Highlighted titles launch MIDI sequences. Historical information is in brown font.
Red font is used to link some MIDI sequences to their sheet music sources. SM = sheet music. MS = manuscript. AR = audio recording. VR = video recording. PR = piano roll. DDCphoto = Dave Dexter Collection photo. bioBE = biography by Bill Edwards.
lyrics by James Whitcomb Riley
In the need that bows us thus, America! Shape a mighty song for us, America!
Song to whelm a hundred years' roar of wars and rain of tears
'Neath a world's triumphant cheers, America! America!
Lift the trumpet to thy mouth, America! East and West and North and South, America!
Call us round the dazzling shrine of the starry old ensign,
Holier yet through blood of thine, America! America!
High o'er looking sea and land, America! Trustfully with outheld hand, America!
Thou dost welcome all in quest of thy freedom, peace and rest,
Ev'ry exile is thy guest, America! America!
Thine a universal love, America! Thine the cross and crown thereof, America!
Aid us, then, to sing thy worth: God hath builded, from thy birth,
The first nation of the earth, America! America!
1903 A Summer Girl idyl SMThe John Church Co. transcribed by Charles Kunkel (1840-1923)
1903 Jack Tar march SMThe John Church Co.AR honoring the British navy
1904 The Diplomat march SMThe John Church Co.AR
_______honoring Secretary of State John Milton Hay (1838–1905)
1905 At the King's Court suite SMThe John Church Co.
_______arranged for piano by Charles Kunkel (1840-1923)
_______Her Ladyship, the Countess - Her Grace, the Duchess - Her Majesty, the Queen
lyrics by Berton Braley
We're marching on, marching on, marching onward to our goal,
Through the dark, through the dawn, bold of heart, and strong of soul.
Alma Mater's sons and daughters, lift your voices strong and clear.
Keep the swinging chorus ringing, so the world will hear.
U-rah-rah-rah Wisconsin! Oh let us shout with faith undaunted.
U-rah-rah-rah Wisconsin! Then let our banners all be flaunted.
For we'll march along together as we hear the music play.
Unafraid of wind or weather, we will fight and win the day.
__We'll march on victorious, oh Varsity, Varsity fair,
__Your name, forever glorious, will hearten us to do and dare.
__We'll march on victorious, the cardinal waving in air,
__And Badgers all, we'll answer to the call, and we'll fight for Wisconsin forever.
lyrics by Edith Willis Linn
From the mountains wreathed and hoary, from the river and the plain,
From the seaboard and the valley, we are marching forth again.
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
We are coming, we are coming, as the pilgrims came of yore,
We will rally round Old Glory as our fathers did before.
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
With no malice in our bosom, with no hate, no dream of greed,
Where the stricken millions beckon, where the maimed and starving bleed,
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
__We are marching, marching, marching, in answer to the call
__Of justice for the nations and liberty for all.
1918 Wedding MarchSMSam Fox Pub. Co.AR
1919 The Golden Star march SM Chappell & Co.AR
1920 SF Comrades of the Legion march SMSam Fox Pub. Co.AR
1920 SF On the Campus march SMSam Fox Pub. Co.AR
__________lyrics by Helen Sousa Abert
__________Hip, hip, hooray! We're full of pep and happy,
__________Ours the world each day a merry jest;
__________Give a cheer, let's make it bright and snappy,
__________On the campus, that's when life is best.
1920 Who's Who in Navy Blue march SMThe John Church Co.AR
lyrics by Michael M. Jalma
March on, march on to victory, loyal sons of Varsity,
Fight on, fight on for Minnesota, for the glory of the old maroon and gold.
March on, march on to win today, down the field, fighting ev'ry play.
We're with you team, fighting team! Hear our song we cheer along
To help you win a victory.
__Rah! Rah! Ski-U-Mah! Rah! Rah! Ski-U-Mah! Rah! Rah! Raw! Rah! Rah! Raw!
March on, march on to victory, loyal sons of Varsity,
Fight on, fight on for Minnesota, for the glory of the old maroon and gold.
March on, march on to win today, down the field, fighting ev'ry play.
We're with you team, fighting team! Hear our song we cheer along
To help you win a victory.
1928 copyrights expired 2024
1928 Easter Monday on the White House LawnAR
_______replacing "Grand Promenade at the White House" in the 1911 "Tales of a Traveler" suite
1928 SF Golden Jubilee march SMSam Fox Pub. Co.AR
1928 New Mexico march AR
1928 Prince Charming march AR
1928 University of Nebraska march AR
1929 copyrights expired 2025
1929 Daughters of Texas march AR
1929 Foshay Tower Washington Memorial march AR
1929 La Flor de Sevilla march AR
1929 University of Illinois march AR
1930 copyrights expire 2026
1930 SF George Washington Bicentennial march AR
1930 TP Harmonica Wizard march AR
1930 The Legionnaires march AR
1930 TP The Royal Welch Fusiliers march AR
1930 The Salvation Army march AR
1930 Untitled MarchAR
1931 copyrights expire 2027
1931 A Century of Progress march AR
1931 Kansas Wildcats march AR
1931 The Aviators march AR
1931 The Circumnavigator's Club march AR
1931 The Northern Pines march AR
1900 Le Bavolet Flottant for clavecin by F. Couperin (1668-1733)
1900 Jig for harpsichord by C. H. Graun (1701-1759)
1900 Tempo di Minuetto after G. B. Grazioli (1746-c1820)
1900 Jig for harpsichord by J. Mattheson (1681-1764)
1900 Courante for clavecin by J. P. Rameau (1683-1764)
1900 Sarabande for clavecin by J. P. Rameau (1683-1764)
1902 Sarabande for clavecin by J. B. Loeilly (1660-1728)
1906 The Song of the Shepherdess from MacDowell's First Suite for orchestra (1891)
Arthur Pryor (1869-1942) photo - bioBE
In 1892 Pryor joined Sousa's band as a trombonist.
From 1895 to 1903 Pryor was the assistant conductor for Sousa's band.
1896 Sweet Lorena Ray song SM
lyrics by Dreamor R. Drake
Do you hear the wild birds singing, sweet Lorena,
With their songs the hills are ringing, sweet Lorena,
While the dainty dew drops fall, while the night is over all,
To my heart they seem to call, sweet Lorena.
