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Sacred Journeys

She Walked With Rainbow Feet


lessons on walking through a 3d world, pg 2

Earth Mother does not walk with prejudice

This is how I have walked through this world.. One of the things in my youth that was predominant was prejudice. When people would try to tell me that I should walk with prejudice just because they said this was how we were supposed to walk, I would look to the Earth and see if I could see prejudice there. I simply could not find prejudice anywhere on the Earth. I could see in the animal kingdom the kill or be killed for food, attitude. I could see whole herds running from this instinct, but what I did not see was once the incident was over would a whole herd of animals stand around talking about the big bad animal. They would simply go back to grazing..

There were other forms of prejudice I would see displayed, that people would have me to believe were true jus because they said it. Certain people are like trees upon the Earth. They are found in all walks of life, Christian sector, Indian, Buddhist, all various religions, even in sectors of the Government, organizations of relief programs, save the whale (etc) The ones who hear of an oil spill and run right there and begin washing the animals.. There are some people, found in all walks, that are just so great they are trees to the rest of the world and provide the oxygen by which we are sustained… And I would hear others speak with prejudice against the great ones. One forest does not stand on one side of a road with another forest standing on the side of the road mocking them and the one forest saying it is the greater forest. It just does not happen that way upon the Earth’s body, there fore when others would suggest that I should walk through this world with prejudice in my heart, my instructions that this was not of the mother or the father so I would not go there.

Mother Earth does not walk with prejudice, so I should not either.

I have no concept of


When I was young they tried to convince me that it was a fall from grace that brought us into this world of the 3rd dimension, brought about by this evil serpent who tricked the female into making us take this journey here. They would tell horror stories of this Satan fellow who was going around tricking all the people into following him so he could take them to hell. They exerted much energy trying to convince all the people that this was so, wrote books so others could see the signs, and warn even more people so they would know how dangerous it was to live here on this Earth.

Mother told me to look inside of her, all over her body, see if this was true, if this world was an evil place. I looked every where and what I saw was a world of polarities.

They would say, ‘come into the light, the darkness is evil.’ But when I looked into the darkness I saw such beauty. In the darkness, there shown the iridescent light, so beautiful to behold, so waken, so holy, so sacred.

I saw polarities. I saw trees grow so high as they stretched their arms up to the heavens in the light, while their roots traveled so deep down into the darkness. Inside the darkness the roots gathered food, so they would grow.

I looked at the north pole and the south pole, 2 opposites, each serving a purpose and yet different..

I looked to opposites, water (liquid) land (solid).

I looked Earth above and below, both beautiful to behold. Below such beauty, crystals, diamonds gemstones, rivers..

I looked all over to see if there could be any truth in the evil theory and all that that entailed, and could not find it anywhere upon Mothers body.

Mother said this is wrong, wrong system of belief. When you make your path through this world, do not make it using this system of belief. Walk with no belief in evil as you make your passage through this world. It is not a part of my body, it is not the authentic way to walk through this world of the 3rd dimension.

I have no concept of evil.


When I looked on her body, no where did I see confirmation of evil. opposites, yes, a world of polarities, yes, makes balance, polarities.. no where evil.

We versus Them

This one also showed itself to me during my youth as a sarcastic ‘don’t touch that attitude.’ They would try to make me believe that they were better than the other humans walking around on the Earth They would hold themselves in a way as to try to make me believe that I should behave like they behaved. It was them versus everyone else in the world, and everyone else was wrong, and walked wrong through the world. They held them selves in haughty contempt, it’s us versus them and we will point our fingers at them and tell you exactly why they have no place in our lives.

Looking into the Earth, it was true, there were plants that grew as companion plants and plants that didn’t grow well together, even though they did not speak as though one was superior and that it held the other in distain. It was more a chemical disposition where they did not mix well with each other, perhaps a question of polarities. Each one had its purpose and each one worked well with others who were of a different nature, but certain ones simply did not grow well with each other. What makes the lotus naturally grow in China, and the orchid naturally grow in the rainforest, while the yucca naturally grows in the desert?

But what I was seeing in the attitude of those people was not a question of this is where we grow best. It was out and out distain to the point that they were trying to poison other innocents against a whole group of people.. Look into the Earth and what do I see? Roots stretching out, winding and entwining around each other, touching each other, the tree touching the grass touching the bush touching the flowers, touching the bugs, bug excretions making food, rain waters coming down touching them all. It was all a large orchestra of harmony. That was what I saw.

She Who Walked with Rainbow Feet told me to look to the Earth to find the rules for walking through this dimension. Whatsoever I saw displayed in the words of the people that had a corresponding place in Nature to leave it alone. It was a part of the Great Mothers and Father Creators plan, but whatsoever they said with their words that I could not find a corresponding place in Nature, then to disregard that information and not make it a part of my path. In the orchestra that was the Great Mother and Fathers world, in some way I knew I was to touch all the parts.

Mothers world is not just black and white.

The 'either or' theory

In the innocence of youth I could see the adults struggling so hard against a concept that it was either or. It was either of God, the Father, or it was of the devil. It was either right or it was wrong. It was either authentic or it was fake. In their expression of this there was no middle ground, no room for the expressions of the heart, to share ‘this is what happened to me on my journey today.’ If they considered that a persons journey was not authentic and one with theirs, in their either or theory it was to be completely disregarded, as if the whole world was completely black and white, without all the vibrant colors I could see existing upon Her body.
I looked and beheld the seed of a tree, saw its possibilities, that it may provide food for one, for example a squirrel, in which case it would then be excreted back out, enter into the Earth cycle as nutrition for all its relations. Or it may take root and become the seedling. When I held the ‘either or’ in my hand, whether the seed became food and followed that cycle, or it became the seedling which grew into the giant tree, in no place was it less sacred. And in the seedling. The seedling was no less sacred than a 300 year old tree. So in the sense that they tried to tell me of their ‘either, ‘ors’ I simply could not go down that path and blindly believe in what they were telling me.


And she said to me, “the laws of Nature are the laws of God, if anyone tells you any different, they are wrong.” Later I realized that she was telling me
Mother rules, and Father honors the Mother rules.