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Sacred Journeys

She Walked With Rainbow Feet


lessons on walking through a 3d world, pg 3

Letting go of outside blame


A couple of years ago, in spirit I was in ceremony, when I lead through a series of events to a place where Earth Mother was saying to me, “By sharing we grow” And she gave this whole picture of the rain coming down, and every place it touched, it shared itself, as it made its way to the river, so I knew I had to grow now in the way that she was telling me to grow.
This took me to a whole new place. What I perceived and how I perceived life was so different than anyone I had even met on this Earth, that it was very easy for me not to share myself with anyone, not heart to heart, not who I was in a walk so sacred, not open my heart to them, not let them see me there merging with her and following her instructions.

So when the instructions she gave me were, ‘by sharing we grow’ I thought, “well what would be the point of sharing if it wasn’t from my heart?” There was no good reason that I could see to share from anywhere except my heart, because my reasoning was that if I couldn’t share from my heart then I shouldn’t be there.

So the passageway was opened up so I could share from my heart. And as this is happening I find myself merging with the morning flower. In the darkness of the night her head is face down towards the Earth in prayer, but as the first ray of dawn comes shining over the horizon, she raises her head to face the morning sun.

If I could have maintained this emotion I would have been okay, but in the 3d world we are subject to human emotions. I was terrified to let my heart be seen so vulnerable this state. If I could have shared without anyone taking notice, if I could have shared with the other ones who are like me.. the ones who came here for this same work, for the same mission, shared the directions in which we had grown, as we were all awakening at the same time, remembering our missions, and had only just found each other.. well, in my mind, ideally that is how it would have happened.

But in the 3d reality, where my human emotions lie, there was such a squawking going on around me that I suddenly felt I had been thrust into the spotlight, And I did not want to be thrust into the spotlight. There was a huge difference between glowing in the morning light and being thrust into the spotlight…

And the more I tried to stand my ground and share (as Earth Mother had told me to do) the louder the noise became until it was like that screeching sound of nails across a chalkboard… and the more I tried to share the louder it got until I merged with the sound and it felt like these horrible cuts being done to my psyche

With this I began to weep from the pain. It was unknown to me why the pain was there, but it was all inside my head, this feeling that this was sheer torture.

I think I endured it for a month, at least, but it simply would not go away. Finally I began calling in prayer to Father Creator, “What is this feeling inside of me now, this place where my head is screaming out in tortured pain, this place these tears are coming from?

I think it took a week for him to answer, so I just kept praying to him, pointing to the place that was hurting and asking him to explain where this pain was coming from.. and after a bit, he came back and said, “Maureen, you have come up like a seedling in this garden I have placed you in. But your arms are spreading every which direction like a bush. I desire that you grow strong and tall like a tree, so this feeling you are feeling is me pruning you.”

With that I am taken to a place where a tree limb has been pruned from a tree. I have been prepared in advance for this seeing as my dad had lost nearly 1/3 of the top of an ancient tree to a storm, and had to have a whole 1/3rd of the tree removed to save it. Every time I went over there he would take me to the tree and show me that it was weeping, tell me how important it was that it was weeping. In its tears it sealed the wound.
This time I learned that sometimes, in the 3d world we take things in and internalize them and magnify them to such a degree that it seems they get all warped out and appear to be something they are not.. But here, as soon as Father Creator told me that this feeling was Him pruning me so I would grow up tall and strong like a tree in the Garden he had placed me in, a great peace filled my soul. I was able to let go of any outside blame.

This is part of the path of discovery, here in the 3d world. Sometimes we look outside ourselves and say it is the worlds fault (or this persons or that persons fault) that we are feeling this or that. But the path I am being brought down leads me to believe we are being divinely lead. I see many instances of the path being prepared before I arrive to walk it. I was instructed by She Walked with Rainbow Feet that this was how I was to interpret all I saw in the 3rd dimension... I saw Mother, and then I saw Father. Mother rules, Father governs the path, prepares the way in front of us.
When the Bird drops the seed into the forest..


One time I was highly upset as again I found myself listening to the “we versus them, don’t touch that argument”. It was being presented how these people (the WE) held sacred their walk, held all these great values and spirituality. The WE presented as evidence all these writings stating how the we walked sacred and the THEM walked a crooked walk that did not make any sense to the WE, and the WE presented all this, so called, evidence to support the “DON’T TOUCH THAT” attitude.

I was very upset by this, to see this again.. in a place I loved at that. So again I make the journey to the merging. I sit outside talking to the trees about this argument that is going on in the heart of a people I love. For days I sit outside talking to the trees about this as they sit in silence listening to me.