__Lorena, sweet Lorena Ray, with your face divine,
__Smiles that brighten all the day, say you will be mine.
__Then no matter what betide, love will light our way,
__Happy with my little bride, sweet Lorena Ray.
To my mind a vision bringing, sweet Lorena,
And my soul a tune is singing, sweet Lorena,
Singing of a heart so true, it would break with love for you,
Break to bid it's dream adieu, sweet Lorena.
__Lorena, sweet Lorena Ray, with your face divine,
__Smiles that brighten all the day, say you will be mine.
__Then no matter what betide, love will light our way,
__Happy with my little bride, sweet Lorena Ray.
Do you hear the songsters singing, sweet Lorena,
O, the joy their notes are bringing, sweet Lorena,
While I kiss the golden hair, parted from the face so fair,
See the answer hidden there, sweet Lorena.
__Lorena, sweet Lorena Ray, with your face divine,
__Smiles that brighten all the day, say you will be mine.
__Then no matter what betide, love will light our way,
__Happy with my little bride, sweet Lorena Ray.
Eyes that charm my heart completely, sweet Lorena,
Lips that meet my own so sweetly, sweet Lorena,
Smiles that waft my soul away, charms that cheer my heart for aye,
Love that tunes my simple lay, sweet Lorena.
__Lorena, sweet Lorena Ray, with your face divine,
__Smiles that brighten all the day, say you will be mine.
__Then no matter what betide, love will light our way,
__Happy with my little bride, sweet Lorena Ray.
lyrics by William K. Devereux
We're just waiting, Uncle Sammy, we're just waiting your command,
And we're ready, Uncle Sammy, just to show you where we stand.
We are watching for your signal, when you flash it, we'll be there.
Raise your finger, we'll not linger, we'll be there!
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there,
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
__Tell to us the old, old story that you need us for Old Glory.
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
From the Northland, Uncle Sammy, you will find the Boys in Blue,
Down in Dixie, Uncle Sammy, Boys in Grey are with you, too.
Just you tell us that you need us; you can send us anywhere.
You can reckon when you beckon, we'll be there!
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there,
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
__Tell to us the old, old story that you need us for Old Glory.
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
You have tried us, Uncle Sammy, in the days of long ago.
Think of Lexington and Trenton, think of Scott in Mexico,
Think of Dewey at Manila, "Fire when ready!" just declare.
When you sic 'em, we will lick 'em, we'll be there!
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there,
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
__Tell to us the old, old story that you need us for Old Glory.
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
We've been neutral, Uncle Sammy, while you kept us out of war,
We've been patient, Uncle Sammy, though our hearts are sick and sore.
Now we're anxious for the battle, for Old Glory bright and fair.
Lead us to it, they will rue it, we'll be there!
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there,
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
__Tell to us the old, old story that you need us for Old Glory.
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
Not for treasure, Uncle Sammy, will we follow where you lead,
Not for kingdoms, Uncle Sammy, not for power or for greed,
But for freedom, Uncle Sammy, freedom here and ev'rywhere.
You're our leader, you're our pleader, we'll be there!
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there,
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
__Tell to us the old, old story that you need us for Old Glory.
__We'll be there, Uncle Sammy, we'll be there!
Johann C. Schmid (1870-1951) bio - pseudonyms - compositions-list - compositions-timeline
1888 Greetings of SpringJ. C. SchmidSM "to Miss Mamie Kaekel" whose full name was
_______Marie Louise Kaekel, from which Marie Louka was derived
1895 Bonnie Dear and IJohann C. Schmid waltz song SM
1899 National Export ExpositionS. Casper Johann march SM
In 1901, when he was 30-31 years old, Schmid married Marie Louise Kaekel.
1901 Japanese Fire DanceMarie Louka characteristic SM
1902 The RajahMarie Louka march and two-step SM
1902 Flowers of Youth A. C. Weymann & Johann C. Schmid caprice SM
In 1903, when Schmid was 32 years old, his wife Marie died of yellow fever.
1903 Alone in the DeepJohann C. Schmid song AR
1903 Cupid's DartMarie Louka idylle caprice SM
1903 KarmaraMarie Louka African bolo dance SM "To Miss Gussie Brock, Phila., Pa."
Schmid married Augusta Brock on 1903-10-20, when he was 33 years old.
1904 A Silent Prayer (Ein Stilles Gebet)Marie Louka reverie SM
1904 DaisiesMarie Louka song SM
lyrics by Richard C. Dillmore
In the field abloom with daisies, when I last beheld you there,
With the rippling wave of sunshine gleaming in your golden hair,
Daisies then to me seemed fairer than the rarest flow'rs that grow.
Can you guess why bright-eyed daisies thrilled my heart long, long ago?
In the field abloom with daisies, I will ne'er forget the scene.
There I crowned you with a garland, crowned you as the daisy queen.
Daisies, tell my love the secret that to you I did impart,
Tell her in your silent language, tell the story of my heart.
