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Sacred Journeys

She Walked With Rainbow Feet


lessons on walking through a 3d world, pg 1

When I was 12 years old I was staring into the face of a flower when I found myself staring into the face of a most beautiful Indian woman. Her hair was long and flowing in the wind and her arms were stretched towards the setting sun with such reverence that I could hear the heavens singing, rejoicing in her touch as the light flowed out of her hands and touched the heavens.


When she finished. she took me into her Village and bid me to merge with seed of life she held within her hand. I became the seed she laid so softly upon the soil, the life inside the seed, covered by the shell, I laid there upon the soil watching the elements touch me, feeling the warm moisture upon the soul, feeling a live and living energy within me, I longed to grow, to become more than I was as a seed, so I pushed with everything in me against that shell, struggled as I felt it give way and live gave birth through the eyes of 2 leaves rejoicing to have found the light.


As this happened there was a natural instinct within me to send my roots into the soil of this Earthly existence. Up into the light and down into the darkness I traveled with no concept one was less than the other, no concept that I should not grow in the darkness even as my stems grew towards the light.


After a time I began feeling these longings deep inside of me that pushed the energy up inside of me that said it was time to form some buds. I could feel them forming. I could feel the energy being diverted to assist me in this process. I could see the flower I would become as if I was looking forward and back at a distant memory. I saw myself bloom and look out through the face of the flower... felt the seeds growing within me.... days and nights merging, come frost and memories of the time of sleep calling me to a time of rest, I slowly slipped down into the soil, felt the leaves falling down on me as a blanket, and went to sleep.... until the sun called me again to rise, to grow, to bloom, to live.


Every lesson stemmed from this lesson as she had me merge with every part of Nature within her Village. And then she took me across the seas to merge with Nature in a place that felt like China (the lotus) There was only one lesson that didn't seem to stem from this first lesson. And for some reason she showed me an Indian from her Village who had gotten lost on his journey. So angry was he beating his fist against Earth Mothers body, and then he died. She showed me how they went and retrieved him and the Ceremony they performed. Ahhhh, but this is not a sharing about the death ceremony. This is the journey I took to discover why....


I took into my heart everything that she taught me, to walk through this world in the way she taught me merging with everything in Nature, finding solace in talking to the Earth and asking her the questions no man could answer... always wondering why would she do this for me... My dad had left the Indian world, and I did not even know I was Indian. So why would this beautiful Indian woman come guide me just as I was about to enter into the Christian sector of humanity? Why?


When I was in my 20's I was dreaming that I was standing in the rest room when I felt my Grandmother wrap her cloak of love around me. She held out her hand, and in her hand was a living picture, what would look like on a television, only 3d. First I saw myself as a baby, while she held me.. with my dad being the seed I passed through to get here. Then I saw my Grandmother being held by her Grandmother, with her father being the seed she passed through to get here.. On and on it went, Grandmother to Grandmother with a male seed in between, back some 6 generation of grandmother we traveled until there I saw her, the one who came to guide me standing there holding the baby that was the 6th generation grandmother back. and she was the mother of the baby...


It was her. It was the one who came to guide me, who told me how to walk through this world of illusion. I was 13 generations removed from her, so then my quest became, "Who am I that you would travel 13 generations to come guide me? What could possibly be so special about me that you would travel so far to walk with me here?" And she said, "You are a great warrior Maureen."


I said, "But I cry all the time. Nothing here lines up with what you have taught me. They are saying all the Indians are going to hell, and all the Buddhist and every except for them. And I cry all the time because their rules do not line up right. " And she just said, "Great power in those tears Maureen, great power in those tears." ..... ahh, so I was the weeping warrior...


Time passed upon the journey. I got into my 40's and found myself in a dream in which I found myself lightly tethered to a man who, it seemed, was stealing me from my Village. We were standing by the water and the time had come that I was to go to his Village. I was feeling bitterness inside my heart thinking this is my fate. there were no tears, they would not have served anything. This was my fate. I was lightly tethered to him and I was going to go where he was going. There was one other from my village who was going with me, one who felt like a sister. He took us to a place that felt like by the Mississippi river, to a long house there where I began my life there with him as his betrothed, as his wife.... At the time, when I work up from this dream I thought it was showing me how I would never be able to discover what blood line the one who came to guide me from within had come through because that information had been lost... Interesting to note, my son and I both had our heads shaved in Mohawks when I was given this dream.


A few months ago a friend wrote me of this vision she had been given about me. She saw me in another life. I was the daughter of Chief White Feather. He was a seer, and I was a seer too, though to a lesser degree.


My father saw what was coming to the Indian Nations, and as he would speak to me of what was coming I could see it coming too, a time when there would be trouble, times of madness when the very Earth we stood upon would be in danger, when the people would no longer know themselves and would be caught in a new kind of madness.


There was a Mohawk Indian. He was a brave warrior. I had no heart for him, but my father and the wise ones were saying that his bravery needed to be added to our bloodline for when the time of madness came. They wanted his warrior blood added to my seer blood..


That was what my father was telling me, even though I was very angry with him for sending me away from what I loved. It was at that moment, in my friends vision, that my mother from that life walked by.


As my friend described this, my mother ,in that life. walked into view, so my friend began describing her.. and in that instant, as I an vowing to come back when my people need me, I am a child walking behind her mother in a field of grass. As my mother walked in front of me, so sacred were her movements across the Earth that rainbows danced around her feet, and I in my little steps would strive to put my feet in exactly the same places as my mother, thus I vowed to come back when I was needed.... and the one who came to guide me from within was my mother 13 generations back.. meaning I incarnated through my own blood line.


What a gift.


And what journey. 38 years have passed since that 12 year old girl was given that vision....... And now I know, even though I just arrived at this knowing, I know now that I have to share this story and share the knowledge that she gave me on how to walk here.. It's not that I think this is for everyone, just the ones who it is for will know.