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Go weep for her Maureen

page 2

the Place of Peace

Love and passion


That night the Bear arranged for me to sleep upon the grounds where the ceremonies had been done and helped me to set up my tent.... It was very nice waking up there and it wasn't that long before people began gathering again and we began to clean up the grounds.. Then the fire man began the fire and before long it was time to go sweat..

I can feel quite shy about sharing who I am with complete strangers, even if they do feel like distant family.. and I kind of had this idea that I would very much like to sit and sweat in silence because this was my second sweat and it was a whole different group of people... but my sister Faith (Gail in this life) was there with me and that carried great significance.. given the last time at the Place of Peace I had poured my heart and the treasures of my soul out to her in such a way that they came tumbling out of my mouth and landed in a pile at her feet.. so that was the first clue that I was to speak....

And then the ceremony begins with the passing of the sacred pipe which he said he had been instructed to share with us.... It is passed once around to everyone so that may get the feel of her/him, and then it is passed a second time lit...  It goes to the men first and then just before it gets to my sister Faith, the sweat leader begins to share that this pipe had come to them through the Star People, and that whenever you hold the pipe in the air you can see where the stars have been carved into her body......... so even though my mind was still saying I will sit here silent this sweat, I was receiving my second clue that I was to speak.....

There are 4 parts to the Sweat........ probably can't translate them correctly but the first one involves self, the second family, the 3rd, women share, and the 4th prayer for others.... It is all very spiritual and as it is happening it feels like being in church during confession.... you finish one part, the door is opened, cool air rushes in, you chat and visit for a while and then go to the second part... then to the 3rd, then to the 4th...

The Sweat Leader guides the ceremonies with his words and shares much.. there was this one part of his sharing (just before the 1st round) where he saying that he had gotten up that morning and looked up his Mayan Astrological sign for the day... and he was telling us all of what it said and at the end where it showed the animal of the day, was a Deer.......... and how the Deer was timid and had to coaxed to reveal itself and its medicine...  and how he had went for a drive and a Deer had crossed his path... and then not just one Deer, but a second Deer had crossed his path.... and I look over at my sister Faith, knowing I am Hope.... and I begin wondering where our sister Charity is....... triangulate...

My name is Deering... and with Faith sitting beside me and smoking the pipe from the Star People.... well I knew I would have to share before the sweat was over....

I think it was when he got to the 3rd round that he began sharing something to the effect that every time an Indian child was born all the Indians would gather around the child to watch and see if they were the one who would come with the answer.. who would heal all the people of the 7 generations before them....  Are you the one who will heal us and the 7 generations before?

When it came my time to speak, I felt so shy, so New Age in an Indian world, but I had witnessed them each sharing from their hearts, from whatever place their hearts were in, whether they said Creator God, Lord, Love, or whatever in their prayers and in their hearts it was from the depths of their hearts that they had shared and had allowed me the honor of seeing inside their world.. and 3 signs had been given to me that I was to speak from the depths of my heart, as they had... 

and it felt very much like being in Church, bringing spiritual release in a quiet shy way for me as I told them why I had come there at that time.  How Spirit had laid it upon my heart that I was to go to the Place of Peace and weep for her... that there was 2 Ceremonies taking place that would be triangulated by my placement upon the mountain, the first one being the 8000 Sacred Drumming Ceremony and the second one being the Bringing Down the Rainbow Blanket Ceremony... that I had known from a very young age that I was one of the ones who weaved with Rainbow tears, and that Spirit had instructed me that I was to go to the mountain to weep for her during these ceremonies..  So I was there in Ceremony and would be in Ceremony all week....

Wow, I felt really shy sharing that..... but I think later almost everyone there send me love on my journey..... and as I was leaving I remembered that they said they held Sweats every Friday night so I told them that I would stop back by the next Friday to Sweat before doing the Ceremonies on the 26th..

Then I got in my car and drove to the place I know the Place of Peace as..