1904 Dance of the Snowflakes (Tanz der Schneeflocken)Marie Louka characteristic SM
1904 My Dixie RoseJohann C. Schmid song SM
1904 The FadetteMarie Louka march and two-step SM
1904 The North AmericanMarie Louka march and two-step SMThe North American was a
_______Philadelphia newspaper with offices in The North American Building in Philadelphia.
1905 A Flower From Home Sweet HomeJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1905 Dance of the Dewdrops (Tanz der Thauperlen)Marie Louka characteristic SM
1905 Fire and Flame (Feuer und Flamme)Marie Louka march and two-step SM
1905 Fleeting HoursMarie Louka reverie SM
1905 The Baseball MarchJohann C. Schmid march and two-step SM
1905 The Hour of Prayer (Die Stunde des Gebet's)Marie Louka reverie SM
1905 When They Gather In the SheavesJohann C. Schmid song
1906 Birds and BreezesMarie Louka waltzes SM
1906 Ev'ry Ship Will Find a HarborJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1906 Flickering ShadowsMargaret Eldon reverie SM
1906 The Captain GeneralMarie Louka march and two-step SM
1906 The ChallengerJohann C. Schmid march and two-step SM
1906 Though Your Hair Is Turning Silver You've a Heart of GoldJohann C. Schmid song SM
1906 When the Orioles Come North AgainJohann C. Schmid song SM
1906 Where the Golden Rod Is Waving, Molly DearJohann C. Schmid song SM
1907 Let's Try the Old Back YardJohann C. Schmid song SM
1907 PhasmaMarie Louka shadow dance SM
1907 SunsetClayton Hallowell reverie SM
1907 There's a Warm Spot In My Heart For TennesseeJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1907 Twilight on the WaterFranz von Falkenberg idylle SM
1908 Footlight FlashesGeorge Gordon Meade march SM
1908 If You Must Love Someone, Won't You Please Love Me?Johann C. Schmid song SMAR
1908 I Love You For Yourself AloneJohann C. Schmid song SM
1908 Ocean SprayMarie Louka mazurka caprice SM
1908 Primrose, Good-byeClayton Hallowell song SM
1908 Somebody Just Like YouJohann C. Schmid song AR
1909 Moon-BirdJohann C. Schmid song SM
1909 Moonlight in Jungleland song Johann C. SchmidSMAR
1909 Slumberland song Johann C. Schmid
1909 The Garden of RosesJohann C. Schmid song SM 1.5 million copies sold in 18 months AR
_______string trio sequenced by Lewis J. Thomas Jr. SM
lyrics by J. E. Dempsey
Come into the garden of roses, dear, and stand where the sunbeams fall,
Sweet perfume arises like like incense pure to one who is fairer than all.
__Beautiful garden of roses, kissed by the golden dew,
__Each pretty flower discloses virtues I find in you.
__White means your soul so pure, dear, red is your love most true.
__You are my garden of beautiful roses. My own rose, my one rose, that's you.
The roses that bloom in the garden, dear, must wither and fade someday,
But time only adds to the rose of love a charm that can never decay.
__Beautiful garden of roses, kissed by the golden dew,
__Each pretty flower discloses virtues I find in you.
__White means your soul so pure, dear, red is your love most true.
__You are my garden of beautiful roses. My own rose, my one rose, that's you.
1909 There's No Girl Like Your Old GirlJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1909 Under the Love-Star With YouJohann C. Schmid song SM
1909 White WingsJohann C. Schmid song SM
1909 You're a Grand Old BellJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1910 Adieu, Beloved, AdieuJohann C. Schmid song SM
1910 Sweet Old RoseJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1910 A Song of Old Kilkenny (Irish Ballad)Johann C. Schmid song SM
1910 Gee! But the Moon Makes Me LonesomeJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1910 Tahmineh (Amour d'Orientelle)Johann C. Schmid song SM
1910 The Garden of Roses WaltzesJohann C. SchmidSM
1910 The Moonlight, the Rose and YouJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1910 The Passing Caravan PatrolJohann C. Schmid march AR
1910 The Vale of DreamsJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1910 When the Candle Lights are GleamingClayton Hallowell song SM
1911 By the Light of the Jungle MoonJ. Caldwell Atkinson song SM
1911 If the Garden of Roses Should Change To ThornsJohann C. Schmid song SM
_______MIDI by James Pitt-Payne
1911 Night Brings Dreams and Dreams Bring YouJohann C. Schmid song
1911 The Hour That Gave Me YouJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1911 The WhirlwindJohann C. Schmid concert galop SM
1912 At the Gate of the Palace of DreamsJohann C. Schmid song SMAR
1912 Autumn GlowClayton Hallowell reverie SM
1912 Awakening of the SoulDorma St. John meditation-brilliante SM
1912 Cap and GownMarie Louka march SM
1912 Dance of the Toys (Puppen Tanz)Marie LoukaSM
1912 Dance of the WoodbirdCarl Heinrich Leonhardi mazurka caprice SM
1912 Dancing DollsMarie Louka waltz SM
1912 Don't Drop a Quarter in the MeterJ. Caldwell Atkinson song SM
1912 College ColorsPaul A. Embrock march cited on the first page of "Drumsticks" (1912)
1912 DrumsticksPaul A. Embrock characteristic march SM
1912 Mission BellsMarie Louka tone poem SM
1912 No Girl Can Take My Old Girl's PlaceJ. Caldwell Atkinson song SM
1912 Perle de PerseJohann C. Schmid valse orientelle SM
1912 Silvery ShadowsFranz von Falkenberg idylle SM
1912 Sunset on the OceanMarie Louka reverie SM
1912 Under the Big September's MoonJ. Caldwell Atkinson song AR
1913 By the Rio Grande (Mexican Serenade) Anatol Friedland & Johann C. Schmid song SM
1913 Honey, BehaveJohann C. Schmid song
1913 If I Could Only Make You CareJohann C. Schmid song SMARARstring trio edited and
_______sequenced by Lewis J. Thomas Jr. SM
lyrics by J. E. Dempsey
I never thought the world could lose its sunshine, the sky its blue, or songs their melody,
Until I tried to tell you how I loved you, until you said you could not care for me.
__If I could only make you care! If I could only make you see
__How much I love, how much I need you, and how I pray you'll care someday!
__If I could press you to my heart and make you feel the longing there,
__The burning wish to have you love me! If I could only make you care!
I envy ev'ry flower in the garden, and one of them I've often longed to be,
For I have seen you press them to your lips, dear. If you could only care as much for me!
__If I could only make you care! If I could only make you see
__How much I love, how much I need you, and how I pray you'll care someday!
__If I could press you to my heart and make you feel the longing there,
__The burning wish to have you love me! If I could only make you care!
1913 MissingJohann C. Schmid song SM
1913 Say "Yes" With a Sweet Red RoseJohann C. Schmid song SM
1913 Sweet Savannah SueJ. Caldwell Atkinson song SM
1913 Thoughts of SpringElizabeth K. Peall waltz SM
1914 Bridal BlushesJohann C. Schmid waltz SM PR
On 1914-10-24 The Music Trade Review reported: "Sam Speck and Johann Schmid, both formerly
connected with Remick & Co., have formed a partnership for publishing music in New York under
the name of the Cosmopolitan Music Co." This short-lived company was owned by The New
Amsterdam Music Corporation, which had the same 1367-69 Broadway New York City address.
1914 MontmartreJohann C. Schmid silhouette tango Cosmopolitan Music Co.
1914 KalomaGiré Goulineaux valse hésitante SMCosmopolitan Music Co.
lyrics by Powell I. Ford
She is only a butterfly careless and gay,
And she's anyone's girlie they say,
For she flutters around where the white lights burn bright.
