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Sacred Journeys






Thursday September 28, 2006

Today we were working on the pictures for adding this story to the web site.  We went to the Gorge the other night and took a bunch of pictures because Tonya saw Erza formed into the mountain.. So we have been working with those pictures to put them in here.  As we were sitting here, Tonya said that Geolft wanted to come and told me to light some sage.  Then she disappeared into the bathroom with the sage and brought him through the water.. as she was doing this, she said "Sing your song."  He came to help us translate Rainbow Hawks picture so we could see everything, the way she was standing there, how long her dress was, where her legs were and the opening of the Gate.  He also told us the position of her hands.. and about the stuff under her arm that would translate to being called her jewelry.... then he gave us this information...


Sophia father's name was Chief of Many Rainbows.

Flower Hawk saws Sophia's devastation of life (not the proper translation.. It was the ceremony Sophie did in which she split herself) and while Sophia was in ceremony.. her bad self rises out of herself in the zipper effect, and that spirit told Sophia that Flower Hawk was watching her.  So Sophia killed Flower Hawk so that no one would know what happened.

Flower Hawk has come to peace with this. She made peace with Sophie's father, Chief of Many Rainbows.

Now both Sophie's have been here the whole time, but Tonya didn't realize this..   It was the good Sophie that was sitting on the bed watching Jason and Dylan that night, but once Geolft had changed into an orb, he had no voice and could not tell Tonya this.

On the night of the talk, when Geolft was holding Sophie, Tonya was supposed to bind both Sophie's together, but when Geolft became an orb, he couldn't speak.. but the good Sophie has been coming around because she wants to to be bounded to herself (both), and when that happens, Sophie's father, Chief of Many Rainbows wants to do a dance around them..

and Geolft says that once we find out the whole story that they will be bound back together anyway.....

He also said there was a picture of Flower Hawk on my computer…(apparently he's been watching me write this up.. and after much searching I'm thinking this was a web page I went to where he saw the picture of Flower Hawk)  grey purple background.. something that represents a peacock or pheasant… face picture… face picture… actual picture… just the face… glitter fire works..

What happened next was rather astounding.  Geolft had come to help us get Flower Hawks picture translated right and was moving with us between the indoors and the outdoors, when we would go out to smoke, we would have to take the sage out there to bring him with us.

Seemed like there was something about we had bound them up (both Sophie's) so neither one of them could enter the yard, and Tonya needed to undo that, so that took a moment, and the next thing I know Tonya is saying, "I'm about to get very strange today."

Then Tonya was instructed to do a ceremony with a crystal in which she heated it up and then unzipped the area between her breasts.. and then I had to call the Sophie of pain 5 times.  The first time I didn't get it accomplished, so I had to repeat the procedure.  Then Sophie entered into Tonya's body.. and immediately Tonya went to take a bath..

I felt perplexed, but when she came out she was no longer herself.. and whoever she was (which I was fairly certain was Sophie) she wanted to talk to me..  Her speech patterns were very slow and she kept talking in sign language... asking me if I remembered the language of.. and the only way she could then describe the language she wanted to talk to me in was the language of the Place of Peace..  and she kept tapping her 3rd eye when she would say the word 'language'  and as she was stating I was a woman of many journey's, she would use her fingers like in a walking motion.

It was really hard to communicate with her because she really wanted me to speak Indian to her, and it was hard for me to translate what she was trying to get from me about my many journey's..

She said, "You may ask me anything you want."  So I asked her if this had anything to do with the vision quest?  She said no immediately, so I told her, "Well at the vision quest the wolf appeared and I was told to Heal the Wounded history... This had the effect of bringing her into reflection as if she thought I was talking about Flower Hawks vision quest..

Then she pointed to the back door and said,  "This... This... bad."  I said, "yes the door is broken."  She said, "No... this... bad... Demons, bad spirits, can go through this."

I told her there are no demons except what the mind makes up.  She said, "Pinky sees demons."  (Pinky was what she called Tonya whose name is Pink River Rainbow.)  I said, "Yes, Pinky thinks she sees demons but they are made up in her mind of things she does not understand.  Once she understands them they will not appear as demons anymore."

Then somehow I was explaining to her how this world was just an illusion, a game we made up because we wanted to experience more as gods and goddesses.  but then we forgot who we were and we looked into the darkness, did not understand what we were seeing, got frightened and thought it was demons, or bad, so we followed that concept for a quite a long time, but it was wrong, and was not true.  And the truth is, we are all gods and goddess, every single one of us and now is the time of the awakening, the time of remembering who we are.  We are sacred.

After a while of talking she said, "You do not know who you speak to."  I said, "I think I do, but what's your name?"  She said her name was Sukie (suu-kee) (what we had been pronouncing as Sophie.)

It was rather difficult having a conversation with her.  She pointed to a tree and said, "That.. superior."  So I said, go to the tree, touch it and show me what you are talking about.. She went to a vine on a tree and showed me a symbol for superior..  I love that Ivy.

After I finished smoking I coughed.. hehe.. and then spit.. She said, "Oh no you didn't!."  I laughed and said, "Oh yes I did.  The teenagers said they wanted to teach me how to do that."