Every day I listen to the argument being presented on if I (who represented the THEM) should be allowed to walk sacred in her journey next to the WE (who was attempting to present evidence that the THEM held no sacred value.) Every day I went out and presented their arguments to the trees. This was a people whose heart I loved, sacred on their journey. Why would they make this reflection? Why would it hurt to see this reflection in them? This argument was even bigger than them. It was floating around a collective of energy that began in another place and was spreading through a collective of like thoughts. It was not just here at this place I loved that I was hearing this argument, this WE are the elite chosen sacred and THEY are scum with no spiritual value, so they have no place here with us attitude..

And as I am sitting outside making my presentation to the trees, 2 trees step forward, an older female and a young sapling. They were not the same kind of trees, but they were different. The older female steps forward and says,

“Maureen, look into this forest you love. We are a forest of many different type trees. You will never hear us say that one tree is not welcome to stand next to any one of us. Father Creator (Great Spirit) sends a bird to fly over our heads. The bird drops the seed it is carrying, which falls to the ground. Maybe it is food. Maybe it is meant to grow… In that place where it grows we rejoice in the song that has been added to ours. That is the natural order… after that I sat outside staring into the forest.. and growing next to the tree who merged with me was a thorny vine.

Sometimes peoples words can appear to us as thorny vines. It is a part of this Earth and it is okay to just leave it alone. It is not necessary to walk through the thorn bush. Just go around. If Creator Father has planted you in a forest, even as you know, your roots are traveling into Her body, all the other trees in the forest consider it sacred that you are there. It is not necessary to take opposition seriously... this is a lesson that Mother continues to teach me.


is how we grow, by walking one with Mother. Whatsoever we see in the other people, that we see upon the Earth Mothers body, leave it alone. It is fine and is a part of the Earth journey. but when what someone tells you to do something that you cannot find and as a part of Mothers body, then don't do it. They are wrong

and she said, "There are many Pearls in this place Maureen

I rented the movie, One Night with the King.. It’s beautifully done to display the story of Ester in the Bible. In the movie she was orphaned as a child, but they pause go back to a memory from her childhood. It was on her birthday. She was given a present of a stone ball. When she question her dad for giving her a stone ball he said, “Remember Hadassah, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to seek it out."

Then as she opened the ball, within it was either a diamond or a crystal necklace. And he said to her. “It’s from the Promised Land. Your Great Grandmother brought it with her. And like you, its true treasure is etched within..” With this he held it up to the candle light, and from the light reflections of the Star of David shown everywhere, in rainbow colors.

Later, in the movie, a decree was sent forth that the King, as he was preparing to go to war, must leave behind a queen to keep the people unified. So every maiden was to be considered, (caught an viewed) and the choicest of which was to be brought across the empire into the palace.

Hadassah was very beautiful, and her uncle, who adopted her after her parents were killed, made her promise that if she should be caught, she would tell them her name was Ester because she was Jewish and he thought it would be safer for her if it was not known that she was a Jew.

On the night she was caught and taken to the castle, her necklace, the gift of her Great Grandmother was ripped from her neck by the guards and was placed in the kings royal treasury.

Later, Hadassah who presented herself as Ester, was one of the ones chosen to be presented before the king. And as was the custom, the candidates were taken to the royal treasury and allowed to pick what adornment they would wear on their one night with the King. In the royal treasury Ester’s located sacred stone, the one that belonged to her Great Grandmother, and she took that and that alone to wear on her one night with the King. (as the movie goes)

When it came time for her one night with the king she came before him and presented him with these words, “I was taught that when you visit a king, rather than expect a gift, one should bring one to lay at his feet.” Then she took off her sacred necklace, and as she offered it to him she said, “This is my most valuable possession in the world. It is my past, my present, and my future. And all of it is yours.”


This was how I felt when I received the vision that my sistar sent me, when I discovered that the one who came to guide me from within in this life was my mother from 13 generations past. It was like the greatest pearl that anyone could have ever given me, and as soon as I received it, the Great Mother said, “by sharing we grow” and she told me that I now had to share this.

I did not want to do this. I did not want to share this piece of me.. It felt like this medicine was mine, like something a person would put in their medicine bag. It was sacred to discover she was my mother, and her love for me was so deep that she would travel 13 generations through time so that when I came here and entered into the madness, I would be able to figure out how to walk through this place.

So I attempted to stall by saying I needed to place it in the open with a proper presentation. Instead of even searching for a presentation I spent my time arguing with her, trying to convince her to not make me share this vision. I felt like an oyster shutting her clam shells tight, not wanting to let anyone, but someone really special see this sacred part of me.

2 weeks after this gift was given to me, Earth Mother woke me up at 2:30 in the morning, demanding that I share it right then and there. Even as I was trying to draw up a quick presentation, I was arguing with her on why I had to do this and she said to me,

“Maureen a pearl does not question the place in which it grows or even who should happen to see it. To not share this goes against the natural order. A pearl would never question this. There are many pearls in this place Maureen.