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Go weep for her Maureen

page 3

the Place of Peace

Love and passion

As soon as I drove into the camping grounds where the Gatherings had been held in previous years, I could feel the wound upon her heart..  The State Park Rangers had decided to put a very clear message there to the Indian Nations that this land belonged to the United States of America and the Indians had no claim to it in their minds.  They had marked their territory by putting an American flag up..... and I knew they had done this because they felt threatened as if in they feared the Indian Nation would gain in strength and rise up and take over.. and I knew that they were perceiving it all wrong, that if they they could see through the eyes of respect, they would have placed the Indian flag there below the American flag to symbolize love and respect for each other.. for when the Indians make ceremony, it has been my experience that they always place the American flag with their flag....... so it was that every day I could feel the wound in her heart that both flags were not up there waving in the breeze.

I had no real plans how it was going to happen that I had come to the Mountain to weep for her.  I just had this idea that I was going to drive around and hunt for my memories while I was waiting for the ceremony to take place..  I ended up on a mountain that had a trail running through it so I found a stone, asked it to be my guide and we set off in search of my memories.


I longed desperately to find my memories of being upon her before.  I wanted to remember what it felt like to live there, as inside myself I know I knew her then.  Bear had said that the Tribes would come and there were those who found her so beautiful they could not bear to leave her.. so in whatever manner they dressed, made their homes and lived their lives, they brought it there to the mountain and a city was formed so that when you would arrive, you would look and see all stretched over the land, cabins and long houses and teepees and wigwams and wickiups and Hogans.. and all the people wearing so many different regalia and speaking many different languages and all living as One in a city 150,000 big..   That's what I wanted to remember as I asked a stone to be my companion while I walked the first mountain.



It was a quiet and reflective journey as I held the stone right next to my heart as I walked.  I was given directions to guide my footsteps... stone shaped arrows were used to tell me where to walk.... they were funny, sending me off the path, around a tree, to sit upon a certain stone and reflect, then guiding me back upon the path.

I felt so high and everywhere I walked I breathed 'I love you' upon the winds as I searched through time for my memories..

Once I made it to the top there was a long pause as I absorbed what I was witnessing.. the one arm of a mountain went one way, and another arm of a mountain came to it... I had to lay upon the mountain for a time before beginning my journey back down...  And the journey down, for some reason did not feel like the same path as the journey up... It felt somehow as though I had entered a different dimension..

There was point when I realized I had entered a new dimension.. and blind faith told me to thank the stone that had guided me here and lay it back down upon the Earth.  Then I was to pick up a new stone and ask it to guide me through the rest of my journey upon the mountain....

Then it would happen as I was standing talking to a tree that a bird would fly up, perch itself on a limb a foot away from my face and say, "Follow me"  So I followed it off the path and into some bushes.... Then it disappeared and I really didn't know what I was suppose to do so I stood there and sang a song to the bushes (triangulate, before this is over I will be called into the bushes 3 times, but I still won't know what to do.)

Then once I finish standing there like a little girl singing to the bushes. I climbed back out, took a picture of some happy moss, got back up on the path and went merrily down the path when all of a sudden I heard the sound I longed to hear..  In my head I talk to the trees, but who would think that they could hear me.  then all of a sudden I hear it, whispered in my head, elongated softly upon the wind, "Maur--eeen."

I turn and see a tree is talking to me so I run with bated breath to be near it.. but first there is a wired bush guarding the tree, so I have to ask it "Please let me pass through here to the one who is talking to me.  Together they stand at the doorway to another world calling my name.  If I pass through the doorway I may be able to find my memories from the one who called my name.  It's him, he called my name.  Will you please allow me to pass through here?"  So it allows me to pass and as soon as I touch the tree I begin to weep and sob over what they have done to her.........  "Look what they have done to her....."  I weep the whole time I am hugging the tree who talked to me, then I step through the doorway and then I am back at my car...

After this I go for a long ride in my car and end up at the Ouachita dam..  all of it seems too sad for words and I don't really know why...