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Go weep for her Maureen

page 6

the Place of Peace

for Love and Passion

The next day I got up and went back to her to see what I could learn of what happened... and the retrieval of the memories of being upon her body 400 years ago was very important too..  It was a long journey to the top, as the evening before I had heard the Bear laugh within his heart as he said, "Take lots of pictures."

In place where I entered her it was very magical as it was covered in Ivy..  Ivy grew up all the trees there and made quite a scene in their loveliness... My mind though was not able to connect with how they must have looked before the mountains waters were capped and sent to run under the Earth, but still it was a spectacular scene (even as I write this I know I have to go get more pictures of her) and as I think about it now, I realize that in this place I was on curve # 1 of the 3 sharp curves to the heavily capped area... and that this Ivy is close to where the one remaining hot spring flows out of the Earth.


After this I came to the capped area.... and the really strange thing was, it will take more research but it was like I would go a aways further and them come to another capped area... I was aware that the whole time I was going up the mountain, but without my memories, I had a very hard time determining if this was on large capped area, one on top of the other, or if I was passing areas where there should have been several water falls.. and should be still if not for the fact that they are capped..... In the time that followed, I would lay my head upon one of these caps and hear no water running underneath....  But on this day, I was just trying to climb the mountain and see what she had to tell me....

There were things I didn't understand, some kind of building built onto the side of the mountain that had a round, probably something to do with water container beside it, but it had long been abandoned and now it had a fence around it...

And there were so many stones, large stones just sitting there, it made me wonder what they would share with me if I could get them to talk to me..

Finally made it up to where I was almost at the top and stopped to look around....  Coming up this mountain had been so strange because everywhere I looked they had built walking trails.. I mean the whole mountain seemed to be one big recreational walking trail... it had a real weird feel to it... not a feel to the people walking on it, but it was literally as if they had mapped out every single foot of the mountain, as if they had left no stone unturned, that kind of feeling.. and it made me feel kind of sad, this feeling like if you were to take the most beautiful Cathedral in the whole world, then draw all these people walking through it like it was an old abandoned relic... just felt weird... the people were nice and everything but I couldn't help thinking they wouldn't want someone walking on their Church like they were doing to the Living Sanctuary of the Indian Nation... and it's not even that they knew that they were doing this... it was just the way the whole mountain was mapped out as a walking trail, intermingled with a driving trail.. it just had such a weird feel to it.... I mean without the waters running down her sides she just looks like any other place.. except she looks like she's been over mapped..  It felt really weird...  and I believe I was seeing through the eyes of the Indians who still hold her sacred within their hearts.... One has only look at all the caps to know something magnificent has been lost.. and still I cannot define this feeling that I am feeling..

At this place I stopped, they had placed picnic tables, and being so far up on the mountain, I wanted to find some place near the edge where I could look out and ponder all these feelings I was having about what I was seeing...... I saw some more Stone Beings down off the path a little ways and went down there to be alone with them..


Here, I will share these words with you taken from my notes on the Story of the Place of Peace....

Made from the Mother Earth

French called this place the Valley of the Vapors

As the sun would rise

Cloud thick on floor of valley would rise 

Form Rings in the sky 

All in an instant 

Out of that cloud would come the most beautiful rainbow.. 

Running from cloud to cloud 

Underneath the rainbow


Rainbow would turn during the day, so the rainbow would pass over everyone 

Signs of the Creators grace


Second thing they would see, another rainbow, and another, and another, then at the springs, when they would come to the streams, little baby rainbows.


Come to many natural springs 

The place was a garden

Trees were big

Flowers everywhere.


Best time is in the morning hours

The people would come to pray


Take off shoes

Beautiful White blanket


Place in each foot, each step so gently so softly


Heart of the mother

As they walked down into the valley could see many colors of stones, pink, blue, minerals in water go up, come down, rearrange themselves on the moss making many colors..


Sound of the waters coming across the face of the stone people


Not the reason they came

Many beautiful places in the world


Some come a little more often, some come 7 years, some come every 11 years.

Do you see any of this here on this mountain that I have placed all these pictures here of?


it's enough to make a girl weep



Thank you for allowing me to sit here beside you and weep for her.


After I finished weeping here with this family , I got up and went back to my car.  Across the road there was a path that some people were walking upon... so I thought I would go walk this path for a bit and see what she said to me..

