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Go weep for her Maureen

page 4

the Place of Peace

Love and passion

After I get back to camp I decide to go for a walk.. This is the place I know as the Place of Peace, where all the magic has happened to me at.. This is the place of the Gatherings.. and I'm thinking I'll just hop on this mountain and take a walk..

There are paths upon this mountain that were built by the National Park people and after I laid my heart upon one of the Old Ones and told them how beautiful they were to me, they gave me a gift to escort me through the mountain..

I started out upon the path but quickly decided that I wanted to touch her body with my heart and soul.  So I left the path and by dancing from tree to tree I traveled down into a valley, back up and over her side, then down into a valley, back up over her side, down into another valley and back up over her side.. ever traveling upward at the slightest angel..

It was an awesome journey because as soon as I began it every tree that I touched I would ask if they knew where I had left my memories.. or, since they were so young, could they ask around and guide me to where I had left my memories........ and if the outside world would have walked upon that scene they surely would have thought I was crazy in that moment.. because I found great comfort in the fact that no one was there to witness that I felt like a little doe running from tree to tree asking, "Do you remember me?"  And I found great comfort that I took the path least traveled because there was no one with me there.... It was me and the trees...... and the downed trees I would lay upon and try to look inside and see if I could remember them...... By the time I got back to the path I was not so much focused within the 3rd Dimension anymore, but felt at though I was achieving oneness with the Mountain..... and talking to everyone, asking them if they could direct me to where I could find my memories..

Once I found the path again I decided to follow it... immediately went down a flight of stairs, and then continued walking upon the path.... after a time I looked up and saw very ancient stone people laid out within the mountain with their heads protruding... so I talked to them and told them how awesome they looked up there, and how I was out on this journey looking for my memories and asked them if they could direct me to my memories... and they just smiled at me....

So I continued down the path all the way until I got to 7 Hi.... where the path turned... by this time I was about 3/4's way up the mountain, it seemed like... and I found a stone wall that must have been built in the late 1800's... so I stood there and tried to imagine what this mountain must have looked like that far back in time.. because nowadays greed has removed the beauty and replaced it with broken logs, and I could feel that this abandoned wall and the land below it did not look like the rich resource it once was............ looking over the wall at the rubble of torn trees had the effect of making sadness inside me......

So then I turned around and looked and it seemed there was a path up above this path I was on, which if I climbed the mountain up to it, I would get to the top faster, perhaps before sundown......... as I had left camp around 4 to begin my climb..

It was a fun gentle challenge to climb the mountain... and along the way I met some red moss and talked to some more trees asking them if they could guide me to where I had stored my memories....... It was a fun climb though I never did find a path, so I just kept climbing until I got to the top...

by this time, it was getting time for the sun to go down, and it was getting more cloudy at the same time, so I had this idea that I had best cut across the top of the mountain and save myself some time on my journey back to camp... hehehe.. before it got dark....

Then I met this really cool tree and his totem tree.. and he said, "Go this way."  So I said, "Okay."  and began going in the direction he pointed me to go, which thankfully was in the direction of my camp....

Well the direction he pointed me to go was moving slightly at a downward angle...... and as I was traveling I began to get a sense of not being alone... the vines would grab my feet and tell me to angle back up a little, and something would go buzzing past my ear, so I would turn that way.. and without even realizing it, it became cloudy and dark outside and I was somewhere on the side of the mountain still doing as the tree told me to do.. and watching for what it was the tree was pointing me to.. because I knew I had been sent in this direction for a reason... but then a vine grabbed my ankle and I realized that it was pitch dark now and I couldn't see where I was going.. So the thought occurred to me that it was possible that trying to get off the mountain could kill... well seriously mangle a girl... I could not even see the vine that had just grabbed my ankle..... and by now, as I was taking notice of exactly where I was on the Mountain, I realized that I was about halfway through the place where the stone people lived... so now I was dealing with loose stones and vines grabbing my ankle....  Boy I tell you, I just started reconfirming that I was positive that I was not sent all the way to the Place of Peace on a mission just so that I could be killed on the Mountain tonight...... I must have spent at least 15 minutes arguing my case to the stone people about how I knew tonight was not my night to die...... and well, they were telling me to go one direction... but it seemed to me I could see another direction that possibly would lead me to a path.. But they were telling me "No it doesn't go to a path, it just goes there, and beyond there is more danger."

But I suppose maybe just maybe I wanted to touch that big giant stone sitting there because I insisted they give passage over there, and once they agreed, I asked them how exactly I would achieve this as there were a lot of stones between me and that big one... So they said, "Well I suppose you could just sit down and scoot over there."

