this one point where I would have to jog over for a short detour (onto 44) and then back on to 71... I frequently get tripped up at this point on my road home from the Place of Peace..

So I'm driving down the highway just a singing and a singing, intersect with 44 and am watching for the 71/44 exit.. find it and see the signs so I get on it.. then I am singing and singing, traveling on down the road when this weird wind noise comes through the window.. I'm thinking someone is saying hello, so I say hello back and continue driving down the road.

Drove a very long ways without paying attention to what I was doing because I was so busy singing, when I observed than an unrecognized hiway was entering this one.. hmmmmmm..  then I drive another 20 miles and I hit some kind of weird bumps as though this part of the highway has been poorly constructed..  didn't remember that from before either, so I change lanes and continue merrily on my way.

Then I am driving and I begin to wonder why I haven't seen any of the familiar billboards that I am used to seeing.. so I begin looking at the billboards and I don't recognize a single one of them..

Now it appears that I am coming upon a town.. and I see that I am on 44.. and I see that I am almost to the Branson, Springfield Missouri exit, and there are no 71 hi signs on this road!

Whoa!  Man I am on the wrong Hiway!  Not only that I have been on this hiway for at least 60 miles!  And my inner guidance is saying, "You are exactly where you are supposed to be Maureen."  What?!?  How can I be exactly where I am suppose to be when I have just driven an hour out of my way and now I have to drive an hour back just to get to the road I am supposed to be on?!?

Oh my goodness, how I fussed and complained the whole way back to 71 thinking about how this was going to put me 2 hours late getting home!

So I get back to 71 and get going on it when I see, up ahead, what appears to be the lights of a small town.. only they are green!.. so I turn on my windshield wiper and clean my windshield in case I am seeing things.

Get through that and see, up ahead, the lights of a larger town.. Wow, this one has a green aura too! ...

get through that and am driving down the road when I see a huge green arm of light.  It is so beautiful that I just have to stop by the road and watch it.  It stretches out so far, traveling in the distance behind me, looking as though the hand of God has reached out and is now touching the Place of Peace.

Then I passed through that and... you know how if you are driving on flat land and you can see the horizon up in the distance?  how it looks curved in the shape of the Earth?  .. well it looked as though I could literally see where a solar flare had come down on the North Pole, hit and spread out in ha huge circle!  and it looked like the Eye of God was looking at me!  Wow, I had just witnesses the Northern Lights.  That was why I needed to take the detour, so I would get there in time to see them.