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The Robin Hood Cooperation
(raising planetary consciousness)
Robin Hood was a well educated man, with a vast knowledge of the truth,
and a desire to maintain and grow the free will of the people
This is HIS web site
(Includes philosophy, paranormal, UFOs, spiritual, anarchy, environmental, meditation, holidays, courses, Thailand, Ra, Yoga, Tai Chi, tours, handicrafts, herbs,
Choose a colour which fits your mood or chakra openings
Red - Anger, Action,
Dear Merry Men and Women,
I am building a web page for our fantasy outfit, The Robin Hood Cooperation.

I am not an artist, nor an images expert, and I would like to have a really good picture on the page.

I am in the process of building a complete web site, and have posted a sort of first shot page and I would like the image to fit to the left of the chakra colours above.
Do you have any suitable images which can be transmitted to me? Another problem is that my phone line is very slow, so sort of the simpler the better. Only an artist will understand "really good" and "simple".
 I believe Will Scarlet was an artist you know. He learned many skills from Friar Tuck, who was actually one of the most advanced spiritualists in the country, and had powers akin to those of Merlin, his "brother in the occult" from King Arthur's Times.
He was also Robin's teacher, but these facts have been kept quiet, awaiting the shift in consciousness of the people so that they are able to see through the veil of illusion.

To be continued on the new web page.

Why not sponsor the building of the new page.
Or, to be a little more Robin style, why not enquire about making a donation, with all sorts of prizes available, dependent on the size, of your donation.

If You have a web page which you feel is suitable for inclusion here, then please take a look at " Membership

Membership of The Robin Hood Cooperation

 assisting in the raising of planetary consciousness.
The above is underlined, because it is important.

If you do not know what it means, or if your product/service/page/self does not have a similar vibration, then you are reading the wrong web page.
We have a humour page at:-
 Robin Hoods Humour Page (Updated for the millennium)

Membership is free, but we wlcome all enquiries regarding donations, no matter how small.

And just to fill in this space while we are designing the rest of the site, we will give you a link to some of the pages of current members. When we have enough members, we will start to organise the index.

If you have read this far, then there is sufficient interest for you to mail me. Please offer a web page if you have anything suitable.
If it contains an advert for your own work, no problem. If possible we would like to avoid commercial advertisemants, and therefore forego sponsorship opportunities. Hence the donations (we require about $750 per month to work full time). 75 new members oer month at $10 would mean a rapidly expanding and exciting project.

We will find a new permanent site for the page as soon as someone offers one!

The objectives of the exercise are as follows:-
Primary Objective - to assist in the raising of planetary consciousness.

Secondary objective: To give light workers a method of promoting their services, whether free or charged. We believe that blatant advertising should be avoided, but if someone is looking for the services which you provide, then they should be able to find you..

Third objective: To create a community of people who have dedicated at least part of their lives to the service of others.

Fourth objective: To provide a rapid reference library of related information.
    As we collect together more page links, each contributor will be able to pick up more links for his/her own page, and we will be able to put many more strands in the web.

Fifth objective: Joint promotion.
If every member agrees to include a reference to this site on their e-mail signatures, then we can can gain the necessary publicity for each of us, without having to spend hard earned readies on advertising. Any lightworker who is able to cut his costs is able to do more light work, and if there needy people who are able to reach you, then there is more work to be done.

So, please help by sending us your page (and a few dollars if you can afford it)

Have Fun!

These are the members to date:

 The Robin Hood Cooperation Mk 1.
                  David's Consultancy
                                 Tai Chi Chuan in Northern Thailand
                                                 Billy's Hideaways
                                                             A Hypothesis
                                                                        The Robin Hood Bugle Archives
                                                                                 The Amazing Thailand Tour

Martyn Carruthers <>
  SoulCentred Changework

Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Uaxac Cib <>
 Ceiling fan maintenance specialist since 1943

Dr. Jai Maharaj <>
  Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer

Ponderosa <Robinhd@loxinfo>
 Environmental activist, and Vocal Yoga Practicioner

And, not to forget the place where we all met


 Please send mail to:-

 David G. West