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Go weep for her Maureen

page 5

the Place of Peace

Love and passion

The next day I got up and called Bear to let him know I had arrived, and later he came over to give me a guided tour…  He took me onto the other side of the mountain into the old part of town where Bath House Row was originally created and asked me if I had been there.. I told him that the first time I came to the Place of Peace I had passed down that street and something there had made me feel unbelievably sad within my spirit and so I had not went that way again.. and thus, escorted by the Bear, I found myself within her heart.. 

He began by taking me down a street in which there was a building with a very tall round column in front of it, and for some reason he was very careful to point this out to me.. Later, after I received the instructions to take lots of pictures, I would discover that sitting in front of this building was a white van that said, “Spirit of Arkansas.”

Continuing down the street, we came to an area in which there was a building too, but in front of this building, they had, like openings that went into the Earth.. I don’t know how many of them there were but I think I saw at least 5 of them, and in one of them steam was coming out…. When I went back to take pictures of this… well look at the picture.. I believe what I was being shown is this is where they have imprisoned her spirit..

There was something else in this section of town that Bear was showing me… He was saying how they had taken the hot springs under ground and had rearranged it so that if you wanted some of the water, alls you had to do was go to one of the water stations there with your jugs and collect the water and that everyday he went there and collected water from her… 

After this, and right across the street from one of the watering stations… and also I would discover that the Arkansas National Park Service building was there too (in the same area where they are holding her spirit), Bear said there was one little place left where they had not taken the hot springs under ground, but that they had made it a place for the public to visit and go look at what once was…

By this time we are heading up a hill and then there is a One Way in and a One Way out onto the mountain…. We enter the mountain and as we are passing through a series of sharp curves Bear is counting the curves so I will remember where I was when we get to the place he is wanting to show me… and when he gets to 3 sharp curves he stops and shows me how they capped the hot springs that were coming up out of the Earth… and in each place where they capped a spring, you could see the green caps poking their heads up out of the Earth..  and in the days to come as I traveled the mountain alone, I would find more and more of these capped springs…

Then we went around some more curves and at some point the Bear stopped to show me what the land looked like below the mountain that we were now on…. And as we stood there, SHE came into my heart and alls I could think was I have to throw my heart upon her right this minute and give her a hug… and knowing without knowing, I knew I had found her at last.  And that she was the one I had come to weep for… 



Click to see mountain all these pictures were taken on.

Then the Bear took me to the very top of her and showed me how they had built a Look Out tower on the very top of her… This Look Out tower has an elevator within it and takes people up 14 stories above her so that you can see what the landscape looks like.. and in the Story of the Place of Peace it is said that the various tribes made their homes in valleys that stretched out around her…  Each tribe brought with them the flavor of who they were as a people..  Some made homes of cabins, some made homes of Long Houses, others lived in teepees, and some tribes dwelled in wigwams, (a dwelling typically round or oval shaped formed with poles overlaid with bark, mats or skins) and wickiups , (a hut made of brushwood or covered with mats.)  They lived here in peace as Creator had declared that no weapons were allowed here…….each wearing the regalia that was the custom of their tribe…it was their Living Sanctuary and their Church… It was where they came to grow spiritually and the place where Spirit repatterned their thinking process so that they could be healed and grow.. It was where the magic took place..


It was as we were coming down off of her, as I was watching the trees that suddenly I felt a need to hug one of her trees too, so I asked the Bear if he could stop so I could hug a tree…. My heart was filled with so much love because I knew I had found the one I had been sent to weep for… It was like this feeling that without finding the exact memories, I knew my breath was quickened being upon her, so I ran to one of the beautiful Standing Ones and gave her a huge heartfelt hug as I said I love you to her and the Mountain…………… and as we continued down the mountain, I suddenly knew I had to hug the Stone People too before I left… So I asked the Bear to allow me to hug one.. He stopped and I ran back some distance to throw myself upon a huge stone standing there and as I stood there with my heart and my head pressed up against him I realized he was oozing with life… and in that moment I knew that when I kissed him that in this moment in time something had been activated within my soul, something I would have to travel forward through time to get to..


Then I ran back to the Bear and he continued teaching me on our journey down… He also stopped and showed me the path they take to get to her…..


After that I spent almost all of my time upon her… looking for my memories and weeping for the wounds in her spirit.



I am on the mountain where the magic took place.  I am at the place where the Sun's light kissed her body and she breathed in his vapors and rainbows came out of her.  And she loved him so much that she stood there each and ever day watching him as he passed over her  sky.  I have made it to the Holy Ground once more... and alls I can think is I have to throw my body upon her body right now and kiss her.  She is the one I was sent here to weep for.  I have found her.