Wandering through memories

moments captured...

Occasionally I've had the urge to do some stream-of-conciousness writing. It usually works out to be a pretty good poem, but one centered on events and thoughts, rather than any specific emotion.


College Street

I walk in the early evening
where three seasons mingle

The last of fall leaves float
above me as i search for the moon;
a smiling bright crescent
and the change-wind of spring
sweeps through winter chill

Sunset's gaudy glow bathes the world
in pink i can taste, strawberry shortcake
with cool whip sweet on top

It points out to me two bright
stars-maybe-planets in magic
conjugation, close together in
blue-red but not purple sky

Stumblng feet drop my eyes toward
earthquake sidewalks, but glancing
up again i see a key, hanging on the fence
with a name in letter-beads

I wonder who would do such a thing,
and where the key might unlock
a door to, and leave it be

I pass the fairy cottage, wondering
if those who live within are home;
and what they do, anyway, those
ones who i have never seen

And it seems fitting that they should
drive a jeep wagoneer, somehow


"this place would burn easily," i think.
but she leads us on through the maze and drear
truths here a protest against grim and grimy worldings
and those who belong to this place pay us no heed
the back-alley nature of this place oppresses my dreams
the occasional brilliance seems only happenstance
and i wonder at those who can create in such a place,
for i could not.

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