With that I came into the house, and she came into the house.. and a while later I went out to smoke again and Tonya came out and said she was back.  She said she had went to some place in the back of her mind when Sophie came out and had to try to tell her how to make a bottle for Dylan..  Tonya was saying that Sophie had said that they got it all wrong, that Torck (Turock) loved her and he was her soul mate, that both she and Flower Hawk had gone on the vision quest together and that they had both seen that Zionella walked with rainbow feet, that Flower Hawk reported it first and stole the glory from her, that the animals walked with her (Sukie) also, that's why Kaylane followed her... and that she was doing a Ceremony with a knife, and Flower Hawk was in the bushes watching her, but that she didn't mean to kill Flower Hawk.  It was an accident.  And that she knew Torck loved her because he held her when she was weeping over Flower Hawks dead body.

Tonya said she was confused over what was the truth..  Alls I said was Sophie had shown me that she was not a spiritual person, and that when it came to that which was spiritual and that which was non spiritual, I was always inclined to follow the spiritual path.

Tonya came back later and said she now knew she had to find the part of Sophie's thinking process that was broken..

The next day was Friday and I had been instructed that I was to go to the Gorge, first thing in the morning, and stay there until Monday... but this thing with Sophie (Sukie) being in Tonya's body, well when Sophie was present, she didn't care much for taking care of Tonya's children.. so I felt I couldn't leave until we got through this process.

Tonya spent the morning searching for the broken thought process that was in Sukie (Sophie)  As she did this she was given the words to the ceremony she was to perform.. Somehow I found the words she had written before she came and told me something about the porcupine of denial.. and that we now had to make the Ceremony that would bind both of the Sophie's back together.

Tonya had been instructed to place the symbol'd stone within the center of the fire.  So she placed it the center of the fire circle and began trying to build a fire around it.  We were really having a hard time getting the fire to start, and finally Geolft said we should call him when we got a fire going (He was really making fun of us, for we could hardly keep the fire burning) And after about an hour or so we did manage to get the fire going.  Then we had to wait for everyone to arrive.  In the meantime we became fascinated with the smoke of our fire.

The smoke was going up and making the most beautiful rays, lit by the suns light, coming through the trees.. it was magical.. and beautiful, sitting there waiting for everyone to arrive for the Ceremony.

We had to wait until the message went out and when the message got sent, the Messenger appeared. He went North, East, and South and he never went West. West was the direction left open for the without pain Sophie to come back in through.. Tonya had put her out about a 100 miles (because she didn't realize that there was 2 of them when she caught the good Sophie sitting on her bed staring at her baby and husband).. so she had to leave an opening for the good Sophie to come back through.

The butterfly came to represent that Geolft had arrived.  It was a Monarch butterfly that made its appearance first.  Then come more butterflies to represent that Maldevines tribe had arrived.  Geolft's and Maldevine's tribe was for the south.

As this was happening, its very hard to catch a picture of a butterfly, and I had taken the camera from Tonya because I wanted to try to capture the rays of light from my position..  Then to our amazement a Hawk flew over and circled our fire 3 times to signal that Flower Hawk had arrived.  And her place was for the North.

Chief of Many Rainbows showed his face through purple rays of light that came through the trees into the smoke of our fire and his place was for the East.  He thanked Tonya for bringing his daughter back to him.  He said that she had committed suicide and that after she had done that he had not been able to find her.  And he had been looking for her for a long time.

Tonya's gift to the fire was rainbow colored bark with hemp seed oil and parsley.  It was tied with hemp string like a gift and she added 5 pieces of sage to call upon Geolft, Flower Hawk, Chief of Many Rainbows, Sophie and Maldevine's Tribe.  On Tonya's paper she has written: "The essence of being with parsley, hemp seed and bark reminds her (Sophie) of the vision of Maldevine to combine the vision in years that past."

They pulled her (Sophie) into the center of the fire and kept her in the rock.

Then Tonya did her Ceremony... and these are the words as she wrote them on the paper:  "Ask for your pardons in the hands of light.  Aura around fingertips of the cosmic field.  Iridescent rays of light, crown, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, base, knees, ankles, toes.  Combine these two as one.  Return to the path of gold light.  Verbal arrows, combination.  Release porcupine of verbal denial.  Find your path of true destiny."  She did a series of movements as she did this part of the ceremony.

And after that Tonya said that they were now reconnected and that they were being taken to a place where Sophie would dream.. through her incarnation, the lessons etc, to go through her dreams like she was suppose to when she died.  Tonya said we had to let the fire burn out by itself and that we were not to remove the stone until it had completely cooled.. that was how long it would take Sophie to get through the dreams.. and each time she entered into a new dream, a yellow butterfly would appear to signal her progress..  Tonya asked comparatively the time difference and was told approximately 1 hour to our every 15 minutes

When she passed through all the dreams Tonya was told that Sophie and Flower Hawk were the same.  They were both Gate Keepers to the Abyss..

She also said that once Sophie returned to her role as Gate Keeper to the Abyss, she had no memory of Tonya...

Later Tonya said that Sophia is to be reborn again.  She is going to be reborn Indian, and she is to be reborn on October 17th.. and I think Tonya said that she had to come back and work on the porcupine of denial...