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Sacred Journeys

She Walked With Rainbow Feet


lessons on walking through a 3d world, pg 4

and in the end, .. she blooms..

poetry my heart sings from the lessons of the merging’s.

Patriarchal versus Matriarchal

Matriarchal versus Patriarchal


As long as we have made the shift to speak to collective whole now, I shall stand here in the heavens and stir my paint with the Mother Rules.

These are the memories that Momma brought with her.
Standing in the Garden we were One
No separation between us, we were One
I loved he
and he loved me
no separation between us, we were One

One body, one heart, one spirit
He walked inside of me
and I walked inside of him
we were One.

My energies would go this way and create this effect
His energies would go that way and create that effect
When I shot out sparkles in the sky
he held them in place with his love, made them so they would not dissipate
but rotate, so deep could I feel his love.

Matriarchal seems more natural in the fact that we dance upon her body
and patriarchal felt so far away that as the suns rays can sometimes feel harsh
it misinterprets who we are as we pass through this time and dimension where our bodies appear to be separate identities.
I have never stopped feeling his love since we have been on this journey.
My circle dances around him.
and he holds my circle to dance around him
We are One.
I rejoice every second of every moment
for there is no place ever here in this dimension
where his love rays are not coming over my horizon
and the combination of our energies
refract out in the sunrise and sunset you see. We are One.

and in the end we'll all be dancing...

about 12 deers,
When I was 12 years old I was given a vision. I was trained to merge with every aspect of the Earth, of Mother.. for a lifetime of doing this, never ending song, every aspect, merging.. and the one who came to guide from within, she said to me, "the laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father. Its the Mother who makes the rules, Father says ". It was the Sun who told me how much he loved her, and She who told me of how much she adored him and how he made love to her.

It is this place that I come from in my sharing. It is from this place that I remember that once we were One.
I and him
and him and me
oh yes I remember
we are One

 `And she said,

These are the rules

‘The Laws of the Father

are the Laws of Mother.

Whatsoever you see happening in the world

Look to the Earth

And if you can see it happening there

Leave it it along

It is fine



So this is how I saw it

We are children of the Great Mother.

She is a certain percentage water and soul

And we are a certain percentage of water and soil

She is us and we are her.

And where would her life be without her husband, the Sun?

It is their never ending cycle of making love,

Creates and gives life to the babies that

Play upon the great Mothers body,

While she holds the rules within her body and


Father Creator governs

The movements of the planets within

His solar system.


We are divine.

We are children of the Great Mother

And Creator Father.

The union of their love

Created us,

Therefore we are creators also.

We are gods and goddesses, all of us.


Rich in heritage,

Divine birthright..

Co creators with each other

Just like the trees and flower, and grasses and

4 legs and winged one and those that grow beneath

the water and soil.

There is a natural flow that we are meant to follow,

 we are meant to prosper, and grow.

In claiming our heritage as co-creators

This is what we do.

We take responsibility for every single thought.

Every thought is a co-creation

Let me try to explain it this way.  In merging with the plant kingdom, attention grows toward fulfilling the purpose, the natural cycle

This is what we discover when  we look through these eyes, and looking through time as all the children, all the people are co creators and always have been.  There were secret societies that knew this, and they tried to keep it from everyone one else, so while they lifted themselves up by creating a world that worked their advantage, a world built on their greed



Is it not the nucleus of a family that creates a world.

The Male without the Female is chaos

The Female without the Male is not right either

Together they make love

Spread their seeds

What family is not affected by the presence of children?

For the parent it becomes a deeper lesson

And the nucleus of the family creates a whole new world

That everyone is affected by.

Children are co creators.

What happens to our family when one of our children

Is sick with disease?

A child must be a conscious creator

Take responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

What Mother has not wept over her babies?

We are co creators.

We are responsible

 We are co creators with

Father / Mother

I only had to stand inside the flower, looking through the eyes of its bloom, knowing that I came from seed of another, knowing that from my seed would come another.
I only had to merge with the earth to know that she is my mother
And look around to find her husband, my father
From there I knew that we are the children
Of the great Mother Father
If they created us
Then it is our destiny to be
Creators too
For this is the natural flow
Mother Father
Children grow up
Become Mother Father
Never ending cycle
So many Suns,
Grandparent Suns
Great Grandparents Suns
Baby tree
Teenage tree
Adult tree
Lay my seeds tree
Continue to grow tree
While I watch my babies trees grow around me tree

But still it is my personal parents
The ones whose love created me
That I regard as Creator / Mother
Who I go to for advice
They are the ones that I look up to for advice.,
To show me how it is to be done

In the beginning,
There was no question for me
I am co-creator
And responsible for what I think
And how I interpret this world

There is no question in my mind that we are all gods and goddesses
In varying stages of our growth, created and creators.


If you would like to be taken to lessons from the mergings, click here......... to click next below, you will be taken to the continuing love song my heart sings to touch this Mountain.  This love song just keeps getting better.