Fifty boys and girls in the Greenville high school will receive diplomas Thursday evening, May 16, if all survive final examinations. This is the largest class in the history of the local high school. The list of tentative graduates is as follows: Betty Brown, Geraldine Brown, Joe Nell Cornette, Anna Frances Denny, Margaret Boone Duncan, Julia Ellen Ford, Emogene Fitshugh, Helen Fitshugh, Ann Haley, Mary Boyce Hudspeth, Mary Louise Johnson, Mildred Lantrip, Reid Lovell, Margaret McPherson, Pauline Miller, Phyllis Mitchell, Martha Mullen, Mary Ernest Oates, Mary Elizabeth Parker, Mary A. Quinsberry,Icelia Robertson. Loudelle Rowe, Carmon Steele, Imogene Stovall, Inez Sweeney, Lucille Wells, Ruth Wells, Thelma Lee Wines, Harry Breamer, Raymond Cornette, Edwin Cotton, Eddie Countzler, Raymond Geibel, G.C. George, Jr., Robert Greene, Edwin C. Hancock, J.W. Hanock,Clyde Heltsley, Eldon Johnson, Harold Locke, T.J. Martin, Howard Mohon, Aaron Moss, John Robert Shutt, Roy Smith, Jr., William Smith, Marvin Wells, Jr., Arrington Wickliff, James Williams and Robert Winterberger.
June 14, 1940
Mrs. J.E. Eades and Mrs. Charles Bennett Greenwood and daughter Margaret Ann, of Central City, amd Mr. Allie Adkins, of West Palm Beach, Fla., were guests Monday of Mrs. Russell Ford and Mr. Ford.
June 28, 1940
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henson gave a dinner at their cafe last Friday eveing (for) Miss Ann Haley, who left this week for Illinois, for an indefinite stay.
Mr. Paul Henson was home from Louisville for the weekend and he and Mrs. Henson had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Moffett, of Washington and North Carolina.
July 5, 1940
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Cully, Mr. and Mrs. James Gillem, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henson, Misses Ruby Bivin, Virginia Simpson, Barbara Ford, Louise Elkins, Mary Claud Mercer, Messrs. Bob Walker, Jimmy Dennis, Loran Dempsey, Jimmy Adcock and Billy Bandy spent last week end at camp at Dawson Springs.
June 21, 1945
Miss Barbara Batsel was home from Louisville for the weekend.
July 12, 1945
Lieutenant and Mrs. Lee Hill Batsel and little son spent several days in Greenville this week visiting relatives and friends. Lieutenant Batsel, in the air corps, is being transferred from Roswell to Clovis, New Mexico.
July 19, 1945
Lieut. and Mrs. Lee Hill Batsel and young son, Michael, have returned to Texas after spending Lieut. Batsel’s furlough with his family here.
Misses Barbara and Nancy Batsel, of Louisville, spent the weekend here with their grandmother, Mrs. Gautie Henson, and other relatives.
May 30, 1946
At the commencement exercises of the Greenville high school Thursday evening, May 23, Marvin Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Perry, won three awards which are given annually to outstanding students of the senior class. He is the first student in the history of the school to win all three of these coveted awards. The Hale Loving Cup, which has been given for many years by Mrs. Virginia Hale, is for the senior having the highest scholastic average. The Kiwanis Citizenship Cup is given to the seior who is judged to be the best citizen both in civic and school affairs. The Baush-Lomb Science Award, a bronze medal mounted in walnut, is given to the senior who is judged best in science over a four-year period. Miss Linda Batsel won second place in the Kiwanis Citizenship Cup, and Miss Ruby Nell Ford was second in scholarship.
June 13, 1946
Miss Linda Batsel is leaving this week to enter Andrew Jackson Business College in Nashville.
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