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Kemerhisar'a (Tyana 'ya) Hoşgeldiniz...  III. Tyana Kültür ve Turizm Festivali 26-27 Temmuz
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Eroğuz KILINÇ 




Bor, or Poros in antiquity, is a carpet-weaving town, lying some 15km/9 miles south of Niğde in the fertile Bor Ovasi plain. Split in half by the Human Çayı, the plain is surrounded by steep-sided rocks. Around 1205, it is thought that the Seljuks founded a small Islamic settlement here and surrounded it with a clay brick wall (now ruined). It was here that 100 mortars produced gunpowder for the Ottoman troops using the saltpeter deposits in Kemerhisar. Places of interest in the town include the oldest mosque, Sari Cami (Yellow Mosque; 1205), the Ottoman Kale Camii (Castle Mosque; 1629) and the Seljuk caravanserai Bor Hani. Kemerhisar (formerly Kilisehisar) lies 25km/16 miles south of Niğde and is scattered over three hills on the site of the ancient town of Tyana. Semiramis, the legendary queen of Assyria and founder of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, is thought to have been instrumental in establishing Tyana, which dates from 1200 B.C. as a late Hittite principality, named Tuhana after the decline of the Hittite Empire. In the second half of the 8th century B.C. one of the rulers was Varpavalas whose stele can be seen in the Istanbul Archeological museum. Ancient remains on the site include a Doric marble pillar on the "Hill of Semiramis" and fifteen linked marble arches ("kemer", arches) of a Roman aqueduct. A path leads from the south of the site to the Baths of Kemerhisar which is mentioned in ancient writings. The warm water (15°C/60°F) containing sodium hydrogen carbonate, magnesium carbonate and salt was drunk for its healing powers. The site also comprises a bathing pool.Ancient Tyana, or what remains of it today, is located about ten minutes away from downtown Bor. Driving south, on the highway back to Ulukisla, almost on the outskirts of Bor, one enters the town of Kemerhisar, a small town that stretches in an east-west direction. The ruins of Tyana are located on the northern edge of Kemerhisar and are nothing more than an ancient aqueduct said to have been constructed by the Hittites and subsequently operated by the Greeks and Romans.

There is a legend about Tyana. It seems that at one point in its history, an eastern king named "Nimrud" paid a visit to Cappadocia to consult with a Tyanaean prophet and holy man. When this Nimrud expressed doubts about this holy man's abilities, the holy man performed several miracles to convince King Nimrud. When this holy man caused the water on the aqueduct to flow backwards, uphill, Nimrud doubted him no longer. Today there are two mountains in Turkey named after this King Nimrud, one near Lake Van and the another in southeastern Turkey.

 In the days 18-27 July 2001 has been lead to Tyana-Kemerhisar an archaeological recognition that has comprised the area of the ancient takeover and its surrounding territory. The recognition has had like constant reference the Tyana volume, III, Bonn 2000, edited by D. Berges and Jh. Nollé (n. 55 of the Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien), than a work of fundamental importance has been revealed, also in the reply with the so-called " truth land ", for the ancient acquaintance of the situated one. It in fact does not only limit itself to take in consideration the epigrafici witnesses, but it increases the study to all the other aspects that contribute to the historical-archaeological acquaintance, deepened much, of a field a lot important like that one of the Cappadocia south oriental. A field that must have always had a logistic role of great importance in the communications between the Anatolia inner and the Mediterranean sea and the coast. However the fields that in the job of the German colleagues have not been in part or for null considered, regard one adapted to analysis geomorfologia of the comprensorio and the realization of one archaeological cartography. In particular in the course of the recognition it has been videnziata the particular nature of the ground that introduces in terms is disseminated the phenomenon of the risorgenza of water bubbles in great mineral part. This aspect can be already found, in macrocospic terms, to a first approach to the territory in fact the density of arboreal essences and the great surface of the arboreal cape is index clearly of a water wealth that clearly distinguishes the Tyanitide from the comprensori finitmi. Such characteristic of risorgenza, associated to the mineral qualities of the water, is still today in small part taken advantage of from the local population like thermal structure. It seems therefore justified the choice vocazionale of the takeover of Tyana in a field of the Cappadocia wide that with the exception of other centers had water wealth also in superficial.Ambartepe

Of particular importance the long recognition has been found the aqueduct until Kask Hoyuk. The hydraulic work, as already it has been evidenced from the Tyana volume, beyond to snodarsi along a sinuosa line introduces a change of direction that does not seem imputable other that to one intention to refrain the sudden start of the water in the specus. The fort has been found also buries of the manufatto one that oriental of the subaerea structure would have above all to be inquired in the terminal field but, like was pointed out, particularly important has been the inspection to Kösk Hoyuk where the captazione of the water happened through a lapideo modular culvert. In the situated one beyond to the magnificent bathtub of remarkable dimensions, covered from modanati lapidei elements where still today sorgiva water gushes out, in directed relation with the swimming pool erge the relief of the Hoyuk where recent searches have brought to light an immense protostorico takeover. In truth the characteristics of the source that seem to confirm the descriptions of Filostrato and Ammiano Marecellino, let alone the same monumentalizzazione of the situated probable sorgivo and still meant the symbolic one of the overhanging Hoyuk hardly could make to prefer this situated one for the identification of the place where rose the tempio of Zeus Ambaios. Such acclimatization would seem more compatible respect that one commonly brought back of the situated Hortasan Gölü. If in fact this last one can show the same hydraulic characteristics evidenced from the literary sources, the environmental context would seem in some " anomalous " way regarding the situation of Kösk Hoyuk, situated this last one that could wide justify the reputation of one most particular sacred area. The only contradiction to this hypothesis is the tradition of the magical powers of this water that badly would be adapted to a destined source to water supplying (in so far as better would adapt Hortasan Gölü for the mud presence that could be puttinges in relation to that water that would remain fixed to the perjury). 

















KEMERHİSAR İÇMECELERİ :Bilgi ve Rezervasyon :Tel: 0 388 329 24 04 ; Fax: 0388 329 32 86  Bilgi İçin Kemerhisar İçmeleri Link ine giriniz.

  Ekim 2001 Tarihinden bugune kadar kisi ziyaret etmistir

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