Under the feathers

understanding the owl...

You're probably wondering why anyone would want to post poetry on the net, right? Well for me, at least, it's a kind of therapy. Expressing your feelings in poetry doesn't do a whole lot of good if nobody ever sees it. You might as well have never written it down. On the web it's easy to be anonymous -- but still take credit for your work.

I consider myself more of an artist than a poet, but for different reasons, I have to be both. My art focuses and intensifies my creative insanity. My poetry, however, lets the pressure off -- making it a little easier to cope with everyday life.

Oh, and here's "How to be a Poet in Two Easy Steps"
1. Lead a miserable life -- fight with your family, have back-stabbing friends, no self-confidence, and a horrendous fear of relationships, and:
2. Read a lot of books -- necessary to gain the literary skills never taught in English classes.

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