Mrs. Conner Brown and children of Lexington are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Brown and other relatives.
Mrs. Gautie Henson of Benton, formerly of Greenville, is very ill at her home and friends are anxious of her condition.
Shown in their white caps and gowns in a front-page photo by Clovis Nuss were the graduating members of Mrs. Everard Bryan’s kindergarten class: Jennifer Atkins, Martha Lou Henson, Mary Margaret Taylor, Bobby Allen, Jimmy Mulligan, Tony Kaiser, Wallace Lanford, Sara Jo Wood, Lynn Campbell, Jane Dempsey, Neville Jeffress, Jane Craig, Tommy Lewis, Tom Donan, Joy Harkins, Carroll Martin, Barry Arbuckle, Trent Kelly, Jimmy Webb, Bill Dexter, Glenna Turner, Teddy Solzmann, Jerry Moore, Ellen Rodman, Bruce Forgy, Dee Stokes and Carolyn Ross.
Batsel’s Super Market, Greenville’s newest food market, was offering a 5-pound bag of Florida oranges for 33 cents, and a 5-pound bag of Florida grapefruit for 29 cents.
June 16, 1960
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henson and family, of South Fort Mitchell, Ky., have been guests of Mrs. D.O. Kimmel during the week.
July 7, 1960
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henson of South Fort Mitchell, Ky., have been guests of Mrs. D.O. Kimmel during the week. Martha and Tommy will return home with them after a visit here.
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© Greenville Leader-News, Greenville, KY