I wonder if some mother needs her tonight.
Perhaps she's like many another we see,
And if you should ask her the answer would be that
__She had no mother to guide her, no one to watch or to pray,
__No one to care if she wandered over the gay white way.
__No loving lips ever whispered "God keep you safe from downfall."
__She had no mother to guide her. She is one out of many, that's all.
Where the white lights are gleaming so mellow and bright
There is many a sad heart tonight,
For the laughter and song only serve to conceal
The pangs of regret and the sorrow they feel.
Each world weary lass has a tale of her own.
She fell by the wayside unwarned and alone. For
__She had no mother to guide her, no one to watch or to pray,
__No one to care if she wandered over the gay white way.
__No loving lips ever whispered "God keep you safe from downfall."
__She had no mother to guide her. She is one out of many, that's all.
On 1914-08-04 Britain declared war on Germany.
1914 Fight With Tommy in the TrenchesWillis Richfield song SMNew Amsterdam Music
1915 I'm an American, That's AllJohann C. Schmid song SMNew Amsterdam Music Corp.
lyrics by Harry D. Kerr
'Twas after school, the class had gone, the teacher saw him there.
He asked the boy what caused the tears and filled him with despair,
The boy replied, My parents, sir, came from another land,
And in this war the boys ask me to tell them where I stand.
The teacher filled with pride, then to the boy replied:
__Your father my be from across the sea from a land he may call his own,
__And your mother too may swear she's true to her king who is on his throne.
__But no matter what your station, you've just one obligation to answer your own nation's call.
__Stand by Old Glory, be proud to say, I'm an American, that's all.
The nations on the other side, where bloodshed reigns today,
Can't ask a son of Uncle Sam to take sides either way.
Your duty to your home and friends is strict neutrality.
And when they ask you where you stand, just tell them all for me
You stand right here today for good old U. S. A.:
__Your father my be from across the sea from a land he may call his own,
__And your mother too may swear she's true to her king who is on his throne.
__But no matter what your station, you've just one obligation to answer your own nation's call.
__Stand by Old Glory, be proud to say, I'm an American, that's all.
1915 Just for the Key to Your HeartJohann C. Schmid song New Amsterdam Music
1915 In the Smoke of a Good CigarJohann C. Schmid song Samuel H. Speck
On 1917-04-06 the United States of America declared war on Germany.
On 1917-04-21 The Music Trade Review reported: "Sometime ago Mr. Schmid dropped out
of sight of his friends in the sheet music trade, and beyond the announcement that he was
engaged in other pursuits near his home city, Philadelphia, his later activities were unknown
to many. The Review scout has discovered Mr. Schmid doing mighty well in another line of
the music trade. In other words, instead of composing music he now sells it in the shape of
music rolls, being general manager of the Rose Valley Co., successful music roll
manufacturers in Media, Pa. Mr. Schmid is therefore supporting the interests of his friends
among the music publishers and composers by providing additional royalties for mechanical
reproduction rights. He declares that selling music rolls has some advantage over composing
for the fickle public." From 1917 through the early 1930s Johann C. Schmid served as vice
president and general manager of the Rose Valley Music Co., which produced and sold Ideal
piano rolls. Schmid hired skilled pianists like Ed Sheppard (1894-1964) and Schmid's
daughter Margaretta (1906-1990) to cut piano rolls. "By August 1919, Sheppard was under
the employ of the Rose Valley Music Co., manufacturers of several brands of roll, the most
prominent (and long-lived) being the 'Ideal' brand... Sheppard starts to appear in earnest for
the Rose Valley roll company around October 1922, no less than 10 of their releases for that
month crediting him as the artist. Other Ideal/Rose Valley rolls credit C(arl) H(einrich)
Leonhardi, Clayton Hallowell, and Paul (A.) Embrock as pianists. However these were in
fact pseudonyms used by one of the founders of the Rose Valley company, Johann C Schmid,
for his compositional efforts (amongst many other names). Although Schmid did hand-play
a few rolls for his Rose Valley concern, the rolls credited to his various pseudonyms are all
audibly easy to identify as the work of Sheppard, suggesting Schmid as the general
manager had assigned his compositional pseudonyms to also be 'house artist' names to
increase the perceived size of Rose Valley/Ideal to the consumer. (This was all revealed
in my correspondence in the mid 2010s with Lewis Thomas Jr., grandson of Johann C.
Schmid). Ideal also supplied rolls to the Plaza Music Company who released them under
their own 'Jewel' brand, and Sheppard used his wife's maiden name, L. Bradley, for the
Jewel rolls — although the exact same performances as the Ideal rolls. This made the Jewel
rolls seem more credible, as if they had their own stable of artists." On 1919-08-30 The
Music Trade Review reported: "Johann C. Schmid, who in years agone composed many
songs and instrumental numbers that have ranked as big hits, has entered the ranks of jazz
artists, and is responsible for the melody of a new number, 'That Heavenly Jazz' (The
Religious Blues), which is to be produced as a word roll by the Rose Valley Music Co.,
Philadelphia, of which Mr. Schmid is now general manager."
1919 That Heavenly JazzJohann C. Schmid song SMPR
1919 Oh What a Pal Was Mary Leslie, Kalmar, Wendling PRGire Golineaux
_______assisted by Ed Sheppard
1921 Hobel-lied Conrad Kreutzer PRJohann C. Schmid
1921 O TannenbaumPRJohann C. Schmid
1921 Old Kentucky Moonlight Van Alstyne PRClayton Hallowell
1922 Burning Sands D. Onivas PRPaul Embrock
1922 Lola Lo Smith, Wheeler, Lange, Klapholz PRClayton Hallowell
1923 Blue Hoosier Blues Friend & Baer PR Ed Sheppard & Paul Embrock
1923 Just a Girl That Men Forget Dubin, Rath, Garren PRClayton Hallowell
1923 Your Mamma's Gonna Slow You Down Buddy Cooper PRPaul Embrock
1924 Victorious PeaceMarie Louka march
1925 Mother's Lullaby songs arranged by Marie LoukaMS
1925 Songs for Childhood Games arranged by Marie Louka
1925 The Arrival of Santa Claus (In Story and Song) arranged by Marie Louka
1925 Cumberland Halsey K. Mohr PRJ. Caldwell Atkinson
On 1936-05-28 Schmid at age 65 was elected to ASCAP.
