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Go weep for her Maureen

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the Place of Peace

Love and passion

April 6, 2005

Got called within my spirit to go to the Place of Peace to weep for her on March 26th.. so I arranged it so that I could be down there for a whole week before the 26th.. Sent Bear a letter telling him that I was coming and he said to stop and Sweat in Russellville at the Awakening of the Bears Ceremony because it would be right on the way.. and I had to get a bunch of instructions on how one does this, but I got down there I had my dress and I hooked up with Jocelyn (whom some call Nana) and she gave me the proper instructions... and everyone was so full of love there that they kept guiding me in my steps..

I had never sweated before.. and I felt very much like I was walking with great power there.. as if.. well I can't explain it, but it was real growing experience.. I've always been so shy about sharing my sacredness with others, and have kept so much of what I consider to be my true beauty hidden from the view of others.. but after going to the Place of Peace last November I learned that the time had come for me to share and that by sharing we grow... so I was feeling very shy as I sat in Sweat Lodge.. and Spirit was there with me.... as I was asked to share a prayer or a song.. so I had to introduce myself and for my prayer I had to ask to be given a voice by which I could actually speak... and the voice they gave me was very very soft and very sweet.. and it was said that if we knew our guides to call them forth so I called forth my Kacheeeeeenah by just saying her title just like it was whispered to me when I asked her what her title was... and I talked to her and thanked her for coming so early into my life and showing me how to walk my walk upon this beautiful Earth... and whispered to her, I love you...

Then after that, something peculiar seemed to take place.. a girl, whose name I don't remember, comes into the kitchen saying she is looking for Bear.. and something about she has been all over looking for him.. Well that's easy for me to help with so I take her and we go look for Bear.. she is talking about some stuff I don't really understand about the 12 Tribes of Israel and how she believes she has pertinent information that proves the Indians are one of the 12 Tribes of Israel..

And we meet up with another girl who I don't know and they begin talking.. and I wasn't really understanding much of the conversation when I see my sister Faith (Gail) is here.. so I go to be with her.. then later I come back to the same spot and the 2 girls are still talking.. and, short of recording the whole conversation.. we had moved to something about the Lightworkers... and the second girl seems have a grasp of who we are and she is saying something about how she had heard that in the great battle it was said that the Lightworkers had lost the battle.............. so then I had to stay there and listen to the whole conversation... and join in...

And it was getting stranger because then when I would say something the 2nd girl would translate it for me... because the first girl, I was watching her when I realized that she was a Crossworlder.. meaning that she was living in the cross roads of 2 worlds at the same time.. and was translating much of what the 3 of us had already experienced, only she was stuck there because in her fighting with them she was giving them the power to stay in her life.. so I was trying to explain what I was seeing and the second girl (wish I had their names) was translating what I was saying to the 1st girl.

I reached one of those places where I knew, I knew....... the Crossworlder was quoting the Bible and saying how their would be no place for the ones who were making corruption upon this world.. the ones who were terrorizing her..  when I arrived at the place where I understood how we feed negative emotions with negative emotions and come up with even more negative emotions..... but when we apply Love to a negative emotion, polarity takes place and balance is achieved.... Oh and I also had to take a moment to say that we Lightworkers never consider a battle lost.. though there may be moments we have to sit and rethink..   And one other thing, it was while I was with these two that it came to me that I had been sent there to triangulate, so the whole rest of the journey became about working with triangulations...

After this it came time to get ready for the Awakening of the Bears Ceremony... so I went to Jocelyn and got the proper instructions, then we went to the Ceremony.....

The Awakening of the Bears Ceremony was absolutely delightful.. In order to enter the circle we had to be smudged with sage, and we did this by standing at the doorway, holding our arms straight out, smudged on our faces, each arm, down our body, raise one foot, raise other foot, still holding arms out, turn half circle (clockwise), get back side smudged, complete the circle with arms still held out and enter into Ceremony...

After that, if leave circle, then hold out arms and make circle dance when you enter in again.... beautiful.. and even made more lovely when the Bears came to be touched and hugged, and they let us play with them.. and the more we played with them, the more they came back to play with us, and if you can imagine transcending all time and space, the doorway opens, and in place where the Awakening of the Bears Ceremony has been performed through times past, we entered into the sacred sanctuary and watched this Ceremony through times doorway.. and my heart tells me I long to move to this place, this place where I can feel my family making Ceremony upon my soul.. and I am moving towards the place where I will weep for my people, because I can feel so much of the pain upon their souls at being denied their sacred ceremonies for so very long through time, and standing there I can see them in their noble attempt to bring back home the People who have forgotten that She is there for them with Her Healing ways and Her Healing heart and her healing Ceremonies.. and this world says, ahh, your ceremonies must be over by 9 PM, so we danced and we danced and we danced with the Bears.. and they did not want to leave us.. and the last Bear within the circle, he stayed and stayed, and played and savored every last moment until he finally left us...... and we went into the house, and it was 8:45 PM....