Harry Gatton, of the Bremen community, has been selected Muhlenberg’s Master Farmer by a committee selected by Judge T.L Roll. Mr. Gatton is engaged in general farming, but specializes in livestock. The selection committee was composed of John T. Reynolds, R.W. Batsel,Jr., Paul Wickliffe. C.E. Martin, Ed Camp and McCown Ferguson.
July 4, 1930
Mrs. Gautie Henson, of Owensboro, is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. R.W. Batsel, Jr., and Mr. Batsel.
July 18, 1930
Master Lee Hill Batsel and Billy are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. Eva Barrett in Sacramento.
July 25, 1930
Paul Batsel and family of Lexington, Ky., and Virginia Batsel, of Salina, Kan., have been guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Batsel, Sr., of Central City this week. A reunion of the family was held Sunday at the home farm on the north edge of the county. Children and grandchildren, total 45, all were present except four. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed on the spacious lawn.
Mr. George Henson, of Charleston, Missouri, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. R.W. Batsel, and Mr. Batsel.
December 12, 1930
R. W. Batsel, Jr., and Mack Newman, editors of the Greenville Leader, were offering one-year subscriptions to the Louisville Times and the Greenville Leader both for only $3.
May 29, 1931
Dr. Clarence Woodburn, 67, one of the leading physicians of Central City, was fatally injured at 11 o'clock last Saturday morning when he was crushed between his automobile and a concrete retaining wall in front of the First National Bank building in Central City. Dr. Woodburn was picked up unconscious and died two hours later. Dr. Woodburn had been a practicing physician in Muhlenberg county for 40 years. He married Miss Mattie Coffman, and for many years they lived in Breman, moving from that place to Central City. He is survived by hiw widow, one son, William Woodburn, a druggist in Dawson Springs, and three daughters, Mrs. Columbus Donovan, Mrs. J.C. Batsel and Miss Wilda Woodburn, Central City.
May 10, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Batsel, Jr., last Sunday afternoon and evening.
May 24, 1935
The Senior Girl Reserve was active during the Greenville school year of 1934-35, as the following will disclose: Officers for the school year were: Louise Elkins, president; Frances Noffsinger, vice president; Dorothy Rice, secretayr; Martha K. Denney, treasurer; Mildred Johnston, program chairman; Ruth Cohen, social chairman; Nancy Kimmel, Elizabeth Stirsman, Margaret Shutt and Hazel Cohen, social committee; Nancy Martin, service chairman; Helen Blackwell, Emma Jean Hunter and Jean Taylor, service committee. Delegates to the Conference at Providence were Jane Rice, Nancy Martin, Martine Peveler and Louise Elkins.
May 31, 1935
Paul Henson, Paul Mitchell, Loran Dempsey, Carroll Cornette and James Dennis spent last week end in Benton and Murray.
June 28, 1935
Among the students represented in the enrollment for the first term of the 1935 summer session at the University of Kentucky are the following from Muhlenberg county: Paul Wayne Batsel, of Bremen; J.C. Eaves, of Hillside; Kathryn Armstrong, of Central City; Margaret Curd, Julia Jane Glenn, Clara Lee Boggess. Mary Belle Warren, Mrs. Homer Roark and Mrs. R.W. Carden, all of Greenville.
December 13, 1935
Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Batsel, of Sacramento, were guests last weekend of Misses Jean and Jane Taylor.
January 17, 1936
Thomas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Henson, died last Friday morning of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the home of R.W. Batsel, Jr., Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. M.H. Stroud and the Rev. H.M. Davis in charge. Burial followed in the Gray lot at Fairmont Cemetery, Central City.
June 5, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Vollie Forney announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Ellen, to Mr. Wayne Batsel, of Bremen. The wedding took place at the home of the bride on Wednesday, May 27, and the couple left at once for a short trip to Michigan and Niagra Falls. They will make their home in Bremen, where Mr. Batsel is a teacher of vocational agriculture.
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© Greenville Leader-News, Greenville, KY