1939 Damask RoseMarie Louka nocturne SM
lyrics by Dorothy Elder
Night is falling, small hearts calling for the touch of one they love
While the angels weep above.
Little ones bewildered sleeping far away from trundle beds,
With the stars their lone watch keeping o'er their weary troubled heads.
Guns of darkness, guns of darkness waiting there, destruction keep.
Do you dare disturb their sleep?
Hushabye, hushabye, dream your dreams of peace and trust.
These are the flowers from the dust.
1940 Someone's Sorry Alfred Harmon & J. Caldwell Atkinson song MS 1940-10-01 AR
1941 untitled 1Marie LoukaMS 1941
1941 untitled 2Johann C. Schmid / Marie LoukaMS January 1941
1941 On Kailua's ShoreMarie Louka song MS January 1941
_______Kailua Beach and Pearl Harbor are both on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.
lyrics by Helen Martin
On the sands of Ka-i-lu-a, mem'ry calls me there
Where soft Pacific breezes blow the rainbow mist in your hair.
On Ka-i-lu-a's shore, isle of magic lore,
Where we found our love 'neath the moon's silv'ry glow,
Music of soft guitars filled the breeze,
And stars cast their spell on us below.
The moon went drifting out to sea,
He left the stars to you and me,
Shining with hope so bright, watching there each night,
Waiting for you on Ka-i-lu-a's shore.
lyrics by Helen Martin Reflection
Here in the purple twilight where beauty used to dwell
I walk through the paths of childhood in the garden I loved so well.
Nothing but ruin greets me. A bleeding heart in despair
Blooms by the doorless chapel as I breath my promise and prayer. The Promise
Garden and chapel of my youth where I first learned of honor and truth,
I'll mend your door I promise you true, place all the flowers where they always grew
To invite weary travellers passing your way to share your peace and linger to pray.
This I will do before I go beyond the twilight's purple glow. The Prayer
I breath my prayer because I know beyond the twilight's purple glow
Where angels guard the heavenly way and dim the twilight as I pray
That when the night brings silence deep God in his mercy will wrap me in sleep.
1941 We're Standing By AmericaMarie Louka song MS
_______MS was completed 1941-12-05, 2 days before the 1941-12-07 attack on Pearl Harbor.
lyrics by Helen Martin
Here's to America land of our birth, the star of the sea, the queen of the earth,
A haven of freedom, a light shining bright, ablaze with freedom, love for right.
From north to the south, the America's three, united they stand because they are free,
IN GOD WE TRUST, our motto true, and for old Glory we will promise you
To come from mountain and valley, from city and farm,
To keep that light bright and safe from all harm.
We love you America our native land, and by your side united stand.
__America, America, the land where the brave are free,
__America, America, the cradle of liberty,
__We're standing by America to guard you by land and sea,
__From shore to shore united for America.
On 1941-12-08 the United States of America declared war on Japan.
On 1941-12-11 the United States of America declared war on Germany.
1943 The Stars Are God's CandlesJohann C. Schmid song Concert Music Publishing Co.
1945 The War Correspondent (Topic of the Day)Marie Louka march MS
On 1945-05-08 Americans celebrated Victory in Europe Day.
On 1945-09-02 representatives of Japan surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri.
1947 The Old HomesteadJohann C. Schmid song MS1947 WWDC radio broadcast version
1948 WWDC radio interview Schmid acknowledged that he wrote "Awakening of the Soul"
_______by "Dorma St. John," and "The Rajah" and "The Captain General" by "Marie Louka."
On 1951-03-07 Schmid died at age 80.
J. S. Zamecnik (1872-1953) photo - bioBE
1908 College Yell march two-step SMAR
_______Happy are the days that we spend as college boys.
_______There's nothing seems to give such delight as college joys.
_______When voices ring and good fellows sing, our woes dispel.
_______So here's a cheer, let ev'ryone hear our college yell.
1909 A Trip to the North Pole descriptive march SMAR
_______celebrating Robert Peary's 1909 trip to the North Pole
1911 Love Sonnets "Three Melodies for the Piano"
_______Love Fancies
_______The Secret of the Sea barcarole SM shown after the missing "Love Fancies"
_______The Bee and the Floweret moderato grazioso SM shown after "The Secret of the Sea"
1912 College Capers march two-step SM
1912 Mandy's Ragtime WaltzSM
1913 Movie Rag novelty two-step
1914 Co-ed march two-step SM "companion to the popular 'Frat' march [by John F. Barth]"
_______lyrics by J. R. Shannon
_______Here's to the girl in college, and to her charming ways.
_______Here's to the girl of knowledge, pride of our student days. Rah! Rah! Rah!
_______We boast your winsome manner, we'll toast you till we're dead.
_______Long live our Alma Mater. Here's to you, fair Co-ed.
_______1911 photo of Barnard College students
On 1914-08-04 Britain declared war on Germany.
1914 World Peace march SM
1916 All America march SMAR
1916 Ole Virginny one-step SM
1916 The Last Farewell waltz SM
1917 The Fox Trail march SM
1917 The Wooing Hour serenade SM
On 1917-04-06 the United States of America declared war on Germany.
1917 For the Freedom of the World "a wonder song of international appeal" SMAR lyrics by Edmund Vance Cooke
The trumpets call, our banners all are flying; drums are sounding, hearts are bounding,
We march to save where men are bravely dying, by the tempest tossed and whirled.
Though mothers moan and sweethearts may be sighing, we struggle till the foeman's flag is furled;
For the land which gave us birth, for the peoples of the earth, and the freedom of all the world!
__We come! we come! to the fife and the drum for the flag of the free which protects you and me;
__For each! for all! we stand or we fall for the love of our liberty.
__We come! we come! to the fife and the drum for the flag of the free which protects you and me;
__For each! for all! we stand or we fall for the love of our liberty.
From South and North we sally forth to battle; firm and steady, we are ready!
From West and East till war has ceased its rattle and the foe is backward hurled.
Till man is man and not a tyrant's chattel, till royal rags and pirate flags are furled;
For the safety of the state, for America, the Great, and the freedom of all the world!