I started walking down the path when I came to a stone, well I just knew that this stone had once had water running over its face, or not so much over its face.. but beside it... there was something here that was telling me that water once ran here.  So I just had to stop and take a moment to register what exactly it was that I was seeing.. and as I looked around I realized that there were more stones here than just that one.. It was a family I could feel.. as if I could look there long enough there was something there I was supposed to see,,

So I began taking pictures of the area, all the while trying to compose in my mind exactly what it was I was being shown... I was way up high on the Mountain, almost to the top, taking pictures right and left trying grasp what it was my mind was now trying to tell me about what I was seeing up here..... these stones were the same ones water ran over, but where did the water come from... It came from up higher than where I was standing, that was for sure and so I began to turn my attention up the mountain because whatever it was I was being shown, I was standing in the middle of it and I knew it... so I traveled off the path and began making my way up the mountain taking pictures as I went.... until I arrived at a point where the landscape changed....

And it was right there before my eyes... Once upon a time water came up out of this Earth right here high upon this mountain..... and it spread out as it flowed down the mountain......


Then I thought I had better go look around some more.  I had better now make a circle around the top of this mountain and see what she had to tell me..... So traveled to the North side of the mountain.... watching carefully for the tracks of water that once upon a time might have run here..... I passed through a 2nd spring that used to flow from the top of the mountain.. and made my way to yet a third spring that used to flow from the top of the mountain before I collapsed in sorrow and wept loudly and unashamedly over what had happened to her..

In that moment it felt as though every one else upon that mountain just disappeared.... I had heard people talking before that, but once I collapsed upon her, there was no sound left except for the sound of me weeping and asking, "What did they do to you?"  I knew at this point I had found myself within her wound... and there was something inside of me that was crying out to remember where I had left my memories of her intact and why it was so important that I find my way back to them...

I don't know how long it was that I lay there weeping upon her before I realized I must continue my journey around the mountain and see what else she had to tell me.  The next thing I saw I don't even know how to explain....  Look at you there.  What are you?


click for better view

Oh no, it's a hole.... more than that, I know within my heart that at one time water came out of that hole....  I feel pain.  I feel every Indian who has walked upon this Sacred Mountain in pain as they remember that this is their Living Sanctuary, and remember what has been lost.  I am in the heart of the people... and I know what has been lost.. even though my mind knows we can fix this.. I suddenly know the water used to come up from the top of her and flow down her body, make waterfalls in the most spectacular way.. I know if but the people knew that they are walking upon the shell of what once was, but now has been taken underground and used to sell in bath houses, that their hearts would be moved to restore this National Treasure... and there are so many people in this world who would like (if they but knew) to see the honor restored back to the Indians, who would feel the great honor of coming and participating here in sacred ceremony.. if they but knew that this is the Indians Holy Ground they are walking upon..

And even as I knew this inside my spirit, I could feel the tears of the weeping ones, the ones who sneak up her to make ceremony upon her body, the ones who feel pain because she is being trampled and walked upon by those who do not even know that they exist here, do not know that they are holding her sacred and awaiting her return..  My heart is saddened at feeling their wound.....



Not finished..... only notes below... still 2 more days to process and write about...

I remember...... I might not be able to see her inside my head.... But I have found the place where I know that the ground I am walking upon was once upon a time a National Treasure... and I know the people who walk here now not



It is a National Treasure that needs to be restored....  restored by the people, with the people, for the people, for the Indian Nation that they might invite us to walk within their sacred ceremonies, that we may see them in their true spirituality.  There are so many people who believe that they died off as a race and just went away.. but they have not, they have taken their spirituality deep inside of them and hold sacred to their hearts their beliefs in the magic of the Mother Earth and love of the Father..

What was it Bear said?


Keepers of the Place of Peace

Would live out in the world, dress like white man

Then when time would come

The Keepers would sneak to the mountain and hold their ceremonies

The Keepers are not angry over this.  We cannot shake our fist

Like the water that flows

Like the air that flows

Waters sometimes comes in

Like a flood, takes away all we have.

It is time to rebuild





What we have here, in a place where people really do not know or remember that this is what we have, is a National Treasure.. for not only have we remembered that this is the Living Sanctuary of the Indian Nation.. their Living Church, but as we lift our spirits to the New Earth, we can restore her in our thoughts and there by restore her...