So I sat down and began to scoot across the Mountain, and what happens but the rocks begin to slide with me and then one silly boy, well he takes off bouncing down the mountain... and he makes certain that every time he hits the Earth he makes a noise so I am sitting there for the longest time listening to him bounce down the mountain, going on and on and on and on and on... until finally he reminds me that when they used the dynamite to cut the L shaped path through the home of the Stone People, well probably not a good place to attempt to crawl off the Mountain...... And by now I am sitting in front of a huge stone, thinking, "If my landslide brings you down I am dead."  So I just jumped up and hugged that stone for all I was worth and told it how beautiful it was sitting up here so stately...

As I am doing this the thought occurs to me that I have medicine for this.. My Cheetah... she's a big black cat... and I call her my Cheetah because I never loose a battle... even if someone was to bottle my essence and sell my soul and it took me a hundred lifetimes to get back what was mine I would do it, and I would never consider it a loss because I would convert the energy into a positive experience, thus I never loose a battle.  I call her Cheetah because I cheat the Fates..

So I let loose in this great declaration of Love for the place I had found myself in, telling all the stone beings how thankful I was that that the tree had pointed the way for me to come sit beside them for a moment on my journey, and how grateful I was that they had heard me talking to them inside my head when I was walking past them on the path down below and had acknowledged this by allowing me to come here and sit beside them.  "You are so beautiful, and Old One as much as I would have loved to come over there and touched you, I can't seem to make it over there, but I want you to know you are so beautiful.. And I thank you for allowing me to get even this close, close enough to touch your family,  You are awesome, and you remind me of the Stone People in my home world.. They are shaped a little different, they look like sorcerers with their pointed hats, but even though you are different, you are as awesome as they are...."  And the Old One, he just looked over at me and raised his eyebrow as if "hmmmf, yes I see you know us.  We honor you too."

Then said, "Now I'm going to get down on all fours and crawl back up this mountain."  So I got on all fours and crawled up the mountain with swiftness and surety of foot.  about halfway up the mountain I seen a place to roll over and sit, so I did and as I was sitting there something twitched over beside my head and when I looked over there sat my cheetah right off my shoulder.. so I said "Thank you"  Now I know why it was so easy for me to climb up out of here, because you're guiding my steps."

And you'd think at this point we had gotten to happy ever after part, but..

The wind blows more fierce and bites harder on top of the mountain, and it was just so dark up there in the trees.  When I was with the Stone People I had the glow of the stones to offer a little light with their contrast, but up on top, in the cloudy night while passing through the trees it was just plain pitch black..

and now my sister is telling me that wants me to spend the night upon her body and sleep with her.  It is raining now and I have been somewhat dampened..  and I am completely lost except for the fact that on one side of the Mountain I can see the lights of the city and know that this is the direction I can find my way back to my camp from...

I have walked around the top to the other side and have seen if I go down that side, I won't even know what's there, I do not know where I will end up so I feel safest going back to the side that has the city lights.. but it is cold and very windy.... so I tell my sister that it seems like if I try to sleep on her I will wake up very wet and cold......  then a bird calls to me from the bushes and bids me to crawl into the bushes to sleep there... but it is so pitch black up there on top of the mountain in the trees that I cannot see where the bushes are, so something buzzes past my ear and I follow it out into an opening..

I lay down.  I am so tired, and I tell my sister how much I would like to sleep upon her body... but the wind is blowing pretty hard and it is cold.. and the rain begins to pick up.  In the direction of the city I can see a tree a little distance down the Mountain, so I tell my sister, "Okay, there's a tree.  I will climb down to that tree where it is warmer.  I will wrap myself around that tree and if I can remain dry in this rain I will sleep upon your body tonight as I hug that tree."

So I climbed down to the tree and wrapped my body around it.  There was still a soft rain falling... and for a few minutes I thought I might be able to remain dry there to honor her wish that I would sleep upon her body and awaken with her in the morning..

Then it began to rain a little bit harder, and I found myself in the position of being a tree as the rain begins falling down, how there is a place that is unprotected from the leaves above, so at one particular place on the tree the drops begin a constant beat.. that place was my right shoulder.. It was the only place I could feel getting wet....

Then I saw lightning and heard thunder... and my spirit said, "A big rain doth this way come..... Sister, I would love to sleep with you on top of this mountain, but I cannot find my footing to know where I could go and not get drenched in this storm that is coming.  And there is a storm coming, so Sister, you are going to have to let me crawl off this mountain right this minute so that I make it back to camp before that storm hits. . . Okay?"

and ever so soft I heard her whisper in my ear, "Yes"  So I turned around and on my feet and with my hands I back off the mountain... She was so gracious that as I was sliding off of her, the vines that had been catching my ankles before slipped right up between my legs running the full length of my body they touched me ever so softly upon my face as I passed by them....  Then I found myself back upon the path.  I walked only a short distance and found myself at the stairs going back up....

At some point on my journey home it began to downpour, but I simply did not care... she had given me such a spiritual experience...

And the next day when I woke and walked out of my tent, I just had to laugh in admiration when I seen her standing there in all her glory..