__We come! we come! to the fife and the drum for the flag of the free which protects you and me;
__For each! for all! we stand or we fall for the love of our liberty.
__We come! we come! to the fife and the drum for the flag of the free which protects you and me;
__For each! for all! we stand or we fall for the love of our liberty.
1917 Spirit of America "a patriotic patrol" SM
1918 Faith of America "a new national song" SM
lyrics by Edmund Vance Cooke
When the sons of our soil by the hands of their toil declared men equal and free,
When they set that as seal of American weal as promise for you and for me,
By their word and their sword and their pen they proclaimed it to God and to men.
__Let Truth and Right decide us! And if our hearts are void,
__Our hands are dust, our swords are rust, and we destroyed.
__But if our banners guide us to answer Freedom's call,
__Tho' you and I may fight and die, ours shall not fall!
As our purpose is pure so our Cause shall endure when the call of the bugles is heard.
For the hearts of our state be they lowly or great resound to our old old word,
And again and again and again we proclaim it to God and to men.
__Let Truth and Right decide us! And if our hearts are void,
__Our hands are dust, our swords are rust, and we destroyed.
__But if our banners guide us to answer Freedom's call,
__Tho' you and I may fight and die, ours shall not fall!
James M. Fulton (1873-1940) photo - recordings
1900 Across the Pacific march AR
1900 The Pioneer march SMAR
1901 Colored Delegates cakewalk and two-step SM
1901 Ethelbert march AR honoring Pittsburgh composer Ethelbert Nevin (1862-1901)
1908 Battleship Connecticut march and two-step SMVR
1908 The New Tipperary march SMAR
1909 The Indomitable march and two-step SMVR
1910 Lonesome Little Me song SM lyrics by Leo J. Curley
Seems like all the girls are getting married, makes me just as blue as I can be,
Wish that I could get a fellow somehow, it's funny no one wants to marry me.
We have a lovely sofa in our parlor, and Dad's a cinch, but still the boys won't call,
Ma says when she was young they came a plenty, some nights she thought she'd have to hire a hall.
__I'm awful lonesome, lonesome, might as well be living in the moon,
__No one calls around at night to cozy up and hold me tight, I'll be an old maid soon,
__Gee how happy I could be kind of cuddled up on someone's knee,
__Like to put the fellows wise, think I'll have to advertize, lonesome little me.
Lots of girls aint half so nice I am, funny how they ever get a beau,
Dad just kids me something awful lately, he kind of smiles and says I must be slow,
He says to get some salt and I might catch one, and then he laughs till I could almost cry,
Next time I get a fellow on our sofa, I'll snuggle up real close, and then I'll sigh.
__I'm awful lonesome, lonesome, might as well be living in the moon,
__No one calls around at night to cozy up and hold me tight, I'll be an old maid soon,
__Gee how happy I could be kind of cuddled up on someone's knee,
__Like to put the fellows wise, think I'll have to advertize, lonesome little me.
1912 Francisville RagAR
1912 Latona march AR
1924 KDKA march AR honoring a Pittsburgh radio station that began broadcasting in 1920
1924 The Star march AR
1924 Vigor In Arduis march AR
1924 We Americans march AR
1929 Happy Hawaii march AR
1934 Parting march AR
1940 Trapelo overture AR
John F. Barth (1874-1947)
1902 Ma Ragtime Queen march and two-step SMRogers & EastmanAR
1903 Foxy Sam characteristic two-step SMFox Music Co.
1903 Rambling Mose characteristic march and two-step SMH. N. White
1907 You're Pretty As a Picture song AR
1910 Pretty As a Picture waltzes SMThe Eastman Co.AR
1910 Spooning in the Moonlight song SMFred Heltman
Summer is the only time to coo and spoon,
When nobody's looking but the shining moon,
Strolling with your sweetheart while the stars are shining bright,
The only time for holding hands is on a summer night.
__Spooning in the moonlight in the summertime,
__Dreaming in love's dreamland with your baby mine,
__Stealing hugs and kisses, gee I think that's fine!
__Spooning in the moonlight in the summertime.
I'm in love with all the little cute sweet girls,
Some have eyes like diamonds, some have teeth like pearls,
In the park quite late at night I have a great old time,
I think that I could live on spooning in the summertime.
__Spooning in the moonlight in the summertime,
__Dreaming in love's dreamland with your baby mine,
__Stealing hugs and kisses, gee I think that's fine!
__Spooning in the moonlight in the summertime.
1910 Frat march two-step by John F. Barth SMSam Fox Pub. Co.AR
_______Here's to the good old Frat boys, here's to our college days.
_______Bring out the good old songs, boys, sing out the good old lays.
_______Here's to the good old Profs, boys, patient and kind always.
_______Here's to the good old Frat boys, here's to our college days.
1914 Co-ed march two-step by J. S. ZamecnikSMSam Fox Pub. Co.
_______"companion to the popular 'Frat' march" [by John F. Barth]
_______lyrics by J. R. Shannon
_______Here's to the girl in college, and to her charming ways.
_______Here's to the girl of knowledge, pride of our student days. Rah! Rah! Rah!
_______We boast your winsome manner, we'll toast you till we're dead.
_______Long live our Alma Mater. Here's to you, fair Co-ed.
_______1911 photo of Barnard College students
1911 Rooters march two-step SMThe Eastman Company
_______Come on boys and give the team a hand,
_______Root like, well just root to beat the band.
_______Make a noise and yell like sin,
_______Come on, come on, we've got to win.
1912 School Days march two-step SMThe Fred Heltman Co.
_______Bring back those happy school days, bring back the dear old school.
_______Bring back the patient teachers, who did so kindly rule. Not! Not! Not!
_______Bring back those dear old schoolmates who now are far away.
_______They'll live forever in memory, bring back those good old days.
1912 Toboggan Rag two-step SMSam Fox Pub. Co.
1913 Sorority march The Fred Heltman Co.
1919 Moon-Glow for the piano SMSam Fox Pub. Co.
1919 Waltz Alabam' (a darky waltz dream) song AR
lyrics by J. R. Shannon
Twilight shades are creeping from out each rock and rill,
The golden sun has gone to rest way beyond the hill,
Tiny stars are gleaming like diamonds from the sky,
While nightbirds are singing their sweet lullaby.
__So journey off to slumberland while the shadows fall.
__Moontime is near, croontime is here.
__Ride upon the moonbeams until the birdlings call,
__When daybreak brings skies bright and clear.
__Journey off to slumberland while the shadows fall.
__Moontime is near, croontime is here.
__Ride upon the moonbeams until the birdlings call,
__When daybreak brings skies bright and clear.
Soon the golden moonbeams will kiss the silent sea,
The Sandman soon will weave his sweet spell o'er you and me,
Close your tired eyes, rest your head on Mother's breast,
For nature is sleeping, the whole world's at rest.
__So journey off to slumberland while the shadows fall.
__Moontime is near, croontime is here.
__Ride upon the moonbeams until the birdlings call,
__When daybreak brings skies bright and clear.
__Journey off to slumberland while the shadows fall.
__Moontime is near, croontime is here.
__Ride upon the moonbeams until the birdlings call,
__When daybreak brings skies bright and clear.
Hum - um, hum - um, slumbertime's near, sweet dreams, my dear,
Hum - um, hum - um, fairies will guard you, for croontime is here.
lyrics by James Stanley Royce
Sweet and low, sweet and low, soft evening breeze,
Comes from the happy land of memory bringing back again to me
The hours of fairyland rhymes, wonderful times at close of day,
While through the trees you sang your ever haunting melody.
Bring back those tender strains of Mother's soothing lullaby,
Moon swinging low, stars all aglow.
Bring the dancing shadows from the phantom long ago
When Mother sang sweet and low.
Bye-lo-bye, now close your eye, Sandman's coming by, so sly,
Dream sweet dreams till the morning dawn.
Sleep till the Sandman has gone to slumberland.
Bring back those tender strains of Mother's soothing lullaby,
Moon swinging low, stars all aglow.
Leave with me those mem'ries of that golden long ago
When Mother sang sweet and low.
lyrics by Jack Yellen
Out where the pyramids stand on the glittering sand of an ancient land,
There I go straying it seems ev'ry night in my dreams and it only means
__I'll have to linger a while by the silvery Nile
__All alone in a bower. My sweet lotus flower
__Sighs to the stars in the skies
__While she's dreaming of me, wond'ring where I can be.
__Why did I stray so many miles away
__From her enchanting eyes that made a paradise of desert Egypt?
__She built a heaven for me just with one little smile by the silvery Nile.
She won my heart with a glance as in fairy romance, for we met by chance.
I never dreamed that someday I'd be feeling this way. I can only say
__I'll have to linger a while by the silvery Nile,
__All alone in a bower. My sweet lotus flower
__Sighs to the stars in the skies
__While she's dreaming of me, wond'ring where I can be.
__Why did I stray so many miles away
__From her enchanting eyes that made a paradise of desert Egypt?
__She built a heaven for me just with one little smile by the silvery Nile.
1922 Colorado and You song SMAR
1928 Monkey Biznez a novelty piano solo SMVR
lyrics by Leo Wood
There is music in the air, you can hear it ev'rywhere,
Far and near each tone so clear rings as it brings us all good cheer.
'Tis a song of happiness, ev'ry heart it means to bless
With its strains so appealing over us stealing like a sweet caress.
Like the chimes they ring out with the dawn
Spreading gladness like a hope new born.
North, East, South, West, you'll hear them ringing for you,
They're sending sunshine to each heart that beats true.
They're the chimes that fill the world with joy,
Thoughts of discontent they soon destroy.
They're chimes of gladness and they never will cease
In this land of happiness and peace.
__They're the Chimes of Liberty, chimes that ring for you and me.
__Where ev'ry loyal heart beats true they bring joy anew.
__'Tis a song of loyalty of a nation brave and free.
__Let us pray that they will ring for aye, our country's Chimes of Liberty.
Hear them ringing as they're bringing gladness to each heart.
Hear them saying while they're praying each to do his part.
Liberty, Liberty, Ah!
__They're the Chimes of Liberty, chimes that ring for you and me.
__Where ev'ry loyal heart beats true they bring joy anew.
__'Tis a song of loyalty of a nation brave and free.
__Let us pray that they will ring for aye, our country's Chimes of Liberty.
lyrics by Dana Burnet
Ho! jolly little fisherman with the blue eye and the basket,
Where are you going now, if I may ask it?
O, I'm going down to the rippling brook that flows beside the willow,
And I'll sit in the shade of a pretty tree, with a green moss pillow.
An' what'l ye do a sittin' there, my little fisher laddie?
Will you catch a whoppin' spotted pike, or a siller shaddie?
I'll catch nae one nor tother, lad, nor siller fish nor mottle,
I'll sit in the shade, in the shade of a tree, and drink frae a brown buttle!
Kenneth J. Alford (1881-1945) photo - bio
CB = from either of two editions of Colonel Bogey March Album for Piano Solo
______(in 1953 "The Voice of the Guns" was replaced by "The Thin Red Line")
1908 CB The Thin Red Line march VR
1912 Holyrood march MIDI by George Pollen AR
1912 The Vedette march AR
1914 CB Colonel Bogey march AR
On 1914-08-04 Britain declared war on Germany.
1916 CB The Great Little Army march AR
1917 CB On the Quarter Deck march AR
1917 CB The Middy march AR
1917 CB The Voice of the Guns march AR
1917 Thoughts valse
1919 CB The Vanished Army march AR
1921 CB The Mad Major march AR
1923 Cavalry of the Clouds march AR
1928 Dunedin march AR
1929 CB Old Panama march AR
1929 H.M. Jollies march AR
1930 Standard of St. George march MIDI by George Pollen AR
On 1939-09-03 Britain declared war on Germany.
1941 By Land and Sea march AR
1941 Army of the Nile march MIDI by George Pollen AR
1942 Eagle Squadron march AR
lyrics by Arthur Francis
When the clouds the skies are filling, and the songbirds stop their trilling,
Don't take it to heart, let worry depart.
Soon the sunshine will say, Howdy, skies are not forever cloudy.
Just learn to sing and never mope, there is a thing that's known as hope.
__Weary are the flowers, dreary are the hours,
__Waiting for the sun to come out.
__Yet while clouds are crying, I smile never sighing,
__For I know that presently the sun will come out and smile on me.
__Gray skies will be clearing, gay skies soon appearing,
__Chasing ev'ry worry and doubt, there's no use in having sorrow about
__While waiting for the sun to come out.
lyrics by Irving Caesar and B. G. DeSylva
Say, here's a word I want to say, say, have you ever been away,
Have you ever missed the good old USA?
When you get that itching in your shoes, go to any other land you choose,
See how quick you get those Yankee Doodle blues,
__You're singing, There's no land so grand as my land, from California to Manhattan isle,
__North and South, my sunny skyland, I love ev'ry mile!
__When I hear Yankee Doodle, that melody keeps on ringing in my ear,
__Yankee Doodle, that melody makes me stand right up and cheer, I'm coming!
__USA, I'll say I love you! Make me lose those Yankee Doodle blues!
music and lyrics by Louis Armstrong
Me and Brother Bill went hunting, up in the woods of eastern Maine,
The reason why we went up there, we thought we could catch some game.
As me and Brother Bill were hunting, way in the middle of the night,
We shot at something like a grizzly bear, and the doggone thing turned white.
__Oh, I dropped that gun, and away I run,
__Brother Bill said, "Boy, what's the matter with you?"
__Had he known like me, he'd a run some too.
__I run so fast they say that they couldn't catch me all day.
__The way I run across that field, you couldn't catch me with an automobile.
Brother Bill got so excited, he really took a shot at me.
The bullet whizzed just past my ear and sizzled right through a tree.
I run until I was exhausted, my feet were dragging on the ground,
I said, "Big feet, come on and do your stuff, 'cause we're Alabamy bound."
__Oh, I dropped that gun, and away I run,
__Brother Bill said, "Boy, what's the matter with you?"
__Had he known like me, he'd a run some too.
__I run so fast they say that they couldn't catch me all day.
__The way I run across that field, you couldn't catch me with an automobile.
lyrics by Don Raye
Struttin' with some barbecue, swingin' with the band,
Like the happy people do, way down in Dixieland.
Hear that ol' trombone and the trumpet ad lib,
Love to hear the lick, while I do my pickin', pickin' on a juicy rib.
'Cause I'm struttin' with some barbecue, feelin' mighty grand,
Pass another helpin', please, of that good ol' Dixieland.
And Mister Waiter, if you please, another rib or two,
And I'll go strut, strut, struttin', struttin' with some barbecue.
Fill the steins to dear old Maine! Fill as the rafters ring!
Stand and drink the toast once again! Let every loyal Maine man sing!
Drink to all the happy hours, drink to the careless days!
Drink to Maine, our Alma Mater, the college of our hearts always!
__To the trees, to the sky, to the Spring in its glorious happiness,
__To the youth, to the fire, to the life that is moving and calling us,
__To the Gods, to the Fates, to the Rulers of men and their destinies,
__To the lips, to the eyes, to the girls who will love us some day!
Fill the steins to dear old Maine! Fill as the rafters ring!
Stand and drink the toast once again! Let every loyal Maine man sing!
Drink to all the happy hours, drink to the careless days!
Drink to Maine, our Alma Mater, the college of our hearts always!
_______"Opie" march, named by its composer E. A. Fenstad after fellow military musician
_______James Opie Brockenshire (1865–1938), was first published by Carl Fischer in 1901.
_______In The Maine Alumnus 1930 January is an article: Lincoln Colcord '04 Wrote Stein
_______Song in Half Hour. Professor A. W. Sprague of the Department of Music, tells the story
_______of the origin of the Maine Stein Song. "Following the close of my sophomore year at
_______the University I was filling a summer musical engagement in Bar Harbor in orchestra
_______and band work. On some of the concert programs there was included the military march
_______'Opie', composed by Fenstad, a United States Army bandmaster. One strain of this march
_______was particularly striking as to melody and rhythmic vitality.... The following year
_______(1904-5) I received the appointment as leader of the University Band.... Lincoln Colcord
_______was my room-mate.... We were preparing a concert program for presentation in Alumni
_______Hall, and I handed one of the band parts of the march 'Opie' to Colcord and asked him if
_______it wasn't worthy of some Maine words. He took it down to the piano in the music room
_______and within a half-hour was back with the Stein Song just as it is today." In 1910, Carl
_______Fischer published "The Maine Stein Song" version of Fenstad's "Opie" march. In 1929,
_______Paramount produced a newsreel, released in 1930, of the University of Maine honoring
_______A. W. Sprague and Lincoln Colcord for creating the song. In 1930, Carl Fischer
_______published "Stein Song" arranged by Rudy Vallée with only opening measures of the
_______1910 march as an introduction to the song. For those having no emotional attachment
_______to Maine, Vallée included alternate words to sing: "dear old Maine / college days";
_______"Maine man sing / man now sing"; "Maine, our Alma Mater / her, our Alma Mater".
_______The Stein Song is enthusiastically performed and enjoyed in South Korea (VRVR).
1917 Hail To America Fred K. Huffer (1879-1943) SMAR
1917 On the Square Frank A. Panella (1878-1953) brother of Louis J. Panella SMAR
1918 Fight For Old Glory Bert Lee Fulton (1885-1935) brother of James M. Fulton SMVR
lyrics by Bert Lee Fulton
Patriotic men are volunteering to fight the enemy across the sea,
And men of ev'ry nation are appearing to fight the Battle of Democracy.
Oh, see them marching to the strains of martial music.
They're on the way to fight for Uncle Sam.
Here they come! Here they come! Hear the bugles and drums!
With swords and guns, American sons are proudly marching on to fight for Old Glory.
Three cheers for the pride of our nation, the finest boys in all creation.
Our army and navy, they will lead the way, defend the honor of the U. S. A.
__Fight for Old Glory and freedom too.
__Up, boys, be ready to help defend this land of ours, America.
__The bugle is calling, it calls for you.
__Fight for Old Glory, our Red, White and Blue.
lyrics by Lois Miller
When first our history began, Pennsylvania played a part.
At Brandywine and Gettysburg heroes fought with all their heart.
Now we sing the praises of this state of ours we love:
__O the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, finest state in all the land,
__With mills and mines and fertile valleys and brotherhood on ev'ry hand,
__In the Keystone place of honor, cradle of our liberty,
__O the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, God will keep us free!
The azure skies reflect the flames of our factories and mills.
Our farms are finest in the land, nestled in the fair foothills.
Teeming cities, world's acclaim, honor for all, our aim:
__O the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, finest state in all the land.
__With mills and mines and fertile valleys and brotherhood on ev'ry hand.
__In the Keystone place of honor, cradle of our liberty,
__O the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, God will keep us free!